ABOUT THE ACTORS Nolan Murphy has performed in Legally Blonde, BPC Screams, Hairspray, and Footloose at Berklee. He thanks Rene and the cast for this awesome opportunity. Justin Reeves is graduating in a few days! He will be heading to China for / Love you you're perfect now change. Christian Potterton has been performing since he was 10. Favorite credits include Legally Blonde and Footloose. Sydney Dorin thanks the cast and crew for their work on this original production. Previous credits include HAIR and Spring Awakening. Alexis Colett is a voice over actor. Previous credits include Hairspray and Everybody Wants to Rule the World. Laure Zaehringer has performed in piano & voice since she was 6. Previous credits include Legally Blonde. Kira Sarai Helper has done musicals for 6 years. Her previous credits include Spring Awakening & HAIR. Toni Campbell is a music therapy major with a passion for theater. Previous credits include HAIR. Robert Gould has been entertaining since the age of 4. Previous credits include Divas Dictators and Queens. Bridgette Graham is thrilled to be a part of Pinocchio as her last Berklee show. Previous credits include Paulette (Legally Blonde,) and Tracy (Hairspray.) Erica Meerbach began musical theater in 2010 and dove in head first without looking back. She looks forward to playing Helena in A Little Mischief this Fall. Alexae Connor has been on both sides of the curtain for years. Credits include Legally Blonde and The Wiz. Jay Kelley is a performance bombshell! He was previously in HAIR at Berklee.