Berklee JFaculty Asseciation Concert Series Much of the music in tonight's concert will be spontaneously concieved and performed. In addition, some of the following compositions will be played: BONgINg i .o i gy Ll e B Jules Thayer Glassmate Xt suaciianlin i aiian Lo e Steve Dorocke Meteor Bluiesiiin odlvan e di s et alil it e Gl i Scott Robinson INMtor Gray’ (ool imasinsiori i s s e Annelise Zamila The Manifestations of His Presence Wexe: Glecarly Evident ool s Rob Rushing The Experience of & LITeRIRe ... . ici . sic < IScOtt Robinsen JukelsaWoven-Hat & EoEits Wild Dance .o -0, o . Julian Thayer For the Nature Spirit, For the Universal Soul ... Steve Dorocke PO World Feate In 10RE Lo el i leeiiaaa Scott Robinson Restllecsiilinfie o o oo il sy aii i s n e Julian Thayer From the Archives of the Energy Capitol of the Solar System ....... Scott Robinson