IN THE MORNING under the direction of DAVID LEE CHANDLER Feel Like Making Lowe i . . 0% (-0 oo i Bugese MeDantels Spiritual Walker . . . . . . . Stevie Wonder/Lionel Hamilton Destiny S R Tony Maiden/D. Chandler We've Got Each‘Other S S SER R 2 o r a e Faith A R P T T Pags EE OB 0 o i s vivid ke o Robble BuohananiD. Chandiep INTERMISSION Sunflurry Sleel nmE, Ly LG T L RS s o Bl Welcome The «u wesvaw: s sk ine oniisiedomabis Chavdlan Shine For Life . ... .. . . . David Chandler-Jamesa Chandler Wait For Love oomie we e owo Luther Yendroseflitonel Hamilton Can't Let Go 8 o Marice White/D. Chandler In The Morning . . . . . .4 . Robert Byron Wright/D. Chandler ALl horn arrangements by Lionel Hamilton