= Oct‘()bcr“ 24’ ])(Il\l(( 7% fm mance ((nr(; ( ()II((HS FALL 1989 . OF 'I'HE SOLID ROCK—THE SAVE THE SOUL MISSION 'BAND/RICK PECKHAM GROUP—Faculty member = - Mark McGrain presents his group in a concert of “neo-Salv: ation- Army-style-chic” originals for horns and rock rhythm section. He will be followed by faculty guxtarlst Rick Peckham leadmg}t ne qumtet through a program of contemporary electric and postbop . jazz featuring compositions by Wayne Shorter, Thelomus Monk October 25 October 26 Orncttc Coleman and Blfl\ Stravhorn ’MARVIN STAM\I = FALL TOGETHER—-—The annual Jazz Composmon Dep:u'tment ‘,} - “concert, directed by Ken Pullig, will feature special guest artist ~ trombonist/ composer/arranger Bob Brookmeyer in a variety - of instrumental settings with composmons by Grcg Hopkins, October 30 Bob Pdkmgton Ken Pullig, Bruce Thomas and Bob Brookme\ er. IT'S ABOUT TIME/VICTI\IS Ongmal funk fusxon music will be presented by drummer Kiy otaka Takiyama and his quartet. In thc = ‘second half. vocalist Chip H:uzlxp offers a program of originals and _ October 31> ‘ - covers in pop and rhythm and blues styles. Arrangements w ill be by Jon Dryden :md Paco Ojeda w 1th saxophomst Da\ id DeLcon as featured soloist. v ~ BASIC BLUE/PMS IS BURNING Facult\ trumpeter : Bill Scism leads his sextet in a program of blues in various sty les I the second half. composer/arranger Richard Evans presents v ocahst ~ Rebecca Parris in a progmm of j ]azz snd pop sty les performcd by hlb large enscmblc =