BERKLEE PERFORMANCE CENTER July 20 July 26 July 28 August 2 August 3 August 5 August 9 - August 10 August 11 August 12 CONCERTS Summer 1982 Pentimento — directed by Larry Monroe. The chairman of the Performance Department leads a quartet and guests through an evening of contemporary jazz. : Willpower, Part IV - Keyboardist Will Rhinehart presents an eve- ning of original funk, jazz, and R&B music. Composilions ranging from an extende big band work to vocai oriented funk tunes will be performed by an outstanding group led by Rhinehart. Circuit Breaker - A presentation thal features original material written by David Barkley and Elmo Ponsdomenech as weli as com- positions by Lee Ritenour, Larry Carlston, and oihers. Our Orchestra — Light-hearted entertainment featuring an uri- usual blend of humor and music. The concert will showcgse some of Berklee’s vocal talent with a jazz chamber orchestra which will include a string section. : An Fvening with the Dues Band — directed by Phil Wiison. The Intemational Dues Band returns to the Performance Center stage in an evening of jazz featuring the works of Phil Wilson, Rob McConnell, Makoto Ozone and others. Rudolfo Keyes — Rudolfo Reyes leads his six horn band through a varied program of different styles stretching from traditional latin music to jazz. Original compositions by members of the group will be featured. An Evening with “C” — Vibrophonist Cecilia Sinith leads her group through an evening’s program of jazz that mixes styles from standards to funk. - A Salute to Summer — The Berklee Summer Pops Orchestra, conducted by Peter Hazzard, performs arrangements by students and faculty that range from pop to rock. Every tune on the evening’s program will have the word “summer” in its title. Nos Vamos Para Arribal — Baritone saxophonist Daniel Johansen ' leads his ensemble Tapir in an exciting evening of original compo- sitions that blend jazz and South American music. ’ Anatos — Composet/pianist Riccardo Garzoni mixes small groups and Big Band originals in a program thal features both faculty and student musicians.