Berklee Faculty Association Concert Series REEL 11 . - under the direction of » DON WILKINS : oo Tonight's program is dedicated to the memory of Doug Timm i~ who lost his life tragically last summer. Doug was an extremely talented composer who was making his mark in television and film. His work included contributions to ’ the TV series The New Mike Hammer, Designing Women, Our Family Honor, and Simon and Simon. The faculty at Berklee recall his dedication and en-~ thusiasm for music. While still a student, he became > a collaborator with many of us on professional projects. a He was always able to measure up under pressure to any challenge, and deliver work of high quality. I vividly ’ remember his support to me during the scoring of Mission . Hill, and the contributions he made to the music of that film. We all miss him. Rk ok e kaak R Two of the films tonight are dramas that were produced 5 at Rhode Island School of Design (R.I.S.D.) and New York University. The scores were produced entirely with- #* in the Film Scoring Department. Our final offering tonight is the film Invention! by my longstanding friend and colleague Loren Miller. Loren has made ‘a significant ¥ contribution to the success of many locally produced s films. Our association began with the 1976 Academy Award Short Subject Nominee Kudzu which was edited by Loren L and scored at Berklee by Phil Giffin. The film Invention! represents the valuable contributions and talent of many people over a long period of time. It is fitting that this film was presented at the 1990 Invention Convention at the Museum of Science in Boston where some of the earliest footage in the film was shot. We 211 wicsh T.aren much sucecess with +his proiect. -DON WILKI