JIM KELLY & FRIENDS under the direction of JIM KELLY Soodbye Pork Pie Hat . & . o'« v vin « + « « Charice Merous The Peeling of Jaze? . .+ v [ .2 v - i Duke BiOinooon Ofice Around The BIoGk -, o v e 2wy im ke lly Someone Elge Is Stepping 0N . v o va v Dennis LaSalle Sikting I Lanmbo. .0 o o e e s e Jug Tt The Sky Is Cryin' . . . . .. . s . . James-Robinson-Lewis Every Night: Of The Week . ¢ :7:0 ¢ .5 . « Ted Jarrett INTERMISSION FREE T1HE under the divection of CLAYTON ADAMS, RICHARD BUTTON DAN MICHAEL KRISHER, DON LANG Sleep Watch Her Eyes Reaction Can't Wait Another Spirit Jupiter Flight Step Thrill of the Hunt Everyday Shapes of Clouds Free Time All Selections Composed By The Members of Free Time