Berklee Gellege of (llude Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thursday, July 8, 1982, 4:00 pm THE JOHN LAPORTA CONCERT SERIES PRESENTS: TAKA GROUP under the direction of TAKAYUKI EMORI In Your Own Sweet WAV ..c.ccerseoesrsoonscesasassnsooociostnsssie BEUEE i i s iR e s e VR o e Ve s e A L b LR R B Bany LiMANE . sivesivitsnnramabeiinduiiadna e prsnhiin e ges Robin/Rainger i e R e R Steve Swallow L A S e R e e Dick Odgren & PERSONNEL Guitar, TAKAYUKI EMORI, Tokyo, JAPAN. Tenor, AKIO MIYAZAKI, Oita, JAPAN Tenor, DOUG WEBB, NY, NEW YORK. Piano, DAISUKE IWASAKI, Fukuoka, JAPAN. Bass, JOHN TURNER, Boston, MASSACHUSETTS. Drums, DAVID WOOD, Ottawa Ont, CANADA. OUR RECITAL under the direction of & NICOLAS VILLAMIZAR MEIDRIO il e el et s i e s comp./arr. N. Villamizar CRRELON i i cris i isinicriiutinii s it s i, Pablo Milanes 1L You Nevar ©ome o MB. . iiis iineiisadscivniiasiveniis iy A.C. Jobim PEEA VEUIY (0 0 it i it it e s i Pablo Milanes My FPoolish - Heart ........... eeeeetsieeiaeiiciateattitteaiinann Washington/Young BAYTOCK - ol il i s st b i iR e comp./arr. N. Villamizar *all arrangements by Nicolas Villamizar PERSONNEL Piano-Vocals-Keyboards, NICOLAS VILLAMIZAR, Caracas, VENEZUELA. Vocals, MARIA MARQUEZ, Caracas, VENEZUELA. Vocals, MARISELA LEAL, Caracas, VENEZUELA. Guitar, ALVARO FALCON, Caracas, VENEZUELA. Bass, LUIS EMILIO MAURI, Caracas, VENEZUELA. Vocals-Keyboards, SCARLET ANTALOCZY, Hamilton Ont, CANADA. Drums, ICHIRO ONOE, Tokyo, JAPAN. Percussion, RUMAS BARRETT, Bronx, NEW YORK. Reeds, BOB PATTON, Philadelphia, PENNSYLVANIA.