Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1A, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston BEriday, March 30, 1990 4:00 pm THERE’S A LITTLE BULLWINKLE IN EVERYONE! GOSSIDis & ol il Unele Bob . . o o o . Moose And Squirrel. . Black Epiday & 0 o Blues For Bullwinkle. Meoodi st i d g, 0 Suy Jean: Plexrxe 7. oo o BIGIIZE i s ekt e s ety Nothing Personal . . presented by CHRIS WILSON e e e e Ao g Mke Slern S e o i s e e L s s lere Wikaon e Ve e s inelken-Fagen e L L S N R T e e Sl iy Lty D ey ol Calae S oLy sgl ey e led Tlanite M e W Milke Silern s s e o ilahae L Bved e THE PERFORMERS Voeals, PAUL PAMPINELLA, Cliffton, NJ Saxophone, ROB CAIRNS, Detroit, MI Trumpet, CHIP TAVERS, Boston, MA Trumpet, DAVE TURECHEK, Trumball, CT Guitar, CHRIS WILSON, Clarendon Hills, IL Keyboards, MIKE BLUESTEIN, Brookline, MA Bass, JAMES GUFFEE, Portland, OR Drums, WES CHILTON, Kingwood, TX