CUGGE mfl@flfl@ Berklee Faculty Association Concert Series Q@ Voices rior i fhagre e SR A e oS s e Jack Stock e trambohc PanOrama —ce i ool a0t s e g Kai Wigpding Kevin Haines, Kenny Crane, Carl Miller, John Schermer Doning "lEecs v s 0 s the i g Charlie Parker Phil Wilson, Tony Lada, Dennis Wilson INTERMISSION Dog™s Teombones ..o 0 e i s e Rich Allan Berklee International Dues Band & , o Berklee Trombone Choir % Soloists: Phil Wilson, Tony Lada SPECIAL AWARD PRESENTATION TO LAWRENCE BERK FROM: The International Trombone Association, The Founders" of Boston Sackbut Week and Trombonists everywhere: In recognition of and appreciation for his constant help and encouragement to Boston Sackbut Week and his continuing dedication to music education and support for all facets of the music community. Harvest. = ovo o o T i s s a i s Phil Wilson Massed Trombones & Dues Band