Berkiee CEGG @ Angel Of The Heargache's Mine I Love You More...b .......... e e e Recital Hall 1W, 1140 Boylston Street, Thursday, November 12, 1981, 4:00 ['M A LITTLE RIT COUMTRY under the direction of MARIE MATTEI Gome Be My Cowboy Teonite.. v ic.viicvs v v The Morning...... A s e e s oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I Boston pm i .. .. Marie Matter v i vensbiitp Taylog arr. Marie Mattez ..... Marie Matteti ..... Marie Mattetl Henley/Glenn Frey arr. Benny Uyetake ..... Marie Matteil ....... Mike Ihde arr. Marie Matteti s Neloh/Bestiil arr. Marie Mattet ....Benny Uyetake arr. Uyetake/Mattet .~ Dempeealo. .. .« i e e Don EOh T80 ... o e e e INTERMISSION ~Blue Grass High....... .ot Piiegise Nt Pl aase. i o oo vs e slasviies e sieiens . . § Happenings..... e e o i e n Johnny's Still Tn Town...;...................;.. PERSONNEL Drums, JACK MARTIN, Kaneohe, Hawaii Bass, DOUG MATTHEWS, Orlando, Florida Saxes, PAUL MIFSUD, Toronto, Canada ...... Paul Mifsud ..... Marie Mattet Piano, LOUIE OCAMPO, Manila, Philippines Elec. Guitar/Vocals, BENNY C. UYETAKE, Hilo, Hawaii Acou. Guitar/Vocals, MARIE MATTEI, Trenton, New Jersey