Berl:,le*e Faculty Asseciation Concert Series TRIO AND QUARTET under the direction of ALLAN CHASE What Is 7his Thing Called Lovers . . i ¢ ¢ v & Cole Porter Bye=—Yel il e s s Thelonious Monk POADIR e s g e L e e e : Jon Damian Mk BMEIOE. - 0O s e e e Benny Moten FeliCamuche oo nng Lo alhah iy ia A.C. Jobim-L. Bonfa/ SEvande RO . o 0L G e R Sonny Rollins INTERMISSION Midnight EXDYess « o i uis vk v i s Bruno Raberg Broken Bhalzsh o o - vihcni ol e L George Schuller PESALINGE o o0 0 Lk sl e S L e Ben Sher MBgnet . oL L e i e e N e Allan Chase Miflesl 'Made .« L o 0 e s ‘John Coltrane/B. Raberg