Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1w, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Wednesday, May 10, 1989 4:00 pm SENIOR VOICE RECITAL* presented by KRISTEN GULDSETH T e aBaMIS IO o s s e Se i e A sas el v oo atonaliiane SOREELHES K- By NOEs By o TR i T e . Kander & EbD BB FRIMA NOVE o v § e e e oA « « « « « o John Dankworth I:oh8ll Marry The MIIab s PO . i ot e v. Stephen Sondheim BARRIY L SRR Y e e e R SRS T e s Stevie Womder Eletals ey ity LN R TR B R A Billy Joel INTERMISSION Is That &A1l There 187 . v i A T e Leiber & Stoller IBYe Alwbght With e . 50 UG i ks e e e ol ROLeR Yol vecChasGeda i b a0 v e idae 3 e i s aa Carl Fisher Eim: Shadowing: YoM tv s & i i S Ui i wa s e ibe eMereer-Dearie Hallelnlah 1 Lave HEmBO L0 4 e iw s S e v e BN ChEries SLartnt . e . SN s NE N « « « « « o Carmichael-Parish THE PERFORMERS Vocals, KRISTEN GULDSETH, Arlingtonm, VA Piano, CURT JOHNSON, Prior Lake, MN Special Guest, Bass, ERIK APPLEGATE, Rockford, IL *In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Mustic,