‘October ly_lk . of Tsumi. = FALL lNTO SONG/AMERICAN CLASSICS——VO!U: l)epartment : (-)et()b,erk 12 Berklee Per fi)rmm 0 g0q) FALL 1989 SOLO PlANO—Pdculty pmmst LdSLl() (;ard()ny W|ll pert()rm con- = temporary acoustic ]azz ()rlgm.lls fr()m hls rcu:nt album Tbe 1 egend > taculty member April Arabian presents a concert of diverse vocal = - music including jazz and u)ntemp()rdry, popular standards and orrg ~inals. A cappella arrangements will be featured along with faculty “members Bob Stoloff, Maggi Scott, Russ Hoffman and John Baboian. - ~ In the second half, the ballads and swing tunes of American com- ~ posers will be performed by Voice Department faculty Maggie Scott October 16 ~ - drummer lan Froman and bassist Dan Greenspan in a concert of and a big band under the direction of Greg Hopkins, with arrange- ' ~ ments by faculty members Bob l*reedm‘m .md Bud Blllmgs - LE JAZZ—l*aeulty plamst C hrlsuan Jau)b wnll be joined by faculty ~traditional standards and orrgmals, Faculty member saxoph()mst October 17 October 18 = Jim Odgren will j join the trio for a guest appeanmee e 'HAL CROOK QUARTET—-AL()US[IC jazz, standards and orrgmals - - composed and arranged by faeulty trombomst Hal Crook, w1|l/be - u perf()rmed by his quartet : > ‘JOE PARRILLO ENSEMBLE/ SONGS FOR MOTHER EARTH— : ' l-aeulty bassist Mirek Kocandrle presents this seven-piece group - inan evening of contemporary jazz originals. In the second half, ~ bassist, steel drummer, composer/arranger Ron Reid presents apro- '2 = gram of originals in an Afro-Caribbean fusing of calypso and jazz - rhythms performed by his 15-piece Rhythm Earth Ensemble. Fea- ; - tured composers include Bob Marley, Winston Bailey, Andre Tanicer and Ralph McDonald. Popular dancer Margaret ”laylor and vocahst = ~ Alvin R()berts wrll also perform. .(,)et(k)berb 23 ; MORRIS ACEVEDO GROUP/FIRST IMPRESSIONS-——Sem()r - guitarist Morris Acevedo leads his quartet in a program of contem- ~ porary acoustic jazz mcludmg compositions by Duke Ellington and Thelonius Monk, as well as originals by Acevedo. In the seC(md - half, senior trumpeter Steve Ertle presents his nine-piece group - First Impressions performing fusion and funk orlgmdls and featuring : ten()r saxoph()mst l)()nny Me(‘aslm - -