October 31 b(’rl‘l(’(’ P( g f()i LIy & 4 ntu (()mu ts FALL 1989 - BASIC BLUE/THE BERKLEE BUDDY RICH ENSEMBLE—— : Paeulty trumpeter Bill Scism leads his sextet in a program of blues in various styles. In the second half, faculty trumpeter Wayne Naus - directs the Berklee Buddy Rich Ensemble in a eoneert of arrange = ments from the famed bandleader’s book = Novemb’er: 1 'R.A.D.—SPEAK AROUND THE ROOM— Original piceiric jazz j : ~and Latin music by Jon Dryden will be performed by drummer - SLOtt Amendola leading his septet. < " November 6 THE BERKLEE WAYNE SHORTER ENSEMBLE/THE BERKLEE S - JOHN SCOFIELD ENSEMBLE— Under the direction of faeulty bassist Bruno Raberg, the seven-piece Wayne Shorter Ensemble : \_w1ll perform the saxophonist’s compositions from throughout November 7 - contemporary compositions by guitarist Christian Rover will his career. In the second half, faculty guitarist Rick Peckham pre- sents the music of John Scofield, including previously unreleased . material, performed by the five plece John Scofield Ensemble THE CHRISTIAN ROVER GROUP/ ISLAND LIFE—Original be performed by his quartet. The Berklee Caribbean Ensemble ~directed by Christian Justilien, with faculty advisor Phil Wilson, - performs in the second half featuring song and dance in various styles from all over the Caribbean. Special guests include the dance troupe “Les Ballets Folkloriques of Patric Lacrouix} Wole ~ Alade on African percussron and award wrnnmg steel drummer N ovember 8 Justin Petty. CELEBRATING ELLINGTON/ALEJANDRO SANTOS : GROUP—Drummer Hans Schuman features the music of ~ Duke Ellington, including compositions by Billy Strayhorn and - Juan Tizol, performed by his quintet. In the second half, composer/ arranger/; mstrumentahst Alejandro Santos presents original con- 7_ “temporary music based on Argenuman folk 1nfluences performed E - by his eight-piece ensemble. v = November 9 :ROXANNE HALE/ONE NIGHT IN CLEVELAND—Vocahst Roxanne Hale presents orngmal progressive experimental pop “music for a nine-piece ensemble, featuring Dow Brain on key- boards. Vocalist Trina Hamlin will then present a program of contemporary pop and rock music including the music of Rickie Lee Jones, k.d. lang, Terri Gibbs, and others. Her eleven- piece ensemble will feature the musical drreetlon of Dave Limina : and the guntar playmg of Kevm Barry