Berklee Ccellegs off [uwsie Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Tuesday, April 24, 1984 4:00 pm THE ROAD NOT TAKEN under the direction of TIM MURNER/KAREN OOSTERMAN o The Road Not Taken .o i oisin v on i oo Bl 0o T. Murner There Is No Greater love il - L. it v iscin, viu v s Symes-Jones MOOR Dante vl i e o e n e b s e e ek ety V. Morrison I Really Can't See You NOW ......ccceecececnnannnnn K. Qosterman Blaght & DAY .. i i e ek am b Sy C. Porter S ; INTERMISSION Rodd SORG & i idcai i i var v oudova s n ik W. Montgomery On The Wings DF 1OVe . ... viteevnbaviorotmesfenaioyos J. Osborne Pall Mo You'll BERY ... vis il s siviiassansvavynabi¥ans E. Andrews With One More Lok . At YOU . cveice. oiiice sioaie s williams-Ascher Are You Watching Me NOW ....c.cccceeccccacecccns .