MOVING VILLAGE under the direction of SCOTT KINSEY In My ROOM ¢« +. « o « « s o o s o « Kinsey-Rosemwinkel~Dorn Oos Ba Do B8 . « . | ol.. E i ... Al A Short Poem Before We Begin ; = . .Roée@inkei,—Kinsey Meld . . ¢ ¢ o e ¢ oo 00000 oo . Rogenwinkel-Kinsey In A Strange Woxld - . ;. . . - . . . Hosenwinkel The Death Of Bantiadgo . . . . v . v o . o o NMway S impl B v - o s o NS e N SRR oRosem)inkeZ THE CHRISTIAN :ROVER GROUP under the direction of CHRISTIAN ROVER The Musical Hardliners Klangzauber Nothing Else To Do The Hypothetical Realist Reunification (Rhythm Changes in Germany) All selections composed by Christian Rover.