The Pierrot Lunaire Ensemble Directed by Robin Ginenthal Une flGte invisible (1885) Charles Camille Saint-Saéns (1835-1921) Text by Victor Hugo (1802-1885), from Les Contemplations (1846) The Mad Maid’s Song David Diamond (1915) (1937, revised 1953) Text by Robert Herrick (1591-1674) Soir Paien ' Georges Adolphe Hie (1858-1948) Text by André Lebey (1877-1938) L'Alouette (1925) Maurice Delage (1879-1961) Robin Ginenthal, soprano, faculty, Ear Training Louis Stewart, piano, faculty, Composition Kenji Kikuchi, flute, Berklee ‘93 Deux Stéles Orientées (1925) Jaques lbert (1890-1962) Text by Victor Segalen (1878-1919) I. Mon amante a les vertus de |'eau... II. Om me dit... Robin Ginenthal, soprano, faculty, Ear Training Kenji Kikuchi, flute, Berklee ‘93 from Folk Song Arrangements (1843-1961) Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) I will give my love an apple (Dorset Folk Song, U.K.) Sailor-boy (Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky,U.S.) Bonny at Morn (Northumberland Folk Song ,U.K.) The Shooting of his Dear (Norfolk Folk Song, U.K.) Robin Ginenthal, soprano, faculty, Ear Training Harry Chalmiers, guitar, VP, Academic Affairs/Provost