Berklee Faculty Association Concert Series FALL TOGETHER 1988 coordinated by KEN PULLIG & BOB PILKINGTON Legacy of the Blues . . sy Ted Pease soloists: Phil Wilson, Dave Johnson Bruce szbng Cat's Paw «y n s wortivok son it e Benaik w5 5 DU NN Vanishing Breed . . . sl einiati e v N SCOLL Brice soloist: Matt Marvuglio Thea .. BA el b v v ey T TGN soloist: Dave Johnson Nuclear Zn o o LBl PLARINgton soloists: AZan HaZZ Bob PIZktngton Lennie Peterson Night Wings . | G Mol e, L Dick, Lowell , 8olotat: Fony Lada Harvest Rites(from the Mystery Hill Suite) Brute Thomas soloists: Bruce Thomas, Phil Scarff Dialogue '88: Politickle Your Fancy A Sequence of Songs, Readings and Jazz Moments soloists: Dominique Eade, Bob Zung, Christian Jacob, Greg Badolato