Berklee COLLEGE OF MLUSIC Recital Hall 1w, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Wednesday, August 12, 1992 4:00pm STRAIGHT AHEAD presented by K. BRASS AEleeE Mo ol s e e s e e e G e Miles Davis So What bl e it sl s e e e s S L s Tl e s e e e e Miles Davis THE ROCKIN’ BROTHERS BLOW IT OUT presented by TOM STEIN Jumpin' Jack Flaglic. o oiic o 8o aiioe 6 ans oun K. Richards-M. Jagger/B. Winn Makin“ Core (OF BUSARNESS & . oo . o 0 & oo codiais Bachman-Turner/T. Stein Rock=n-Roll Hootechile—-Goor. & = i & ot ii i vic o oie ots R. Derringer/T. Stein FUSION RECITAL presented by BERT COTTON @lsey SErat L5 ¢ i coa i i e Beate ane Rl gl e The Meters Looks Bad,; Fegls Qo000 s o v s wvia- sideiemudng o ousne e icne iy e Tim Landers 5 WEEK ENS presented by JACKSON SCHULTZ Sen JORFNEY il v h e e e e e b e e 5l Chick Corea BLUE MELLOW TONES presented by RANDY FELTS Walk eTallss s e s G b e i o0 S e sl SR e U (eie G C. Adderly Ao Blues s sasn i g s tee e T g e s S il ae s L er Wihsiaieniie et M. Santamaria THE B14 BAND presented by KEVIN BARRY PThet0Gean: @t 7 0 o o e S L S e e et e e Jimmy Page VT s e e s SN e s s e e e e e e Neil Peart-Alex Lifeson