@@fl"e'w @QU@ Berklee Faculty Association Concert SCI‘ICS PROGRAM FLAT RATS AND SAIL CATS g e e N Sneaky Pete oAy T e e e e e Walter Gross s AMidomd e . T . e Michael Frank Ehad T -to Pitees e nm e = e o = e Cochran/Houard ety B e e e e Maybelle Carter The oy D L e g e b Mike Ihde soiig Of The Wanderer - . = . o= o Curly Chalker LR O Cow Hind-s - e e T e s Johnny Mercer Solo For Acoustic Gattar-5 5 v ran Michael Frank Sister Sadies Suburban Salvation Salon = = . Mike Thde Avatar Etude ] 10 = o s e e e e s Mike TIhde DrCaralans LORterto e o e T 0'Carotan WIS ChrIstlaY Ton o T e e e T Irving Berlin L e e e e e e e Gram Parsons Orange Biussom-Special .o S cc v e = Ervin T. Rouse ; o INTERMISSION THE BERKLEE GUITAR SEPTET ’ MIXea BDEIONS i e e e e Mike Ihde 3 Years Tomorrow (But Who's Counting?) ............. Al Cohen N G S e el e Mike Ihde SESsNas-My D¥aam . s e e Mike Ihde Blue Grass Haplt (o e e e e Mike Ihde Exne dainc-NachitaiNgl o oo~ s = e s v et MOZazTt Datura Inoxia - The Acquisition Of Power ..........: Al Cohen CEeBR - LIVHIS to. ey e e e e Peter Hume R s T s s e e e e e Mike Ihde Ater-Twh Verv Dy Marbinis 0 s s Mike Ihde