Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC The Lawrence and Alma Berk Recital Hall, 1140 Boylston Street Boston Monday, April 25, 1994 7:00 pm SENIOR SAXOPHONE RECITAL presented by DANIEL MAGAY PR, T SR RS e IS I R TS AT O B R R Sonny Rollins BEAEREBEAERL. o i s oo i i e s iy s 3 e S S e e A B et 2 Thelonious Monk Yol DIOUEIRRe What Love Isc i i i i it e G At et ot g s 0 Raye-DePaul WAL IR THhie THIOECallet LoV .. i i it o b s s i diibs oo SO i ea s en T s o0 Cole Porter O E T RO Al R SO R SR DGR S R ยข A R e i S Thelonious Monk BRSO IR i il 0 i A Do 1t gt o Bk Sih s hes ueipes s sl e Charlie Parker R e T s o e e B i B s S SN e A Jimmy Heath LT et el e L SO IEARI O e S s M RS B Rl S R R Miles Davis T YL T e Rl A e S N R S e T S R e Dietz-Schwartz BEREIIE OV o i hh o s S bt T e s s G B S Victor Young THE PERFORMERS Trumpet, JUSTIN MULLINS, Benicia, CA Saxophone, DAN MAGAY, Los Altos, CA Guitar, JAMES BRAY, Wilmington, DE Piano, LESTER MENEZES, Bombay, INDIA Drums, DOMINIQUE SCHLOCKER, Paris, FRANCE In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Music.