14 There were two reasons | chose Berklee College of Music to further my education. The first was because Bill Pierce was a saxophone professor there, and second was Branford I owe a lot to Bill's warmth and generosity at Berklee. He (along with pianist James Williams, posthumously) is the reason that | received the scholarship that allowed me to continue my studies, Marsalis attended this prestigious institution. Both men were formally with Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers, and so many other historical bands. Wanting to be a part of this musical fraternity, | knew this was the place for me. Master Pierce taught me how to listen, respect tradition, transcribe, practice, and to be curious. These lessons are passed on to my students at Queens College, and the and | will forever be grateful for this. I've always appreciated his spirit and his sense of humor, along with his talent—and | can't think of anyone more deserving of this tribute. Lawrence Fields '08 students | teach around the world. | remember seeing him many times at the Regattabar with Tony Williams, and at the Willow with James Williams. These performances inspired me to work harder, so my teacher would be proud of me. | consider myself very blessed to have my teacher Master Pierce, and | know the thousands of his former students feel the same. Antonio Hart ‘91