LUSH LIFE FEATURING BOB STOLOFF under the direction of DAN WILLIAMS & 0ld Folks At Home/Camptown Races . . . . . . Stephen Foster Bluesette s e S s T el 0 Books Thielanone I Got It Bad And That Ain't Good. . D. Fllington-P. Webster iIf I Only Jlad A Brain e e s B Harbengall, ApLen * OOH YAH TR e R e Y s e Lush Life S b ey e e DIl BBy Do You Know What It Means To Miss New Orleans G T e e g L ) ] ยง INTERMISSION Israel S e e R e R Anthropology R e e e L Magenta Twilight S L e AR o TR N s Blue Skies LT L T e AN Berlan The Scream P ALVl bk e ah ae e WL LLame Until I Met You Lk e e avenaar L PYGddre TR all selections arranged by Dan Williams except *, arranged by Bob Stoloff