pril 4 - Songwfltas IfightXI Thxs evenmgs concert showcases the winers of 2 the annual college-wide songwriting contest. Under the direction of faculty member Bob Wemgart, the performances will range fmm altemat:ve rock to folk 0 e mstram pop and German Art Song : , : lntemational Folk F&sfival -Thxs specxal eVent, sponsored by the Perfor- Studies Department, the Office of the Dean of Students and the Student ies Center, will feature ten ensembles representing Mexico, Peru, China, Rico, Venezuela, Greece, Brazil, Poland, The Alpen Reglon and Russia the music of their native homelands. There will also be a special perfor- e nce of Japanese music led by Piano faculty member Makoto Takanaka. This presentanon is dedncated to the earthquake victims of Japan Foltomng the = = performance, eeveryone is invited to a party in the Dmmg Ha]l where food from und the world can be sampled : : , = Apnl 11 Professional Writing Division 1995 Awards Concert Thxs concert, inder the direction of Divsion Chair Joe Smith, will feature the music of student award winners from each department in the Professional Writing Division. Mu51cal : styles zmd instrumentation will vary fmm small to Large ensembles ' ,Darreereiey,APam LaBelle and many others A vanety of mstmmemal semngs and : ‘an*angements have been wntten espec:ally for thlS event 2 ’lhePerformance Cemer atBerklee Coilegeof Music is a ‘I'icketmaster outlet