Januai February © ITDON'TM ,ANVA THANG IFIT DON T SPANGA NG/TALE 13 '()rm(mc(’ ( J(:nt(:r Concerts 'umd h.lll ()rlg,nul | be pustnlcd by f,ulll\ mlsl ‘( llkl Arlm.ls.l OF THE HARLEQUIN—Senior drummer Hans Schuman presents - ~ the music of The lonious Monk, W ayne Shorter, C edar Wdlt()n and ~ others performed by his trio with special guests Bcrklcc alumnus pianist Geoff Kezzer .md trumpeter Kenny Rampt(m In the m:umd v half, pianist C ‘hristophe Tiberghiem presents a multimedia i improvi- ~ sation of the theme of the Harlequin. Centering on ()rlgm.nl jazz f()r o . m(), the performance February 6 5 : ~ pop/rock songs will be performed by faculty glut.lrlst/voullst ‘Craig Hlady and his four- picce group. Then, faculty guitarist “Jon Finn presents instrumental rock pctform(d by his trio with 't.lulll) members h.lssls( l()c Smu rrc .md drummu Rlck ( (msndmc oS February 8 flll In(ludc ddnccrs and sh()rt narratl()nb 'HOLIDAY BASH/THE BlG BANG—()n;.,mal pr()grcsswe HUGH MASF KE LA BLu.k Muslc( Ll(‘bl‘ > n, famed trumpe i en apresents his spc - of African and American muslc performed by his band m(ludmg 2 Ium s drumm(r D: lm()n l)m Whllc