Berklee College of Music Concerts Spring 1998 - 921 Recital Hall Concerts March 30 - Harbingers of Spring - Faculty flautist Wendy rolfe, wtith Steven Sussman, piano, performs contemporary music by Osvaldo Lacera, Hilary Tann, Richard Rodney Bennett, Robert Hinchliffe, Edwward Elgar and John Rutter on a variety of flutes. March 31 - Jazz Vocal Series - Under the direction of faculty vocalist Maggi Scott, student vocalists will perform jazz standards by Cole Porter, George Gershwin, Duke Ellington and others accompanied by a faculty rhythm section including Scott on piano and Jimm Stinnett, bass. April 1 - Renato Thoms Master’s Recital - Masters Degree Candidate perchs— sionist Renato Thoms presents Latin jazz featuring original compositions and the music of Danilo Perez, Pablo Milanes, Silvio Rodriguez, Ray Barretto April 6 - New Music by the Berklee Composition Department Faculty - Compositions by faculty members Marti Epstein, Alexandros Kalogeras, Richard Applin, James Reyes and Michael Weinstein will be performed by a facutly and studends The various pieces will feature diverse chamber groups including percussion and brass ensembles as well as more intimate settings for solo piano and voice. ® April 7 - Who'’s Drivin’ the Bus? - Berklee’s reknowned EN100 faculty members pianist Russ Hoffman and bassist Daniel Morris present a concert of Rhythm & Blues and jazz classics by Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimmy Smith, Sonny Rollins and others assisted by faculty members Mike Williams, guitar and Larry Finn, drums. April 8 - Songwriters’ Circle - Four student singer-songwriters from the Berklee songwriting community will perform their original songs in the alternative folk idiom. The settings will be mainly acoustic guitar plus vocals, although a few numbers will feature electric bass as well and the songs will cover a range of topics from life and love to politics and people.