= November 27 Berklee P(:rfbr; LAYy e J(:; iter Concerts . FALL 1989 THE BERKLEE CONCERT JAZZ ORCHESTRA——P.K ult) - fitrump(tcr/u)mp()scr/armngcr Herb P()m( roy leads one of thc = ~ k'fu)llcgc S most prcstlgl()us cnscmblcs in a pmgram of u)ntcmpo November 29 - mr) blg h.md jazz. . ,AMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVAL-—Y() Tc.nm Pmductl()ns and o the Student Activities Office presents an evening of authentic . American music styles including bluegrass, folk, jazz, , classical and ; ~musical theater. Featured composers include Copland, Rodgers & - Hammerstein, Dylan, Sousa and Joplin, with special guests String N’()vcfiibcf' 30 Dcpartmcm Chairman Matt Glaser and Voice Department faculty : Annc Pcckham and the Berklee (,oncert (,hmr THE BERKLEE STRlNG ORCHESTRA/THE BERKLEE WIND 'ENSEMBLE —Faculty member Dennis LeClaire presents the e member Berklee String ()rchcstra performmg contemporary dassncal music mdudmg a piece by Composition Departmcnt “Chairman Jack Jarrett. In the second half, faculty member s - Greg Fritze directs the 33- member Berklee Wind Ensemble per- December 4 forming music by Copland, Gould and a world premiere of a plcce : : = ‘.by C ()mposmon D(partmcnt faculty member Su)tt Fessler THE (W)RIGHT STUFF— The Ensemble Department faculty, ~ under the direction of Chairman Orville Wright and Assistant Chairman Bruce Nifong, will be featured in a variety of settings : : ;fr()m small groups to big band performing jazz, rock to pop ~ music. Special guests include faculty members Greg Badolato ~ and Apnl Arabian and Ensemble Dcpartmcnt staff mcmber : Wmst()n Maccow. g . ; S ; l)ccembcr 5 - AN EVENING WIT H THE RAINBOW BAND—Faculty o : tr()mbonlst/u)mposer/arranger Phil Wilson presents the Berklee - Rainbow Band in an evening of fusion, jazz ‘and pop music by - student composer/ arrangcr%juan Raffo and David Thompson and - featuring vocalist Kerri L ittle and instrumentalists Mark Turner, : VPat L()()mls Scamus Blakc and Fcrn.md() Mdrtmcz