September 17 September 24 September 25 Berklee Per formance Center Concerts FALL 1990 DONNY MCcCASLIN, IAN FROMAN, LARRY GRENADIER, RICK PECKHAM — Faculty guitarist Rick Peckham presents original contemporary post-bop jazz for quartet. Saxophonist Donny McCaslin and bassist Larry Grenadier, currently performing in the Gary Burton group and faculty drummer Ian Froman complete this talented ensemble. OHIGAN-AUTUMN EQUINOX/MARC ROSSI PRESENTS SOLARIS — Faculty pianist Makoto Takenaka presents improvisations of traditional Japanese music in a jazz fusion style for quartet with faculty saxophonist Bob Zung and guest vocalist Masayo Yoshida. In the second half, faculty pianist Marc Rossi presents the group Solaris performing contemporary originals. JOHN BABOIAN & FRIENDS — Faculty guitarist John Baboian will perform standards and original jazz compositions with an eight-piece ensemble including faculty members Marcello Pellitteri, drums; Roy Okutani, trumpet; on Mahdi, bass; and Dan Harrington and Bill Thompson, woodwinds.