- July 24 ]uly 31 Berklee I ’Crfi)r; nance Center Concerts o 'SUMMER 1990 : SPEAK LOW——Faculty gurtanst Davrd Newsam presents his trio | in an evening of jazz standards by George Gershwin, Irving Berlin, Cole Porter and Van Heusen, as well as contemporary composmons - by Miles Davis and Mick Goodrick. July 26 THIS IS IT !—Senior composer/arranger/synthesrst Isaac Raz leads a large ensemble performmg original, contemporary ]azz compositions. SOUNDS THAT WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE—Contemporary jazz compositions by Charles Mingus, Chick Corea, Ralph Towner and others will be performed by drummer Tony Deangelis and his trio = featurlng guitarist Dan Petty and bassxst Larry Grenadxer = f o : August ;1 EYES ON THE PRIZE —Vocalrst Lynette Grttens presents a large ensemble 1nclud1ng faculty trumpeter Wayne Naus, - saxophonist Greg Badolato and performing rhythm and blues, : latm and )azz musnc by Charles Mlngus Strng and others.