November 27 I)(;I\l(( kA% f()z 14T404 1005 ( ' nt( 26 TG FALL 1989 : THE BERKLEE CONCERTJAZZ ORCHESTRA—IJeulty . : trumpeter/u)mp()su/.lrranger Herb Pomeroy leads one of the - college’s most prestigious ensemblu ina program ()f e()ntempo N,()chmber: 29 - rary blg band jazz. AMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVAL——Y() "leam Pr()ductl(ms et the Student Activities Office presents an evening of authentic - American music styles including bluegrass, folk, jazz, classical and musical theater. Featured composers include Copland, Rodgers & Hammerstein, Dylan, Sousa and Joplin, with special guests String - Department Chairman Matt Glaser and Voice Department faculty . = ,‘Anne Peckham and the Berklee Concert C h()lr g N()vember: 30 THE BERKLEE STRING ORCHESTRAITHE BERKLEE WIND ‘ - ENSEMBLE—Faculty member Dennis LeClaire presents the 19-member Berklee String Orchestra performing contemporary ;.classncal music including a piece by Composition Department ~ Chairman Jack Jarrett. In the second half, faculty member - Greg Fritze directs the 33-member Berklee Wind Ensemble per- / ~ forming music by Copland, Gould and a world premiere of apiece by (‘()mp()sm()n [)epartment fa(ulty member Se()tt Fessler. . December 4 - under the direction of Chairman Orville Wright and Assistant - Chairman Bruce Nifong, will be featured in a variety of settmgs - from small groups to big band performing jazz, rock to pop - music. Special guests include faculty members Greg Badolat() “and April Arabian and I:nsemble Depar[ment staff member e - Winston Maccow. = , S - : I)ecember 5 THE (W)RIGHT STUFF——The Ememble Departmem faeulty, AN EVENING WITH THE RAINBOW BAND—-FaLulty tr()mb(m1st/u)mp()ser/drr.mger Phil Wilson presents the Berklee “Rainbow Band in an evening of fusion, jazz and pop music by - student composer/arrangers Juan Raffo and David Thompson and featuring vocalist Kerri Little and instrumentalists Mark Turner Pat Loomls Seamus Blake and Fern.mdo Martmez : :