Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Wednesday, May 6, 1992 4:00pm JAZZ VOCAL SERIES presented by MAGGI SCOTT Maan - To Me -5 sz vl o0 s Rats ol e can i Llaain s n o o Turk—Ahlert Cry Me ARiver . . . . .. .. ... ... .. ........ Arthur Hamilton CHANDELLE RIMMER, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA AnghtInTunJ.s:La....................... D. Gillespie Memories of "TOMOrTrow. @ el ol Bl s il Sass Ly s e e T e e f IAm:0ld Fashioned .. o 5 S el e 0 s oo s Rgdgers—HATt How Long Has This Been G01ng on S e e e S e G ERr e DONNA BAIONE, Reading, MA It Pan't Mean & TNENG Lo 00 T S T e e DU ET Lo SReupdoMidnaghits io - (ol aasens e me s La i D e i e L T Nonk Honeysuekile Rose el o Ll i oo o oo s ol log s s 0 s LR cifaller YouDontKnowWhatLoveIs.................. Raye-DePaul KEMBA FRANCIS ' Brooklyn, NY EasyToLove........... P s sn o e sl i g s G o PoPEoR Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Mogk oed 0 s Lh o s S Wh T CATERINA ZAPPONI, Rome, ITALY OnevNote s\Sambar sy s s e e ha e e e S G C L Jobim fush: Tibe g o sy ra i nte s o e L s s il e D Bl SErSyROTh ALEX PANAYI, Nicosia, CYPRUS Chotiondo Na Boeaiyrs. 00 L Do e g s e s e L R e e Qlas o s Has i e ey L S e s S s A c0 . PaSEOrIUS SOLANGE VERGARA, Paris, FRANCE Cheda: PerBandade v o o @ s ol 0t O s il Sl s s EAie L Jobim Yeskerdays:: iy o ol i g in e bl e e s e s e (T KT KENYA HATHAWAY, Chicago, IL