Berkice Performance Center Concerts June 10 June 15 June 24 July 6 July 7 July 9 July 15 July 16 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 27 July 28 August 6 August 10 Summer 1981 Spirit of Summer — Student Lioyd Wiison leads his 40-piece orchestrain a program of rhythm and blues, funk, neo-classical and gospel. The Jan Jarczyk Concert with Guest Stars — Faculty trombonist Jarczyk presents an evening of jazz standards and originals in trio and big band settings. Guest stars will include Greg Hopkins, Eric Daniel and the Rever- ence Gospel Ensemble. Ictus: Future Winds — directed by David Mash. This progressive jazz- fusion sextet plays original compositions from their début album “Future Winds” (Airborn Records) as well as new material. Orskybysky’s Dream — A tribute to Bill Evans, Charles Mingus and Blue Mitchell by student David Norum’s jazz orchestra. Five As One — Faculty member George Garzone presents his quintet in a program of original jazz compositions and improvisation. The Tomas San Miguel Trio — Student pianist San Miguel and his trio in a program that blends jazz standards and originals. Batuque — Music from Brazil presented by Riccardo Lobo de Andrade and his 1 1-piece band. The Gathering — An evening of high-energy jazz in a sextet setting, under the direction of Ferdinando Arno. Mandinga — Student guitarist Dan Roth with his popular group “Mandinga” in their second Performance Center Concert offers a program of Brazilian music. Go Ahead, Back Up — Faculty member Steve Bauer will lead his large band in an evening of contcmporary sounds; featuring original reggae, dixieland jazz and new music. Spring Extensions — Art Lillard returns to the Performance Center with his group “Spring” in a concert of contemporary chamber and jazz music. Thomebird — directed by student composer/trumpeter Edwina Thorne. Thornebird is a concept that incorporates the leading female musicians at Berklee and in Boston. The quintet has worked extensively in the Boston area and has made a number of radio appearances. Just For The Funk Of It — Again — Faculty members Steve Olenick and Robert Doezema present an evening of original funk music. The Rick DePofi Concert — Student saxophonist/composer DePofi leads his eight-piece band in a concert of straight-ahead jazz. An Evening with the Dues Band — The International Dues Band, directed by Phil Wilson, returns to highlight the semester with its usual exciting program. The Rodolfo Reyes Group — Music of a latin/jazz flavor performed in both small and big band groups led by student saxophonist Rodolfo Reyes.