R e e Berkice Performance Center Concerts Fall 1981 | o September 16 The New Billy Norine Group — An evening of chamber jazz with Berklee faculty member, award winning drummer/composer Bill Norine and his new ensemble. September 21 Power Flex — Original music that fuses funk and jazz idioms is pre- L sented by faculty guitarist Ken Taft. Power Flex’s featured vocalist is Berkiee alumnae Renee Quinn. =~ September 22 The Jimmy Mosher Quintet and Orchestra — Faculty saxophonist Jimmy Mosher leads a divided concert; straight-ahead jazz in a quintet setting in one half and big-band jazz in the other. Trumpeter Paul Fontaine will be the special guest of the evening and the personnel will be predominantly Berklee faculty. ® September 23 Talmus Taylor — Trumpeter Talmus.Taylor offers a wide-ranging con- cert, mixing many styles of music in a variety of settings. September 24 The Fringe — Directed by Rich Appleman and George Garzone. Boston's long standing avant-garde trio “The Fringe” returns to the Performance Center. The group recently appeared at the Guggenheim Museum (NY) as part of the “Kool Jazz Festival.” ® September 29 The Mike Scott Concert — A 10-piece band of mostly Berklee faculty members performing arrangements and original compositions by Mike Scott and pianist Larry Lofquist, in a variety of settings. September 30 Center East — An evening of original jazz-rock music presented by the Mark Clark/Bruce Torff Quartet. October1 Some Good Tunes & A Few Bop Lines — Directed bg Jeff Stout. A P program of straight-ahead modern jazz in an intimate small group setting is presented by faculty trumpeter Stout. October 5 Spice of Life — Directed by David Hammond. “Spice” plays all original compositions written by members of the band. Styles range from latin to swing; from jazz/rock to high-energy fusion. October 6 Hastatras — A concert with a Jazz/latin flavour presented by the Mexican vocalist Mili Bermejo. Featured composers are Evans, Rada, L Nascimento and Jarrett. October 7 Susan Shanbaum in Concert — Vocalist Susan Shanbaum presents a program that mixes rock, funk and pop styles of music. October 13 The Greg Turmer Concert — Student Greg Turner showcases his latin, Jazz/rock and funk compositions written for small group and big band in this, his first Performance Center concert. z October 14 The Third Dog Quintet — Faculty saxophonist Dan Harrington presents ‘his mainstream jazz group in a return concert. October 15 Hypertension — Directed by Steven Jenkins. This group’s great talent and musicianship combined with a flair for entertainment makes “Hy- pertension” one of the outstanding funk bands in today’s music.