November 27 November 29 November 30 December 4 December 5 Berklee Performance Center Concerts FALL 1989 THE BERKLEE CONCERT JAZZ ORCHESTRA — Faculty trumpeter/composer/arranger Herb Pomeroy leads one of the college’s most prestigious ensembles in a program of contempo- rary big band jazz. AMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVAL—Yo Team Productions and the Student Activities Office presents an evening of authentic American music styles including bluegrass, folk, jazz, classical and musical theater. Featured composers include Copland, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Dylan, Sousa and Joplin, with special guests String Department Chairman Matt Glaser and Voice Department faculty Anne Peckham and the Berklee Concert Choir. THE BERKLEE STRING ORCHESTRA/THE BERKLEE WIND ENSEMBLE — Faculty member Dennis LeClaire presents the 19-member Berklee String Orchestra performing contemporary classical music including a piece by Composition Department Chairman Jack Jarrett. In the second half, faculty member Greg Fritze directs the 33-member Berklee Wind Ensemble per- forming music by Copland, Gould and a world premiere of a piece by Composition Department faculty member Scott Fessler. THE (W)RIGHT STUFF—The Ensemble Department faculty, under the direction of Chairman Orville Wright and Assistant Chairman Bruce Nifong, will be featured in a variety of settings from small groups to big band performing jazz, rock to pop music. Special guests include faculty members Greg Badolato and April Arabian and Ensemble Department staff member Winston Maccow. AN EVENING WITH THE RAINBOW BAND — Faculty trombonist/composer/arranger Phil Wilson presents the Berklee Rainbow Band in an evening of fusion, jazz and pop music by student composer/arrangers Juan Raffo and David Thompson and featuring vocalist Kerri Little and instrumentalists Mark Turner, Pat Loomis, Seamus Blake and Fernando Martinez.