April 9 April 10 April 12 April 17 Berklee Performance Center Concerts SPRING 1990 THE BERKLEE FILM FESTIVAL: REEL 11—Film Scoring Depart- ment Chairman Don Wilkins presents a showcase of films scored by Berklee students and faculty. THE BERKLEE CONCERT JAZZ ORCHESTRA —Renowned faculty trumpeter/arranger Herb Pomeroy leads the most prestigious ensemble in the college in a program of contemporary big band music. INTERNATIONAL FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL—Yo Team Productions and the Dean of Students Office present Berklee’s fourth annual Interna- tional Music Night showcasing indigenous and traditional music from the many countries represented by the college’s diverse foreign popula- tion. The concert will be performed by a variety of ensembles in native dress and an international foods banquet after the show will complete the international experience. INVISIBLE TECHNOLOGY — BEAT PAINTING/LA MASHINE RETURNS — The Music Synthesis Department presents two faculty led student ensembles performing a diverse cross section of musical styles utilizing the latest innovations in music technology. Music Synthesis faculty member Jamshied Sharifi opens the concert with “Beat Painting}’ improvisations on music by band members as well as film music by Michael Gibbs and Peter Gabriel. Department Chairman David Mash then presents “La Mashine Returns; original compositions performed by a septet.