Singer’'s Showcase Directed by the Yo Team Take Me In Your Arms Evan Baughmnan Black Balloon Andrew Douglass Baby Grand Stacy Allyn Baker Bring On The Men Sarah Johnson Go To Girl i Rachel Loy = | Get Along Without You very Well Jeremy Ragsdale From Now On Christy Bluhm Long Time Gone Natalie Stovall Square Biz Gwen Leathers Lighthouse Andrew Douglass Woman Who Stacy Allyn Baker Impossible Evan Baughman Turn Off The Light Rachel Loy Your Daddy’s Son Sarah Johnson Yatra-Ta = Jeremy Ragsdale Sophisticéted Lady Christy Bluhm Still | Rise Gwen Leathers The Way (Radio Song) Natalie Stovall - Holland/Dozier Holland ~ arr. Ken Zambello J. Rzeznik arr. Ken Zambello B. Joel arr. Mike Teoli L. Bricusse/F. Wildhorn ~ arr. Ken Zambello R: Loy. ~arr. Tom Stein ~ H. Carmichael ~arr. Richard Evans Basia/D. White arr. Radiosa Romani D. Scott T. Marie : arr. Ken Zambello E. Kowa|czyk/C. Taylor arr. Tom Stein S.Baker arr. Tom Stein A. Keys arr. Christie Yibe= = N. Furtado arr. Ken Zambello L Ahrens-S. Flahérty arr. ‘Ken Zambello - T. Maria arr. Winston Maccou ElIinglon—)acksorvYahcey'Evans ~arr. Richard Evans P. Brady arr. Kén Zambello D. Glover ~ arr. Ken Zambello