Berklee Faculty Association Concert Series ROCK ARRANGING LIVE presented by LENNIE PETERSON, BRIAN LEWIS & MIREK KOCANDRLE Soul Vaccination | U §. 3 % &, s . 5 & . - Kupka-Castillo Cxy Me R RiNer . . o o o . e o N o Imagind&tigns - i iy e o Azhul Haidi Mohdazmi I MadeShA MEgBlke . 0 ... gl .56 aic v - & o & - Alex Houtom-Wells Please, . Pleages¥e: . T woahiT o i cansran Lennon-MeCartney INTERMISSION Let's Dance . o o iwmalll ooy o iiw e NG David Bowie Piece Of My B N .« + . - : : & = Joplin-Ragavoy-Berms Celebration Baw i ilapes Digigisiogad VRIS o ¢ oo o JDovem Rowth Youlre The Fire. - ... =, 0 = =0 e e Kim Sum Sze Them Ehahges . . i . e e s e g . 5 B Miles