m:v David Friend Recital Hall Concerts ‘ February 3 — The Mitch Seidman Trio — Faculty guitarist Mitch Seidman < leads a trio performing original jazz compositions and standards accom- panied by bassist Bill Morrison and drummer Luther Gray. February 4 — Harp Extravaganza: Berklee Harpi’ ts in Concert — Faculty ~ harpist Felice Pomeranz presents classical and jazz by Grandjany, Miles " Davis, A.C. Jobim, Hovhaness and others for Berklee harp faculty and stu- = = dents Marimikel Charrier and Marissa Knaub. Featured guests include Performance Division Dean Flutist Matt Marvuglio, faculty percussionist Ricardo Monzon; and faculty bassist Barry Smith. February 5 — The Berklee Bob Marley Ensemble - Faculty pianist Matt Jenson presents a student ensemble performing the music of the Jamai- « - can musical icon Bob Marley. February 11 — Storytellers - Voice department faculty Didi Stewart pre- sents her students performing pop/rock songs by contemporary singer- songwriters. Storytellers performers reveal the stories behind the song making for a personal, intimate concert experience. oz February 12 — Jazz Vocal Series - Under the direction of faculty vocalist Maggi Scott, alums of previous jazz vocal series performances will perform jazz standards accompanied by a faculty rhythm section including Scott on piano. Special guests: Vox One. February 17 — Scat Trall Blues Visur Dance Pols —Under the direction of _ 4 Berklee faculty member Allen LeVines, the 14 voice Scandinvian Vocal Ensemble “Stambandet” performs authentic Nordic music including dance ~ tunes and ballads from Norway and Sweden as well as “trall,” Scandinavia’s unique vocal imitation of fiddlers playing dance music—a tradition often compared with scat singing. ’ February 19 - Untied Skates of Amanita — Faculty guitarist Ed Blomquist ; presents collective free improvisation for guitar, synthesizers, drums, saxo- phone and experimental instruments. Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC 1140 Boylston Street Boston, Massachusetts 02215-3693