Berklee Galllege off Musde Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Thuraday, October 22, 1987 7:00pm LET THAT BIRD GO - presented by PIOTR RODOWICZ Ry hic Tdles gl oy ciint SR S B Rl S B S i SR e e R o Bt Costs Of LEving o Loy w e L el Dot Crla Tt e R EEE e Baol Eag B0 That Bird Go ' . 0wl b n s e R e Wadaen . g e s e R R G R R M Tame Lop L g e TG G e 0GR L e DRGSR Tasl Danoa | g og Gy gl e e LU R g e [ R e POl T L el e e e R I g G R INTERMISSION OuE Blaes .y 00 Dol aiies i e L L R U e A Duke Ellington Sound Of Love . . . . . Charles Mingus/Piotr Rodowicz Naight In Mundeda 00 L DO G R G RS T e THE PERFORMERS Vocals, DANIEL SPICHIGER, Derendingen, Switzerland Sax, IGOR BUTMAN, Leningrad, Soviet Union Sax, SAM NEWSOME, Hamptom, VA Piano, PIOTR ADAMSKI, Gizycko, Poland Bass, JOHN GIVEN, Allston, MA Bass, PIOTR RODOWIGZ, Warsaw, Poland Drums, ALPHONSO JILES, Milwaukee, WI