Berklee COLLEGE OF MUSIC Recital Hall 1w, 1140 Boylston Street, Boston Momday, Mareh 12, 1990 4:00 pm DIG ‘DIS presented by BRAD POLLOCK JUET B T s s e s ReE Bl But Rot Fag MR- . .« v . oo v oo o iebbgd Cepralvin S T Werp R Bell, o o0 L oou v e s as SEPERK TDEBEED I Bene B FONINORY, | § ;v « o e sk g Gborge Fragoe BORY. - ¢ & v e s iy e SN follenn If & Should Tiose YoW, . .. i . . v < v o Balph Reinger Bweet Coorala BroWll, | .. s v . vati ¢ . oo Ben Doiwite THE PERFORMERS Alto Saxophone, JASON ST.PIERRE, Portland, MA Guitar, MIKE MELE, New Haven, CT Bass, SATORU NUMATA, Yokohama, JAPAN Drums, BRAD POLLOCK, Chicago, IL