• , • • • • • . .. . .' • • ' • • • J, 0 .S. E ,p R S. C lI -I L L r· .t � ♦ • ' • J{ • . . ' . .. .. .. .• •• .. G- E· R • • . . . • .. C O U R S E • • Subject: Music • Lesson LVII. • VI. Climax and Resistance • The projection of melody is a mechanical • trajectory. • Its kineti� components are balance, impetus and inertia. Resistance produces impetus, . . . leading either towards the climax, which is a pt ••• • (pitch-time) maximum with respect to primary axis, or towards the balance. The -impetus · 1s caused by resistance which results from rotation. T�e geometrical projection of rotation is a circle which· extends itself in time projection into a cylindrical or Sj.Jher.ical sviral, or ultimately (through time ex_ter1sion) wave· motion (plane projection). The discharge of accumulated centri- fugal energy is equivalent to a climax. 1 • • The kihetic result 'of rotary motion is centrifugal energy. • ' A heavy object attached to a string and put into rotary motion about an axis-point develol,Js cor1siderable energy to move a long distance, when detached from the string. Overcoming inertia increases wechanical \ efficiency (gain of kinetic energy). Any body set to move acquires its possible ulti1oate speed in a certain �eriod of time. COPYRIGHT 1942 l>SEPH SCHILLINGER l[W YORK CITY - . . -··-- The shorter the period from the moment • • • • I • • 2• • of the application of the initial , the moment whEll the fbrce (impetus) till bod¥ acquires its uiti.mate speed, the greater is the mecbanicai efficiency of such motion . • Motion is expressible in the wave amplitude$ and the projection of kinetic climax is the·maximum amplitude. Inert matter does not acquire its maxiDJWII amplitude instantaneously when starting from balance, Just as the max.imum cawot recede to balance (rest) instantane�usly. , This concerns both velocities (frequencies) and amplitudes. Mechanical experiences, v1hethe� i.."lstinctive or intentional, are known to all ty�es of zoological species and are inherited and perfected through the /'f course of evolution. I A gi,own-up animal has a perfect judgwent of distances and directions and of the amount of muscular energy necessary to cover them in leaps or flights, without any theoretical icnowledge of the law of gravity or mechanics in general. There is no misjudgment in the monkey•s flights from tree to tree, or a gazelle leaving over a creek, or an eagle falling on its prey. A certa.in amount of intentio1:1al roechanical efficiency and psycho-physiologic coordination is inherent with every surviving species of the animal world. The relativity of tl1e standards of mechanical efficiency corresponds to the relativity of reflexes, reactions and judgments. ' . . The leaping of a human being over a 14 . .. I • • foot rod is the highest achievement in the International Olym}Jics for 1936, and this with the aid of a pole. • The mechanical efficienc y of an ordinary flea is fifty times greater. A leap of a human being over a rod 50 feet high would seem supernatural, while the respective leap of a flea would be below any low standards of efficien�y (tl1e flea leaps about one hundred times its own size) • • The standards of mechanical efficiency vary wi tl1 ages ar.d places, even among huma11 beings. They c.lso vary with different races as v1ell as with different ages. The develo�ment of athletic qualities and forms of locomotion im�ly the raising of the requirements toward the trends of mechanical efficiency. Geometrical conception of mechanical apd bio-mechanical trajectories necessitates the analysis of the corresJ.101,ding tra.jectories of nervvus imvulses and muscular reactio11s. There are corres!-'ondences betv1een tl1e tv,o, arid the knov;ledge of such correspondences leads to scientific _µroduct10r1 of excitors (in tr1is case, esthetic: music in ge:r1eral, or welody in particular) ca�able of stiwulating the intended reactions. reflexes a11d Simple react.1.crls !Jl'oject themselves into simple trajectorial !,atterns; on the other hand excitors having the forw of sim}'le trajectories stimulate rea.ctior1s of tl1e corresi.,011ding simplicity. C Likevvise, this correspon­ de11ce tc..tCes 1,>lace with the cowplex jJatterns. , I • 4. The intensity interdependence betv,een the \ •• excitor and the reaction was formulated in Weber's and Fechner•s Psycho-Physiological law. Thus, both the configurations (patterns) and the amplitudes • (intensities) have their corres�ondences between the excitors and the reactions. Judgment based on mechanical experience and mechan ical orientation leads . higher animals and human bei ngs to certain expectatlons. In the case of an absolute corresponderice betv,een the realization of a mechanical �rocess and the expectation, the resulting reaction is balance (normal satisfaction). A result above expectation stimulates tl1e ir!teri.sifica­ tion of activity (positive reaction) and at its extreme, • ecstasy. On the other hand, the result of a mechanical process whi�h is below exj.1ectati0n stimul�tes �assivity . (negative reaction) and at its extreme, depression. The two opposite poles of reactions, led to their absolute limit, stimulate astonishment, (irratic11al or zero reaction). Geometrical projectior1 of the scale of psychological adject_i ves on a circumference j)roduces the poles of the two rectangular coordinates (the diameters of the circle): 1 . normal - absurd; 2. depressing -ecstatic. Produc ing four new poles on the intermediate arcs of the circumference through addition of another pair of rectangular coordinates • I • • 5• • ° to the original pair) we obtain nine poles (under 45 altogether (including both o 0 ° and 360 ) . These nine poles, through the application of the method of evolving concept series, become expressible in adjectives standing for the psychological categories. Scale of psychological categories as represented through geometFical project�on on a • circumference: The circumference is divided, by the poles of the coordinates, into 8 arcs, 45° each. • • The geowetrical poles correspond to the psychological poles. Arcs represent the transition zones, and the poles -­ their absolute expression. Zero or 360 90 4 135 45 0 - 0 ° - abnormal infranormal - subnormal - subnatural (p lease see next page) C 180 ° - normal 270 °- ultranormal 315 ° - supernatural 225 ° - supernormal I • • 6. • Normal 180 9 225° Supernormal Su bnormaJ 135 ° ' Infranormal 90 ° 315 ° Supernatural Subnatural 45 ° Abnormal u I • • • • 7• The psychological zones within the above limits between the adjacent pole.s represent: The zone around the 0 ° or 360 ° stimulates astonishment (zero reaction or delayed reaction). ° The zone around 45 stimulates either pity or humor. • The zone around 90 ° stimulates depression (pessimism). • The zone around 135 ° stimulates the sense of lyricism (regr,et, melancholy [pleasant sadness, joyful sadness, controllable, self-imposed sadness]) - close to positive zone - joy of self-destruction, self-sacrifice. . ., The zone around 180° stimulates the sense of quiet contemplation, full psychological balance and satisfaction. The zone around 225° stimulates the sense of heroism and admiration. The zone around 270 ° stimulates the sense of exaltation, ecstasy and worshipping. The zone around 315 ° stimulates either the se11se of fantastic or the sense of fear (unfavorable surroundings, uncontrollable, unaccountable forces, fear for existence, struggle for survival). A discus thrower participating in' the Olymvics and reaching ·the previous years• record would • I • • . . • a. stilllulate the reaction corresponding to 180 point. The actual reflexes of the spectators would be polite Throwing beyond the expected range would applause. stimulate the reaction corres�onding to the zone between 180 ° and 225 °, culminating into ultimate ecstasy when it reached 270 ° (this would be evidenced by shput1ng, stamping and whistling, the reactions • increasing not only in intensity, but in quantity as well), i.e., the maximum conceivable limit. • The clapping reflexes would grow accordingly, from 180° to 270� If the disc does not reach the range expected the reaction would be disappointment, increasing toward • • '-...,I 135 ° with the sympathetic spectators, while with the range reaching only 90° it would lead ultimately to\vard depression. The spectators will not applaud when the· range of disc throwing is near the 90° point. It 1s natural to assume that certain groups of spectators, influenced by their sympathy toward the opponents of the first d.iscrus thrower, would produce exactly opposite reactions. These considerations cover the semicircle above the. horizon. • The lower zone, on the negative side, i.e., ° between the 0 and ,o 0 , stimulates the reaction of laughter and in the case of the discus thrower it would amount to a range of perhaps onl.y a few yards from his position after a iong and corresponding preparation to I • •• • 9. a throw. When the spectators see a husky, muscular athlete deprived of mechanical efficiency they unquestionably react to it as seeming decidedly humorous. On the positive side of the lower semicircle between 315° and 360 °, lies the zone of supernatural, • where the range of throw of a disc would be beyond any biomechanical possibility. For example, if the range of throw amounted to three miles. In such cases the presence of a trick or a supernatural force would be a necessary ingredient for the logical comprehension of the phenomenon. v· The usual reac.tion would be the reaction of smile or laughter transforming into aston­ ishment in the direction of the zero point. The 360° point when reached from the positive side YOU ld amount to the absurd caused by an impossible mechanical over-effioiency. Such would be the case v1hen the disc being thrown would never come back, or fall anywhere on the ground, vanishing in the interstellar s�aces and thus overcoming the law of gravity. When zero is reached from the negative side it would mean an impossible mechanical inefficiency. In the case of a disc thrower· it would happen when the . disc. would slip out of the athlete•s hands before he actually threw it. • I • 10. • • A tra jectory expressing a mechanically efficient kinetic process, whether a pendulum or a musical melody. 11'111 have the mechanical fundamentals A pendulum carmot start instantaneously 1n comon. _at its max1mull ampl1tude; neitber can a melody. A pendulum cannot stop instantaneously from its maximum amp litude; neither can a melodf. ' •• The corresponding • ' effects 1n both cases will be either supernatural or humorous. The actual quantitative specifications serl!ing different purposes and expressing different forms of mechanical efficiency vary with times and places. To satisfy any esthetic requirement one l1as to know th e style in which such requirements have to V be carried out, beyond which specifications the entire kinetic process, whether efficient or not, will be meaningless. As the standards vary, the coordinates on the circle described above change th eir absolute • positions, i.e., the zero point may move with the entire system, eit her clockwise or counter-clockwise. If we would assume, with regard to athletic standards, 18()° to be a limit of certain mechanical operations when the achievement of the following epoch increases the quantitative value of normal, placing the point of norwality to what is 225° on our diagram, the opposite pole of the coordinate will occupy res�ectively the 45 ° I • • 11. Referring to music in general and melody position. .. we find certain standards become old -in particular, .. fashioned and we begin to feel that though they may be charming yet they are entirely inadequate for the· purposes of a more mechanically efficient epoch. We feel it in every field concerned with motion, i.e. , mechanics. � There is a humorous or a pitiful reaction • toward the 1900 horseless carriage and it becomes still more humorous where there is an accumulation of quantities of the symbols of inadequacy, such as the prerequisites of travel required by a horseless carriage (dusters, goggles, safety belts). • We hav e exactly the same picture (i.e., if we are people representing our epoch and not living anachronillms), 1n melodies composed by a Verdi or a Bellini, where the mechani.cal efficiency is so low that it makes us smile, if not laugh. The same melodies stimulate entirely different reactions among the octogenarians surviving in our epoch of 400 miles per hour • In order to achieve an efficient climax it is necessary to accumulate energy that would be effectively discharged into such climax. • The means for ' accumulating energy, as it was described above, are ' achieved through rotary motion developing centrifugal energy. Trajectories ex�ressing musical pitches of • I • 12. various frequencies are heard by the.listeners 1n relation to the entire trajectory. It is possible not only to show the range of frequencies (such as a form of direct trans.itian from one frequency to another), but also to show in what way this variation The portion of a melodic of frequency was achieved. trajectory leading toward the climax, without a resistance preceding such a climax, does not produce any dramatic effect. It is the resistance that makes the climax appear dramatic. A portion of melodic trajectory leading from a climax (maximum amplitude) towards balance (minimum amplitude) must be performed in accordance with natural mechanical laws, i.e., it must contain resistance before it reaches the balance (compare with pendulum). excess ot the The inefficiency or the forms of resistance (rotary motion) leads to a mechanical abnormality. Abnormal melody stimulates the sense of dissatisfaction or humor. The forms of resistance leading toward climax acquire centrifugal form (increasing amplitude). The forms of resistance leading toward balance acquire centripetal form (decreasing amplitude). The relative period o f rotary motion an d amplitudes produces various forms and gradations of resistances. For example, the period ot rotation may be long, with the amplitude reJDa1n1ng constant; or the period of rotation may be ., I (_ • I • 13 • • • short with rapidly increasing amplitudes. The period of rotation way be short with the correspondingly increasing·amplitude. The duration of the rotary . period may be in inverse proportion to the amplitude .. - and often the law or squares takes its place • I • • • 0 • . . • I • ·t 14. Lesson LVIII. The corresponding forms or resistance as • applied to melodic trajectories are: l. Repetition (correspondences: aiming, rotary motion with infinitesimal amplitudes, affirmation or the axis level as a starting point). llusical rora: repeated attacks of the same pitch discontinued by rests or following each other continuously • •• Pb.Ysical Form Musical Form • • • f ' 2. one phase r9tation (corres�ondences: preliminary contrary motion, initial impulse in archery, artillery, springboard diving, baseball pitching, tennis service, etc.) Musical form: a movement or a group o f movements in the direction opposite to the following leap. I • • !9sical Form Physica� Form • . ' . . . . . . . ... . . • • __,_ • • • ---a • • •• -·· --�· • • - •• -·· •• • I This form often acquires more.than one phase following in one direction which intensifies the • resistance. . . . - . . . • • • .. __. . . . . . . ---, . . . . . . • 3. Full_p�riodic rotati?B (one or more periods) A. Constant amplitude (correspondences: rotation around a stationary point, a top, some�saults - with diving • and without - lasso, axis and orbit rotation of the planets, Dervish dances). • I • I 16 • lilaical Form: mordente, trill, tied tremolo, groupetto. Jlusical Form • • I • ( • • B. Variable amplitude (correspondences: giroscope, spiral motion, tornado, expansion, contraction). llusical form: expanding and contracting, simple and compound I 110tion. • • I • • Whereas th e preo1dil11 r.... of ,.1e,111·.t.Ni require 0ulf, one ot the secondary an•� tbe YU"1able I · amplitude rotation requires a silliuitaneous oc,llb1nait10D of two or three second&l'f axes. ID th1a case 'tbe •Xii leading towards cli.JDaz or balance will be coii8idered • • fundamen.ta1 and the other au• - oml 17, Simultaneous combinati ona of two axes: • (a) Centrifugal (expanding): Phys,ical Form Musical Font • • l..., 0 d � I - . I • 18. • C•) Calrlpetel (cODtraot:sng) L •·· • Phf1ic&1 l CU Mlsical Form • • • • • • 0 b I' \ •' • Simultan eous combinati ons o f three ax ' es: (a) Centrifugal (expanding): a + 0 + d; d + O + a • I • -- . -• 19 • (b) Centripetal (contracting): b + 0 + c; c + O + b Physical -. Form Musical Form a + 0 + d • d + 0 + a •• b + 0 + c c + 0 + b , • . I • • 20 • • Lesson LIX. As the iz\teryal of a pitch level from the primary axis affects tension (gravity effect where P.A. is a gravitational field) resistance may also result from two parallel secondary axes. The complementary parallel axis may be placed either aboye • ' or below the fundamental axis. The effect of motion through a pair of parallel axes is that of an extended trajectory (delayed forced inefficiency). ' In reality it is the usual rotary motion only evolving between the two axis-boundaries. - The correspondences of such mvti0n are: raising and falling� zigzag ascending arid desce11ding. Musical form: revolving around alternately progressine points (ascending or descending). (please see next page) I • . • - . • • • a ·a• c;&. I , • ' • • > l .......,,) a. I '• • • I • . -- • I • 23 • • C c• C • • C I r ' • I • • 24 • • d., , • • J_ - r • \.. � i-' ��./ { ) '" •• • I I I • • , • . 0 or • , • .... • • • , 0 • 0 I The 1, 2 and 3 forms of resistance produce • the respective degrees of resistance. When more than one form is used in successive portions of melodic continuity they must follow one another in the increasing degrees. The opposite arrangement is mechanically i nefficient and therefore produces an effect of weakness. Resistances lead either toward cl�max or toward balance. • • • I • • • Fro■ Balanoe: ce.r • • • • • • '--•· • • • • L--.· . -- c.e. .:i[ - - - .. --�-. • - • - - - -. '- - -- • ,. ee. . m. Toward Balance: , • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • r • • ( • • - • - • • • • • • • • • I • Distribution of C1imexes 1n Melodic Continuity. The distribution of climaxes in melodic continuity must be performed with respect to the total duration of such continuity. • .. The relative intensity of climaxes depends both on time and pitch ratios • •. leading toward the respective climaxes. The natural • tendency 1s the expansion of pitoh and the contraction of time. These two components mutu ally compensate each other. The climactic gain between the two adjacent climaxes takes place when: 1. The pitch-ratio is increasing and the time-ratio is constant; 2. The time-ratio is decreasing and the pitch-ratio is constant. The climactic gain reaches its mechanical maximUJD when both forms . are combined (increasing pitch-ratio and decreasing time-ratio) . It is practical to save the last effect for the main climax of the entire melodic continuity and t o use it only when the extreme exuberance has to be attained. As the decreasing time-ratio is charecteristic of the continuity with a group of climaxes, rhythmic L I • I • 28. material which 110uld appropriately distribute the climaxes must belong to the decreasi ng series of growth, such as �•U•NDt'>tion or power series. Smaller number values and in inverse correlation serves as material for the distribution of the pitch ratios for a group of successive climaxes • • •. This description refers to a traj ectory moving towards main climax and must be inverted for the opposite dir ection• • • \.,..I ) • • • • • • I • • 29 . Lesson LX, VII, Superimposition of the Time-RhYthm on the Secondary Axes "Beauty" is the resultant of harmonic relati ons . In order to obtain a 11 �autitul" (esthetically efficient) melody it is necessary to establish harmonic relations between its factorial and fractional rhythm. This may be achieved by means of a homogeneous series of factorial-fracti0nal continuity. durations occurring within the bars Rhythm of time lD\lSt belong to the same series as the rhythm of the seco ndary axes. Naturally, there are hybrid melodies ·where fractional , and factorial rhythm belong to different series., A homogeneous series is merely an expression of stylistic consistency. Melodies wi th structural consistency may be found nearly in every folk lore, as well as in the works of composers who synthesized and crystallized the efforts of their predecessors. Beethoven crystallized the melodic style of the "Viennese School", (which at its time was a revolt agai ns t counterpoint and poly­ phonic writing). Bach, in his melodic themes, (in many cases wi th an odd number of bars), crystallized the efforts of several centuries ., Mediaeval Cantus Firmus was the source of his ·toomes. ' • • • I • 30. Different styles have different evolutionary velocities. •Jazz" having a veey high one, (like some o f the specimens of the Alpine flora with a veey short 11fe-span), has already crystallized its Examples are numerous and may be found homogeneity. • more in the •swing• playing than in the printed copies of the songs • .. After the series has been selected, the • actual composition of the fractional continuity may be accomplished i n two ways: (1) by using the resultants or the power groups, (2) by composing freely from the monomial , binomials, trinomials and quintinomials of a given family, (see "Evolution of Style in Rhyth m"). An example of composing fractional continuity 1n ¼ series: Suppose we have a trinomial of the Secondary axes, a2T + bT + cT. In this case 4T ; 16t. To satisfy 16t we may use r , or (2+1+1 ) 2 , or any 4 4+3 of their variations, i.e. , the permutations or the resultants. A free composition according to (2) may give results identical with some of the variations. The groups of the ¼ series are: , • I • 31. • monomial . . . 4 binomials. • • 3 + 1 and 1 + 3 trinomials . • 2 + 1 + 1, 1 + 2 + 1 and 1 + 1 + 2 the· uniform quadrinomial • . 1 + 1 + l + 1 Deciding upon a2T being (3+1) + (2+1+1), bT being 1+1+2 and cT being 1+3, we obtain r4+3. • By selecti.ng freely various recurrences of the same binomial, like 3+1, we obtain: a2T = (3+1) + (3+1), • • bT = 3+1, cT = 3+1, or various recurrences of the same trinomial ·nith variations, like: a2T = (2+1+1) + . + (2+1+1), bf = 1+2+1, cT = 1+1+2, we obtain groups • that are not identical with the resultants or the power groups. When a cl imax is desired the maximum time value wust be pla ced at the corres�onding point of a Secondary axis (in � at tl1e ez1d, ir1 J?. at the beginning, in .£ at th e beginning arid in £ at t.l'1e end). For instance, if a climax is desired on a2T, it must be the last term of a rhythmic group of this axi s . 4 In the • 4 series i· t wou ld be: , a2T = (2+1+1) + (1+3) or (2+1+1) + (1+1+2) or (2+1+1) + 4 and the like� To superimpose a fracti onal rhythmic group on a factorial gro up of the Sec ondary axes, means to • • I • ' -- I - - -- 32. distribute the points of attack on a pitch trajectory (the path of a moving point). Let us assume th�t a gro�p of secondary axes has been constructed with no reference to any Placing the particular logarithmic (tuning) system. pre-selected fractional group above the axes and • • •• dropping perpendiculars from the points o f attack, we • accomplish the distribution of the points of attack (which become the moments o f attack) along the pitch trajectory of a hypothetic tuning system • • Example a2T + b'f + ct = (2+1+1) + (1+1+2} + (1+2+1) + (1+3) ·' 0 16T � 4T 2T+T+T ' 1 I I l I I l I r• l• r, t• I • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • � • &&$ • • • • •• , ,, • t ' .• t , l r r• •1, r • ' ' ' 1 • • • • I l I• • 1 l • r / ' ' ' ' • • I • .. t. -u ' Thus, the red point·s are the moments of attack on this pitch trajectory. I • • Here we arrive at the following definition of melody: melody 1s a resultant traJectorz of the axis-group moving through the points or attack, Melody, 1n the academic sense, 1.�. , with sudden pitch variations within a t1Jning system ., ·is a rectangular trajectory. • Melody ., in the Oriental conception., as well as in any musical actuality ., is a curvilinear • tra jectory, i.e., co ntaining a certain amount of pitch• sliding. ' We shall deal with composition of a melody 1n the academic sense as our musical culture leaves the bending of a rectangular traj ectory to the instrumental performer. • As the secondary axes form triangles (with respect to primary axis) , two forms of rectangular motion through the points of attack are possible : (1) ascribed (sin phases) (2) inscribed (cos phases) Though in c omposing melody a free choice of the two may take place, in balancing melody at its end on b or c axes, the ascribed motion produces an incomplete (i.e., unbalanced) cadence, while the inscribed motion produces a 9omplete (i.e. , balanced) one. The first one is a device for deviating from balance, i.e;, for accumulating ter1sion, a stimulus for the new recapi tulation. Examples of rectangular trajectories evolved ' through the axes of the previous example: ,.... . I • IP?Rlf I I• I J• t I I• • • • • • • • • • • • 'I •• • • • • • • • ,, • • Jlot1on • • • • • • • / t • ' • • �/ • • • • • I • • • . • ' I l (' •• ,, • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • • • - Ascribed • • • I • • • , I I Example II - Inscribed Motion I 1Il(l • • • • • • • • ': • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • ' •• • • • • • ·- rl • • ,) •' • '• • l lI t • I • I I I I I • I • • • ' I • • • • • • • • • • • ,. • • I • 35. These two potential melodies are totally different in their pitch progression. The usual, commonplace compositicn of pairs varies with respect to the cadence only. Such pairs may be either inscribed or ascribed, but must be identical ' othe;rwise; the ending of the first one is ascribed, while the eming of the second - insc.ribed. .. ' , • I • J O S E P H S C H I L L I N G E R C O R R E S P O N D E N C E C O U R S E Subject: .Music Lesson LXI. VIII. Superimposition o f Pitch-Rhythm (Pitch-Scale) on the Secondary Axes . Unifo rm time-intervals (du ratio ns) being ge ometrically pro jected p roduce space-intervals, (extensio11s) . Such uniform time seal.es are primary selective systems v1hen T ::: ra+l · When b f l they beco me secondary sele c tive systems, (rhythm-scales) . Unifo rm pitch-intervals of our tuning system .------- 1 produce lo garithms to the base o f � (semito nes) . Chromatic scale is the primary selective system o f pitch in o ur into natio n. Geo metrical projectio n of sucn scale Any o ther pitch- is a uniformity along tne o rdinate. scale within the same tuning system is � secondary selective system, (i.e., a derivative of the primary selective system ) . • It is easy to see that a pitch-time traject ory m oving in either asc ribed o r inscri bed fo rm o f moti on thro ugh the po ints of intersection of time (abscissa) and pitch ( ordinate) unifo rmities (primary selective s,steos) , is (structurally) the simplest form o f melo dy, .. i.e., a chromatic scale in unif orm rhythm . I • • 2. Here we arrive at the followi11g definition of melody: melody is a pitch-time trajectory resulting from the intersection of the points of intonation __ .......,_ · ·: (��tch-units) with the points of attack (time-points) in a specified axis-system. When the geometrical points of intersection do not coincide with the pitch-units of a scale, pitch­ -- units nearest to th e coincidence-points must be used . Let us superimpose an Aeolian scale (2+1+2+2+1+2) on the axis-group illustrated in the preceding chapter. \ u ,..,,...... Let us assume a2P + bP + cP, i . e . , a parallel PT correlation. And let P = 5, which in this case gives a symmetric distributio11. • c be the _prims.ry axis. .f.ii tch £. .Ql, , bP from .f. to £. to Let furtl1er, Then a2P exterids from cP from _g_ to £.. a11d Here is the final cvnstructio11 of tne • a.xis grou.1-1: Scheme of the Points of Geometrical Intersection. t: . I ! 1 • .!. ' � • ---.,.--,. I I ' . • I. • f I •• . � .. !:.r � .. f1. n' I' l�L1/""-� • l i ' -ti I•• ..._.__ .J' ' I . • I ,. !/.. :) .,.-...--..r- I t-r •• j I -•· "- ---L • '- -, I -. 'T' ..... -- ' J..,.. .l..• . .. ' •• II I • 3. This diagram produces a slight deviation from the description given in the text, due to the fact that the scale is small enough to give deviations . • However, this is not essent�al as further adjustments - follow the scale. The next step is to adjust the �oints of intersection to the Aeolian scale . Let us analyze point by point • • If the first point of intersection is £, the nearest pitch-unit to the second 'point of inter­ section 0 .... on the Aeolian scale is £• Next, we select e P as the nearest to the third intersection-point. f. The fourth falls exactl y on whicl1 is not in the scale. r '# The fifth falls on - In this case either the repet ition of £, or g is available. nearest to g. -a Next point is Through ascribed motion the entire axis b �. d and end ori would start on As in inscribed motion, pitch-�evels move toward the points of intersection; tl1e first pi tch- . b- axis will be either unit on e�, as the geometrical f or intersection coincides vii th � ,. d. point is nearer tc f The 11ext intersection­ b- axis In order tu coruplete - through inscribed wotion it will be necessary to consider £ as the last intersection �oint. C- axis thrcugh the inscribed motion gives its �oints of intersecticn at -a ' • c. and - I • 4. We shall reconstruct now ��e axis-group with respect t o the Aeolian scale, as Just described, This trajectory is and draw an inscribed tra jectory. • the most elementary form of an actual melody. . •• • . • . C. nc. ' •- ;_ ,, ''!""' . . . ',- .' ;. ·� . , . • •I I i jt::Jc:::! •g - I I I -4• .. •� • • It would not be difficult to find all other versions, i.e., the ascribed trajectory and the trajectories where either axis may ba realized in 0 ascribed or inscribed �otion. • • I • - ·-- - - - ---- -- \ 5. Here is a chart of combinatioris : Axes : •• a b ascribed ascribed ascribed ascribed ascri bed inscribed ascribed inscribed ascribed i11scribed ascribed ascribed inscribed inscribed inscribed inscribed inscribed ascribed i11scribed ascribed inscribed ascribed inscribed inscribed •• There are eight versions altogether. After obtaining an actual melody, such melody becomes a subject to scale variation, tonal and geometr ical ex1,181siu11s and inversions. For instance, the same melody in a "blue" scale wo uld sound : ' • • or in a Chinese ( 2+3+2+2) scale (through the translation of the corresponding degrees) : (�lease see next page) • • • I I • -. .... • 6• •• • • I I , • • _L � .•.,. ., �· � .. � • j • • • Here an allowance has to be made on the first note of the last bar, as the VI does not exist in the Chinese scale, (substituting it by the last degree of the scale, i.e., V, which is ,!!). • ' • .• , - I • - - . - .. - - ·- . .. . - . . ... -- 7. Lesson LXII. IX. Forms of Trajecto rial Motion The trajectory obtained above was called • "100s t e lementary for1n of an actual welody 11 because its form of motion is simple harmonic, (i.e. , scalewi se) . • motion. According tu Chapter VI, such melody cannot be too expressive or dramatic. In order to obtain an expressive melody it is necessary to build resistances. This cannot be realized without introducing more com�lex forms of motion. We shall present now all the traj ectorial 0 forms with respect to the zero axis. ( 1) Sin wotion with constant awplitude: • (2) Cos motion with const&nt amplitude : (3) Combined sin + cos motiun wi th constar1t awplitude: • I • --- � - - ----·--- -- - - ---- ··.. --·· --..,_ ___ - . .. - ·· - 8. (4) Cowbined cos + sin motion with constant amplitude : .c::::>- .___ .__�"<...: 7� .7 ' • ( 5) Sin rootio11 \'Ii th increasi11g amplitude : c:::::::::-,,, (6) Sin motion with decreasing awplitude: (7) Sin motion with combined il1c.reasing-decreasing amplitude: 'I I • -·· - . . . .. • • . (8) Sin motion with combined ciecreasing-increasing . amplitude ; • •• (9) Cos motion as (5) : • (10) Cos motion as (6) : ' (11) Cos motior1 as (7) : .. • • I • 10 • (12) Cos motion as (8) : • • (13) Combined sin + cos motion with co.u1bined • • amplitude as (5) : •• • , (14) Combined sin + cos motior.1 with cowbi11ed amplitude as (6) : (15) Combined sin + cos motio11 v11. t..1 co1ubir,1ed amplitude as (7) : I • 11. (16) Combined sin + cos motion with combined amplitude as (8) : •. (17) Combined cos + sin motion with combined amylitude as (13) : (18) Combined cos + sin motion with cowbined amplitude as (14) : • (19) Combi11ed cos + sin motion with combir1ed aruylitude as (15) : I • 1 2. .r (20) Combined cos + sin motion wi th combi11ed am.Plitude as (16) : . • These twenty versions are werely variations . of the two original forms, l. .e. ' (1) ai\d (5) . Every . of the sin a11d every decreasing amplitude cos l.S . l.S G) of the increasing aw�litude • © • Furth er uevelo.t1ment of tr1ese traj ectorial • forms may be obtair1ed through ap.iJlicatio11 of the coefficients of recur·rer1ce of the sir1, tl1e cos an-] -� [� ® �o�J +0 ©fo�J + [��e4J + w�t:o�J.t@�i;po]+�-�.f� 0@ �..�J • � 1 ; • : I ' --------=----....::=:================================== . - -. .., . I � � . ,, ►� ] • • - I- :J • " I ' , ( • �- r I 1', i ( - I I I :Ii �1. � ' •IC: , ', � . i' ' r iiiJ ' - I • 1iii1 Ir � . t: I 1riiit J ,- � . -. • -. ,...j! I --- [ � ..... • � I � -• - j • I -.---.;; •It • ................. � � ' • - � -, � • . • � ----.... I � (£r '• • - q I , - � � ' ! � � pf- "" I �- .� , i! , ;: • � C , • r / •• • t: -( � � • • c .,, 1.-' I � � , - I• :fl� - ( ... -p. � I • • . , l I � • � � 't .,. C ' � \) ' ---q ' •• \1 "­ --t\ r (.) � I -- .... '. I . . . -" '. ► .<: 1r C: C: ' ' - � I- � � i::il: • _. ' 1,- I- • . I • • ra o:,r�J +- I» @ • + �J + 1!i @ �-�J + @\ @r-�J t- lf @ <, � ,J + Ct��-�...] +- �• -tJ�o+GJ + ��t•rJ - - - � • .. -- - ! ,;- (, I T t ,�. ' • I• . . • t- . t• ] ' • c liii • -.......... [• . ·.- , q I . t '"' ,· • ll .. (· --- I I :a· .. , • ... . :f: I • !ii - r -� • ,,,. "'"' • � a - fl - � ' • , . .... �... f • • �t • • -c- I --. +-_; • � • • ' • '•• •• r �- � } � - • - �., '""'"" .,,,..- ✓ - � ... �,. :t �,._... � "".a. I • - . � !. - • ]� ,. • ' ' ' • --- == =�============================= ================= � /':.'.(.·� .. . '�, •• I • I Mode in U. S. A . I •