October %1 November 1 November 6 November 7 (II\I(( P( 2 Jl04 AT ((mu (()n((lts FALL 1989 e BASIC BLUE/ THE BERKLEE BUDDY RICH EN SEMBLE — Faculty trumpeter Bill Scism leads his sextet in a program of blues ~ in various styles. In the second half, faculty trumpeter Wayne Naus directs the Berklee Buddy Rich Ensemble in a concert of arrange = - ments from [he famed bandleaders book R.A.D. —SPEAK AROUND THE ROOM —Original electrxc ]azz - and Latin music by Jon Dryden will be performed by drummer : Scott Amendola leadmg his septet. : : THE BERKLEE WAYNE SHORTER ENSEMBLE/THE BERKLEE‘ " JOHN SCOFIELD ENSEMBLE — Under the direction of faculty ~ bassist Bruno Raberg, the seven-piece Wayne Shorter Ensemble will perform the saxophomsts compositions from throughout : his career. In the second half, faculty guitarist Rick Peckham pre- sents the music of John Scofield, including previously unreleased material, performed by the five- -piece John Scofield Ensemble. : 'THE CHRISTIAN ROVER GROUP/ ISLAND LIFE———Orlgmal contemporary compositions by guitarist Christian Rover will T he performed by his quartet. The Berklee Caribbean Ensemble directed by Christian Justilien, with faculty advisor Phil Wilson, ‘performs in the second half featuring song and dance in various styles from all over the Caribbean. Special guests include the - dance troupe “Les Ballets FQlklorrques of Patric Lacrouix] Wole November 8 N ovember 9 ~ Alade on African percusmon and award wrnnmg steel drummer : Justin Petty. CELEBRATING ELLINGTON/ALEJANDRO SANTOS GROUP —Drummer Hans Schuman features the music of ~ Duke Ellington, including Composmons by Billy Strayhorn and Juan Tizol, performed by his quintet. In the second half, composer/ arranger/ mstrumentallst Alejandro Santos presents original con- ~temporary music based on Argentinian f()lk mfluences performed by his eight-piece ensemble r ROXANNE HALE/ONE N IGHT IN CLEVELAND——Vocahst Roxanne Hale presents original progressive expernmental pop ~ music for a nine-piece ensemble, featuring Dow Brain on key- boards. Vocalist Trina Hamlin will then present a program of - contemporary pop and rock music including the music of L Rickie Lee Jones, k.d. lang, Terri Gibbs, and others. Her eleven- - piece ensemble will feature the musical dll‘C(.[lOfl of Dave Limina and the gultar playmg of Kevin Barry A e