Berklee Faculty Asseociation Concert Series SPEAK LOW under the direction of DAVID NEWSAM Speak Liowiai o eais eay g gl e g iy s Rt et Willow Weep For Me/All Blues . . . . . I, Berlin-M. Davis Black Orplleus ;8% « <% 48 60 = s e ARy e LoNte BonTT A Togey Lay ... . b v George Gershwin SEYINER - . s R e H. Carmichael T e RN R s oW U . . o v «os JUs Newsam INTERMISSION Darn That Dream . , , .. e R SuNERE BEDG COIE. & s s s e i Mick Goodrick Feabhlog, Fablew, And Perne . .. . . vy Mick Goodrick Love HoreSale «uda b ta: o ol Dt S e o Cole Porter