Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Reciftal Hall 1W, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thursday, February 14, 1991 4:00pm LOVE ME LIKE MUSIC presented by ERINN B. BROWN Love Me Like Music - I'1ll Be Your SONg . . . . . « . » Wilson-Wilson 10Ve TaERRE " . . 0 i iy s s s v s e e W e SRS Brand Mem Do . 005 o0 e i s ek e o s e PR Blindad By SCIeNGE . o i v o ¢ i v v i veiv v kv sx s e OURGEB=GIONL Live LD PERER .7l | ¢« i v div oih s s adhbiae e b L INEETE Tell Me Somefhing Gogd . L s v ey e i e VAictim OFf LOVE . . o o o « « s s o s s « « s o« o Felder-Henley-Souther-Frey Un Dun G e e S el s e e Sarond Ban@ Hewse = . w iic i diviai i i e el s TN KIDIGY Tebt RiFlinle. . . L i s P e s b L e LY Mother, FALHET & .0, i o i v i a v v it v s s w w SHRORRPRRYCOLY The Way That I Choose ... .. .... .. .Ralphs-Rogers-Kirke-Burrell Helplessly Hoping « o o o s 4 v ¢ e s v dlc 0 0 % s 225 Crosby-Stills-Nash Iove Ritve . i o oo e o i L Laaie N LB e R i THE PERFORMERS Voice, ERINN B. BROWN, Berkeley Springs, WV Voice, SUE JOHNSON, Stoneham, MA Guitar, PORTER MCCLISTER, Chapel Hill, NC Guitar, SCOTT HACKER, Cincinnati, OH Piano/Keyboards, PAT RAYMAKER, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Bass, JOSHUA LATTANZI, Guilford, CT Percussion, BLAKE HIMM, Lombard, IL Special guests: Voice, ELIZABETH PEEL, Raleigh, NC Voice, JAMIE ARENTZEN, Boston, MA Drums, JOE MURPHY, Tampa, FL