Berklee Callege off luss Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Friday. August 6. 1982, 4:00 pm SENIOR TRUMPET RECITAL under the direction of DAVID A. BURDETT g r T S T R W i D T n Tl o S Fantini (1601-1658) The HOLlOW MEN .:ecceceeesosncnssosososssasassssosasancns V. Persichetti(1915- ) Concerto FOr 2 TIUMPELS .ceeeeesnscesaosassnssnssssnassassases Vivaldi (1680-1743) Concertino In Eb ............................................ E. Sachse (1830-1901) INTERMISSION MOre PHAT = YOu: RKNOW: . 5iftitie oo oo b mesioosionss seeesd s siessa % Eonactis: " P B. Rose Stella By sSERrIIghti . . . o0 S0, « B 0 L s e SR o v vRma K e . Young REBR i NS e e T, i Shhian s Tt IR gt s SRR s s o SR el v s e s I. Jaquet BEHE L i il o R R AT - SNIT s wia vie e Ve e A &l s E. Sampson/I. Mills (all arrangements by David A. Burdett) PERSONNEL Tmpet, DAVID BURUETY!, Braintree, MASSACHUSETTS. Piano, NOREEN DIM OND, Braintree, M ASSACHUSKTTS. Piano, PAUL SCH ELIN: , FACULTY. Saxophone, BOWLBY, Milton, MASSACHUSETTS. Drums, ALAN HALL, Boston, MASSACHUSETTS. *Tn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Mustc