Berklee Faculty Asseciation Concert Series FALL TOGETHER under the direction of KEN PULLIG/BOB PILKINGTON Dy o B e e i R G Do g gl Ted Pease Kangaroas o0 o e gt L RS L e e Phil Wilson Timestones (from The Mystery Hill Suite) . . . Bruce Thomas Snowscape! ThcantatIons il ok s R Ken Pullig INTERMISSION Br i ghite @ Nes - idas i e onilmiienh i G S Greg Hopkins Elegy For The Spatrrow(To JoM.) e s e ’ i ORASMEaRREa -, o el R L Ken Pullig IBR'C 10 W BB LR R R e Phil Wilson T Bdieais euh dia s e T KR e B O e Y Bob Pilkington % ‘3 L ot 41