6. ' Lesson LXXXV. SEVE�TH-CHORDS .. S(7) Diatonic System A l 4 . . 1� -Q The Third Inversion The Second Inversion The First Inversion Fundamental Position t --. � 8(7) Seventh­ 'S (�) Fifth­ Sixth Cl1ord Chord :i s(i) Third­ Fourth Chord - S(2) Seco11d Chord . A seventh-chord including all inversions has 24 positions altogether. The classical system of harmony is based on the p ospu�ate of resolving seventh: seventh moves one step_ d9wn_. '1 • This postulate provides a medium for .continuous progression of S(7) as well as establishes the entire system of diatonic continuity (cycles). One movement is required to produce C 3 : the movement of the seventh alone. wise transformation. It results in a clock' • , • \ 7. ... 7 -· -·····---- . - Two movemen ts are required to produc e c5: th e movement of the seventh and of th e fifth one step d vm 7 It results in a c rosswis e transformation. • 1 • 5 Three movements are required to produce C1: the movement of the seventh ., of the fifth and of the third one step down. ... transformation. It results in a counter-clockwise Taking the chords over two from C 3 we obtain: I e7 7� 7 - j' -- T 5':>l 3� ✓ l t=\ 7 � 5.,1\ This type of mu$iC may be found among co ntrapuntalists of XVII - XVIII Ce nturies. Palestrina ., Bach, Haendel obtained sim ilar results by means o f suspensions. Assigning a system of cycles we can produce • 8. L a continuity of S(7). taken in a n y position. The starting chord may be Example: C,. + c, + Cr + C7 + c, + c, + Cs- -e- ,,.. • • • • • • This continuity being entirely satisfactory . harmonically may prove, in some cases, unsatisfactory u melodically on account of continuous descending in all voices. This form, when desirable, may be eliminated by means of the two devices: (l) exchange of the common tones , (2) octave inversion of the common tones The same continuity of cycles assumes the following form: ffi�-(]I• ! .... ,� I -- 9 � -. • � ,____ - -- • �- &7 J _ I j 9. u Obviously C 1 does n ot provide common tones, thus excluding the above devices. As the continuity of the second type offers better melodic forms for all voices, it may be desirable to pre-set certain melodic forms in advance. For example, it is possible to obtain, by means of continuous Cs, the following form of descending through two parallel axes (b) or (d) , as in the music of Frederick Chopin. This may be harmonized as follows: --------- -------·----- ----- ---- Diatonic C0 becomes a necessity in order to avoid the excess of saturation typical of the continuity of S(7) with variable cycles. • (J The principle of moving continuously through C0 is based on the exchange and inversion of common tones. 10. The exchange and inversion of adjacent ' functions brings the utmost satisfaction. Neverthe- less it is not desirable to use the two extreme functions for such yurpose as the y cause a certain amount of harshness. ..., 1 � • u An example of continuity of the C0 i -- - ...., - • • u The final form of continuity of S(7) consists of the mixtures of all cycles (including C0) based on a rhythmic composition of the coefficients of recurrence. 11 • 1':---- - ' • • • 12 .. L Lesson LXXXVI. Resolution of 8(7) Resolution of an 8(7) into an 8(5) in all • positions and inversions may be defined as a transi­ tion from four functions t,o three func_tions, 8(5) in the four-part harmony and with a normal doubling (doubled root) consists of: 1, 1, 5, 5 • 8(7) consists of: • 1, 3, 5, 7 When a transition occurs, ob viously the root takes the place of the seventh. Therefore the resolution is provided through the motion of 8(7 ) > S(7) and the substitution of one for the seven, i.e., the function which would become a seven th in the continuity of seventh-chords becomes a root-tone when a resolution is desired. Example: C b r 7 r::_, • � 1 5 > 1 3 ) 5 1 ) 3 Note: Do not move 8(7) - ,I ) S(5) in the C0 u 13. Resolutions in the Diatonic Cycles . • • This case provides an explanation why . ' a·tonic triad acquires a tripled root Ein d loses its fifth. i . (J - • , I S,. �- � . , c ,, .... Preparation of S(7) There are three methods of preparation of S(7), i.e"", of transition from S(5) to S(7): 0 (1) suspending (2) d escending (3) ascending 14. (__; The first method is the only one producing the positive (C3 , Cr , C7 ) cycles. The methods (2) and (3) are the outcome of the intrusion of melodic factors into harmony. They are obviously in confl ict with the nature of harmony {like the groups with passing chords) as they produce the negative cycles, which in turn contradict the postulate of the resolving seventh universally observed in classical music • • The technique of preparation of the seventh consists of assigning a certain consonant function (1, 3, 5) to become a dissonant function (7) and to either sustain the assigned function of the 8(5) over the bar line or to ward or upward. m ove it one step down­ The last two forms of occur on a weak beat. a seventh must Exercise in different positions, inver­ sions and cycles the S(5) --1-➔ S(7) transition. (1) Suspending: • 1 7 • C • • 3 7 5 7 15 .. (2) Descending: 7 (3) Ascending: , • C-7 C-3 (Please see next page) ' . 16. (1) Suspending , , A • J .3 f.t, • • r� • • •,I b!' ,, - J3 .. -, I,;' I ___,_..- C. �• J� r a� f rI rI r� �l 0 (2) Descending • t I ' ,,.-, . ,I ,I L.J ' -; -61 LII - r - , '! r� � ·� - - •7 ,,, ,' .., V . • !C • •.. (3) Ascending ,., -•�,,-� .. us1c1•a No, 230 Loose Liaf 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch • -. ... - � .,� V r 7 BRAND �- fi,,,' I 1 Q ' l " ' -� , • ,, f 17. The mixture of the zero, positive and negative cycles provides the final form of continuity based on 8(5) and S(7). For m ore efficient planning of such continuity use bar lines for the layout. The preparation of S (7) may be either positive or negative; the resolution - al1ivays positive. Example: I I e7 l!.-.3 • - �s- e.s C!.o • • • \ -------------�----- C • I C,-s-- I • 18 • Lesson LXXXVII. The negative system of tonal cycles may be used as an independent system. The negative system is in reality a geo metrical inversion of the • Every principle, rule or regula­ positive system. tion o f the positive system becomes its own converse in the negative. Chord structures become E o f the @ original scale. E, ® which forms Chord progressions are based on the C- 3• Clockwise \.transformations become counterclockwise and vice versa. Positive Chord Struetures Negative Tonal Cycles: Negative - --------➔�-+ Positive Transformations: • ---- --.➔ + 2 19. The postulate of resolving seventh for the negative system must �be seventh moves 9ne step up, read: the negative The C-� requires the negative seventh and negative fifth to move one step up. The C-1 requires all the to move up. tones except the root This system may be of great advantage in building up climaxes. Negative: Positive: • • F The root-tone of the negative system is the seventh of the p ositive and vice-versa. It is easy to see how the other cycles would operate. C-.r C..r C c. , 20. If one wishes to read the negative system as if it were positive, the rules must be changed as follows: The The C-r , • C-3 requires the ascending of 1 The C-7 A. Groups n n " " " " l and 3 n l, 3 and 5 �pecial Applications of S(7) either S(7) finds its application' in G•, " ' as the first or the last chor d of the group. The following forms are possible: 8(5) + 8(�) + S(�) ) 8(5) + sc:) + s(i) < 8(5) + s(!) + 8(2) ( > s(7) + s(:) + S(6) ( 8(7) + 8(6) + s(4) 3 ) ( 4 8(7) + s(:) + 8(2) ( ) The cycle between the e,xtreme chords of G, may be either C0 , or C3 , or c,. '1 21. L Besides Gt there is a special group where s(i) is used as a passing chor d . • two forms of this group. (A) GJ(r) - - S(5)(!') + S(i) + 8(7) There are or 8(5) or S (5) These two forms may be used in one direction only. All positions are available. Rule of voice-leading: bass and one of the voices of do u. b ling move stepwis e down. tones sustained. Common The cycle between the extreme chords in the first form is C 3 ; in the second form it is C0 • •• •• > • 22. B. Cadences. The following applications of S(7) are commonly known: (1) rv,, .. (2) (3) II ., r (4) II" J " " " " " " " " n In addition to this the fo�lowing forms ' may be offered: (5) Any of tl1e previous forms " (6) Besides these t:t1ere are two ecclesiastic forms: (f) IV (:tr;) (1) 1, - (2) I5' - rv© (Ut") 3 Is- !5"' (please see next page) • , 23. . Ii - � . -• • � -0 � - � r,> � � 0 I� I I ,_ � 1,�,�,4) I-,• - - , • !>. ,i II (/,) • 1 '.� - � • J � (4,'-, �4) r .I • :I • • • 0 •• ,. - � - -- --, � (1) t (5) {LI) d:4,. rJ. � • � ••• ,t;t:i,,,, ·- . � . - - t -- - t • IS . -, ,� '1!) • � J O S E P H S C H I L L I N G E R C O R R E S P O N D E N C E C O U R S E Subject: Music With: Dr. Jerome Gross Lesson LXXXVIII. SyPJme,tri!! Z,ero Cycle (C 0 ) Symmetric C0 offers an extraordinary· versatility on S(7) as seven structures of the latter have been in use. If evolving of the forms of \,s (7) would have been devised scientifically, they would be obtained in the following order. Taking c - e - g - bi, (4 + 3 + 3) as the most common form and producing variations thereof, we obtain two other forms: C - e p - g - b \:? (3 + 4 + 3) and c - e � - g � - bp ( 3 + 3 + 4) Taking another form, c - e - g - b (4 + 3 + 4) , we obtain two other forms: • c - e - g and - b (4 + 4 + 3) c - ep - g - b (3 + 4 + 4) • These two grot1ps of three are distinctly different but as music has made the use of them for quite some time our ear does not find it objectionable any longer to mix all of them in one harmonic continuity. 0 • . . ' • 2. C - e - Besides these � • Sl.X forms there is a - gb, - b►lt (3 + 3 + 3 + 3) and might have been C - e - g ft - b� (4 + 4 + 4 + 4) if there would not be an objection t o the fact that c - b ir monic octave. is an enhar­ A continuity on symmetric C 0 of all seven structures offers-603 0 permutations. Thus a c - chord alone can move (without changing its position and • without coefficients of recurrence being applied) for 50�0 x 7 = 36,280 chords. '' A method of selecting the best of the available progressions must be based on the following principle: the best progressions on symmetric E0 are due to i dentig of steps or to contrary motion. 4 • Example (1) Identity of Steps: all semitones . (2) Contrary motion: (_) • ' The principle of variation of the chord-structures and their positions remains the same as in S(5): Position Structure Variable Constant Constant Variable S(7) in the following table has a dual system of indications: letter symbols and adjectives. The adjectives are chosen so that they do not adhere • alone. to the degrees of any scale but to structure ' ' Thus, such a common adjective as "dominant" ha d to be sacrificed. s, 8(7) Table of Structures S.t Mtt-[7) ., ' .. , , ..� '- � J- f � S(5") SC1) • • • . � ' �, OR� � ...� - S(s-) • I, '-" • .,. • Three Tonics (3,!2 ) Continuous system: moves fcur times. Transformations correspond to C3• • To obtain 8(7) • after an 8(5) use the position which would corres­ pond to continuous progression of 8(7). • ..• , • 5(7) .... Example of Conti nuity: - • sCs-) S(1), S(s) S(1) 5{.r} 7. Four Tonics ( '!/2 ) pond to C3• � / i. I Closed system. S(7) after 8(5) as in Three Tonics. c.XAM PLE OF C:,QN'flN61 li1'. .fill ·i • ,. � ;:rt, jt r • ,. • • � r •• ',,. , • ,' -r � ,-t) ' ¼-· i� -� + � II" - 11 - , Transformations corres­ - : -- "" • :"6,· .- - -- ' -s ,.-e • , • SiX Tonics ( 6J2 ) Continuous system: moves two times* Transformations correspond to c,. as :in previous cases- :s(7) after 8(5) Both positive and negative progressions are fully satisfactory. � To obtain the negative progressions read the positive backwards. I 8. ,. ,�-� • I' • I � �� f,(-,} II • ' • � � .. , .I - S(,) �- H•il S(,J -e l �- 5�) ' -, i • - - •- •o- , � •6 � r !,(7) � I ,• !,(7) r� .,.., i S{7) 5(5) -- 6 ·� '• I,·• -� ,� 5(s) •'.'.' ;") $ 5 (1) - I ,6 - o=========================================== l!t����q No. 230 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style - Standard Punch 9. Twelve Tonics ( ':/2) Cl ased sy:stem. Al1 spec:ificatio1)s and appl1cet1ons as jn S1x Ton1cs. - <. u�ic1•c1 BRAND No. 230 Loose Letf 12 Stave Style -Sttndard Punch - .- . • • 10. Lesson LXXXIX. r it possible Jixbri9- Five-Par t Harmony The to technique of continuous 8(7) makes evolve a hybrid five-part harmony, where bass is a constant root :tone and the fou r upper functions assume variable forms of S(7) with respect • to bass • .eit her on root, or By placing an S(7) . third, or fifth, or �seventh' of the bass root we • obt ain all forms of S in five-par t barJQ_ony. An S(5) th t o be ed wi t h the addi t ion of represen t 1 has 3 . (t he . so-called "added sixth "). Forms of Chords in Hybrid Five-Part (4 + 1} Harmony The 4 Upper Part s . 5 3 l S 13 The Bass l The Forms of Tension 8(5) 7 5 9 7 3 11 9 7 1 3 5 1 1 1 S(7) S(9) S(ll) l3 11 9 7 1 S(l3) It is p.ossible to move con tinuously eit her form or any of the combina tions of forms in any 11. C rhyt hmic form of continuity. It is impor tant to realize that the to nal cycles do not correspo nd in the upper four par t s to the to nal cycles :in the bass when the forms of tension are variable. F or example, f - a - c - e may be 3 - 5 - 7 - 9 in a DS(9) as well as 7 - 9 - 11 - 13 in a GS(13). In such a case a progression C s- for the bass v-,ith 8(9) -� > S(l3) produces C0 for the upper four parts. The principle of exchange and octave­ • inversion of the common tones holds true. Three forms of harmonic continuity will be used in the followi ng illus trations (these forms o f co ntinuity are well). • applicable in the four-part harmo ny as When chord structures acquire greater te nsion and also when the compensation for the dia t onic deficiency is requir ed, it is often desirable to use preselected forms of chord-structures yet moving diatonicallz. Such system has a bass belonging to one defi nite diatonic scale, while the chor d structures acquire various acciden tal s in or der to pr oduce a definite so nority. In the general classificatio n o f the harmonic progressio ns the latter t ype is known as diatonic-szmme�ric, Three Type� 9f H�monic Progressions I. Diatonic I I. Diatonic-Symmetric III. Symmetric 12. The following examples will be carried out in all three types of harmonic continuity. Constant and variable forms of tension will be offered. In order to select a desirable form of structures for the forms of different tension it is advisable to select a scale first, as such a scale • For example, if the offers all forms of tension. scale selected is tl - d - e - f:ft - g - a - b Ii,, • S (5) = C - e - g - a ; 8(9 ) 8(7) = c - e - g - b � - d; 8(13) = c - b�- - d - r f' - a. 0 8(11 ) Though the- same scale wou ld be ideal for the progression, it is not impossible and not very undesirable to use any other scale for the chord­ progressions. (please see following pages) • u �ybrid Five-Part Harmony (Tables an . d Examples) (1) Continu,ity 9f S,(5) [moJ1omials] Scale : c - d - e - _f� - g - a - b'P Type I . Type II . - • Type III. • , r- •,=="9• U�ICl•H BRAND No, 230 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch 13. 14 . .. i II ·, I ' - ,.. -. � t� · ""' � '. �� (ii ..!6. �"'- .; . " (2) Continuity of p(7) [monomials] Type I • • Type I I . Type III. 'tt =-•-··= us1c1•a�.. DRA.�D No, 230 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch 15. (3) 9ontipuity_ 9f_ S(9). lmonomials] Type I • Type I I . • Type III. ,, � usic1�a BRAND No. j30 Loose Leof 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch 16. (4) Continui;ty of s(,11) [monomials] Type I . • Type II. Type III. > (5) Continuitz of S(lp)_ [mpnomials] I 17. - Type I I . Type III . - ... , r \......, ____ Combinations by two (binom.-ials) , three (trinomials), fo·ur (quadrinomials) and five (quintinomials) may be =i=-= s:.!:< a ---s=im �= in d� e.:e .___ · l=:.:!a=r:-...:wz.::a�y'-J• ______ ___ _ ____ _ _ ___.,,d=e=v_,,,,i'-"' ·-·==-� us1c1•c1 ... DRA�D No, 230 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch 18. Table of Combinations Arabic numbers in the following tables represenc Chord Structures (S) ' Compinations by 2 5 + 9 9 + 13 7 + ll 7 + 13 5 + 11 5 + 13 11 + 13 9 + 11 7 + 9 5 + 7 10 combinations, 2 permutations each Total: 10 x 2 = 20 • pombiP?,tions by 3 , 5 + 7 + 9 7 + 9 + 11 5 + 7 + 13 7 + 11 + 13 5 + 7 + 11 5 + 9 + 11 9 + 11 + 13 7 + 9 + 13 5 + 9 + 13 5 + 11 + 13 10 combinations, 6 permutations each Total: 10 x 6 = 60 • 19. 5 + 7 + 9 + ll Combinati ons by 4 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 5 + 7 + 9 + 13 5 + 7 + ll + 13 5 + 9 + 11 + 13 5 c ombinations, 24 permutations each Total: 5 x 24 = 120 . Combµiations by 5 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 l combination, 120 permutations Total: l x 120 = 120 • All other cases of trinomial, quadri­ nomial, quintinomial and bigger combinations are treated as c oef'fic ient,s of recurrence. Example : s> = 28(5) + S (7) + 28(9) = 0 = 8(5) + 8 ( 5) + 8(7) + 8(9) + S(9), i.e., a quintinomial with two identical pairs. • 20. Coefficients of recurrence may be applied to the composition of continuity consisting of the forms of variable tension. Examples Type I . 28 (5) + 8 (9) + 8 ( 13) + 28(7) .. Type II. , Type III. , I- '' ,, :I I I .. •• � ( � I I 3 ../2 :ti � • - M , •• ,., "7 :�· J�I I iii-: Q; ·i " ,, u========================================================= J':1:����ff No, 230 Loose Leef 12 Steve Style -Standard Punch L Lesson XC. �i nth-�hords. 8(9) Diatonic - System Ninth-chords in four-part harmony are used with the root-tone i n, the ba,ss only, tl1us forming a hybrid fo ur-part harmony [ like S (5) with the doubled root]. of 3, 7 and 9. The three upper parts consist The seven th a nd the ninth are su bjec t to resolution thro ugh the stepwise downward motion. If one fu nction resolves at\,a time it is always the higher o ne (the ninth) . o ne fu nctio n at a time produ ces C0 • A r.esolution of Other cycles derive from the simulta neo u s resolu tions of both f u nctions (the ninth and the seventh) . No co n­ sec utive 8(9) are possible throu gh this system [ they alternate with S(7) and S (5) ] . The reason for resolvi ng the 9th a nd not the 7th first i n C0 is the latter resu lts i n a chord-stru cture alien to the usual seven-u nit diatonic s cales (th� i ntervals in the three upper voices are fourth� . u 22. Positions of 8(9) As bass remains constant, the three upper voices are subject to 6 permutations resulting in the corresponding distributions. Table of Positions of 8(9) .e. • Resolutions of 8(9) ---\ 1 r cycles only. Resolut:bons (except C0 ) produce posi tive C 3 is characteristic of Mozart, Clementi and others of the same period. C� (the second resolu­ tion) is the most commonly known, especially with b v 2 :3 . in the first chord (making a dominant chord of F-major of it). contrapuntalists. c1 is ch aracteristic of Bach and They achieved such progression through th e idea of two pairs of voices moving in thirds in contrary motion. and f� and add 8(5) g-minor. Read the last bar with bv All these cases of resolution were known to th e classics through melodic • man ipulatioris ( contrapuntal heritage) and not through th e idea of independent structures we call S(9) • . Preparation of S(9) beaes· a great ''- There is similarity with the preparation of 8(7). even an absolute correspondence in th e cycles with resp ect to technical proc edures. The same three m ethods con stitute the teclmique of preparation (suspending, descending, ascending). (1) Suspending: • Table of f>reparations . = 9 7 • 5 7 9 :3 5 7 Cs (2) Desceµdi:gg: 3 .., ; 9 1 -- ;Ji 7 Co 5 -- ,' _ 9 3 - ;. 7 C-3 7- � 9 5 - ,,. 7 C-5'" 24. (3) fo.scending: 3. ) 9 5- 1- � 7 3_ ➔ 7 • Prepar�tions of S(9) • - ... ,, I·• .,.. . , , "ij � - I - _j� ;j - §l 1 ' 2 I 0 C- 7 . .. 41 5 _ .,., 7 C-r C-J J• 7_ > 9 ➔ 9 ,. I • - � , I , �. .... - �· J • ,J j ... • 1 , 1$ -� � • .... �� , ,,e_ •• ,. � ' - , ,_• ' lJ - r, -e- ; , ., . � . I • • ' - • � 25 . It follows from the above chart that some of the pre}Jarations of 8 (9) require an S(5) , It is practical • some - 8 (7) and some allow both. to have 8 (5) or 8(7) preparing 8 (9) with the root in the bass . The first form of preparation was known to the classics as �ouble suspension, Example: • • . � ;;1J' L.. - � � L ' �' ,..! ... - . ·� � ,J ..' Another example of classical cadence: ,, . ,�� ·- 11 _1 � l■l' I (J •• • j • ,, Similar cadence was used in major. J_,- ' 1.. i . r _;i - :t: .-t - • a characteristic ·� r • � ••j,o Ill � ·I 26. Example dfi Continuity Coptaining 8(9): 1 • 5 ,, '7 1 'I 7 7 () - • ' 7 .} _q ♦3 "'1- 1 b 7 f C • Homework : (1) Make complete tables of preparations and resolutions from all positions. (2) Writ e diatonic continuity containing 8(9) . (3) Make some modal transpositions of the examples th us obtained. (4) Write continuity containing S(9) in the second type (diatonic-symmetric) of harmony . Select cbo:Rd-struc tures from the examples of hybrid I five-part harmony. • • 71' 27 . L Lesson XCI. Ni,nth-Chords, 8(9) Symmetric Syst em •. The above described class�cal (prepara­ tion-resolution) t echnique commonly used in the diatonic system is applicable to the symmetric system as well. cycles: • and '�- Symmetric roots correspond to the respective c, - to ./2; C3 - to J./2 and f./2; c 7 - to 6.f2 With this in view, continuity cor1'sisting of 8(5) , S(7) and 8 (9) and operated through the classical technique may be offered. Symmetric C 0 is quit e fruit less when S (9) alone is used, as the upper three fu nctions (3, 7, 9) produce an incomplete seventh-chord, the permutations of which (3 H 7, 3 .( ) 9) sound awkward wit h the exception of one: 7 H 9. As 8(9) in the hybrid four-part harmony is an incomplet e structure (5 is omitted) , the adjectives may be applied only wit h a certain allowance for t he 5th. There are two distinctly different • families of S (9) not to be mixed except when lll Co : (1) The minor sevent h family ' seventh family (2) ..The major • • 0 • 28 • • The minor 7th family includes the following structures : • • You may attribute to them the following adjectives in their respective order: • large � , s, ' ., \t S2 - diminished ,\1s 3 - minor ,'vs.., - small The major 7th family includes the • following structures : Their respective adjectives are: , \r s , - major , � S2 - augmented I 7� S - augmented I I 3 • These are the only possible forms. It seems that all combinations of the two families, except the ones producing consecutive seventh ( ., t,· S 14 � ➔ 7 -S 1 ; , r s) < ➔,'1s� ; 7- Sa' � 'J �s, ; , � s, H 1� s�) , are satisfactory when in C0 • On the different roots the forms of S (9) must belong to one family. Example of C0 Continuity: • 0 .. Full indication for 8(9) when used in combinations with S(5) and S(7) : 1 'v s , (9) ; 1 ' s 2 (9) ; 7PS 3 (9) ; 7 � S , (9) ; 7 , s 3 (9) , 1 q s 2 (9); Two Tonics ( ./2 ) . The technique corresponds to C s- • • .. • • I 30. To resolve the last cl1ord of the preceding table use position technique. (w of the resolution Example 0£ Continuity: - , Three Tonics ( 3../2 ) . The technique corresponds -- \),J_pf �1 "Pl &\.t : Awt(vJAt� �r�PS • • • 31. In order t o acquire a complete under- standing of the voice-leading in the preceding table of prog ressions (9 - 6 - 9 - 6 etc. ), reconstruct mentally an 8(7) instead of an 8(6) . Then the first two chords will appear in the following positions: • It is clear now th at d� and f� are the necessary 7 and 9 of the following chord. • Example of Co ntinuity: C. u C The te· chnique corresponds to C 3 • Four Tonics -I , ◄ -I- • -I • .� � , ·- •- Progression Preparation Resolution �i J ti � -9 ' -(; j· :� J • - - 0' • , " , �, , r, q .,,� ./ ' 32. " '•l,r "', 4. 1 °b Example, pf Continuity: , - ' , ◄ .. ,• • - .� , ,. , 11 ,, ,., .r - - �- .� • :j � s r ', Six Tonics ( 6./2 ) . Resolution T ••� '(-ti- "I# I � - � J,:.I Iri • � � • .:e,- tr-'.(r H .., .. The techniqu,e corresponds to c 7 • Preparation Progression 7 7 7 • 33. • The above consecutive sevenths are unavoidable with this technique. The position of every S (9) is based on the assumption that t11e preceding chord was S(5) and not S(7) . Continuity: 8(9) + S(7) + 8(5) - • 5 7 7 The negative system which may be obtained by re ading the above tables in pos ition � is not as desirable with the se me dia as the positive. concerns the following '�,12 . The same More plastic devices (general forms of tran sformations) will be offered later. Twelve Tonics ( � ) . • u 1 The technique corresponds to c 7 • • 34. Continuity : 8(9) + S(7) + S(5) • • Homework : Exercises in the different symmetric systems containin g 8 ( 5) , 8(7) and 8(9) with application of different structures and too C0 betw.een the roots . • , J O S E P H S C H I L L I N G E R C O R R E S P O N D E N C E C O U R S E With: Dr. Jerome Gross Lesson XCII. Subjec�: Music Four-Part Harmony (Continuation) Eleventh-Chords. S(ll) • Diatonic System • • • • Eleventh-chords in four-part harmony are used with root-tone in the bass only , thus forming a hybrid four-part harmony [like 8(5) wit h the doubled root ]. 0 The three upper parts consist of 7, 9, 11. An S(ll) has an advantage over S(9) as the upper functions .form a complete S ( 5 ) . • All three upper functions are subject to resolution through the stepwise dovmv1ard motion. Resolutions of less than t hree upper funct ions produce C0 • this sys t em. No consecutive S (ll) are possible through They alternate wit h the other structures� For the reasons explained in the previous chapter the C0 resolutions must follow in t he d�rection of the decreasing func�ions: first 11 must be resolved, • then 9, then 7. When two functions resolve simultane­ ously they are 11 and 9. chain of resolutions. An S (ll) allows a continuous S(ll) 11 � , S(9) 9 � 8 (7) An eleventh-chord through resolution of the eleventh becomes a ninth-chord; a ninth-chord through resolution of the ninth becomes an incomplete 4 • • seventl1-chord (without a fifth) , or a complete S ( 3 ) as in the correspondin g resolutions of S(9) ; an incomplete seventh-chord throug h resolution of the seventh becomes a sixth-chord wit h the - doubJ.ed third. Positions of S(ll) . As bass remains constant, the three upper voices are subject to 6 permutations. Seventh, ninth and eleventh form a triad corresponding to a root, a third and a fifth while the bass is placed one degree higher. A c S (ll) has bass raised one step . ari appearance of b S (5) with a • 3. Resolu_ti on,s of S(ll), � ' I I • - 7, • _5 i1 - � i - j "iF I - "iJ" • r - -- � • I - • � , , r, -6 • ,(q) 11 sc,; () .s fi !, ,.I ( ) s(1•) sc�) ,[?} s(,) - - �: . ,, -� S{<9 S('} S(:t) s(,1) 5(1) • - ' As it fo llows from the above table, when S(ll) resolves into S (9) in C0 , S(9) has its prope� structural constitution (i.e., 1, 3, 7, 9) . For the same reason the c7 -resolution does not appear on this table, as the structural constituti on of S(9) , into • resolve, is 1, 5, 7, 9 and this which S(ll) would does not sound satisfactory according to our musical habits. . J • u • -- • '� 6 S (11 5 �q , ' � ) The above resoluti ons correspond to the classical resolutions of the triple suspensions. • • • L Preparation of S (ll) in the positive cycles has the cyclic correspondence with the preparation of S(7) and S( 9) through suspensions. Nevertheless the manner of reasoning is somewhat • different in this c ase • As S(ll) has an appearance of an S ( 5) • • with a bass pl.aced one step higher, the most logical assumption is: take •S ( 5), move its bass one step u p and this will pro duce an S(ll) of a proper structural constitution. In such a case the relation of th e three s,t ationary upper fm1ctions is C0 • Being common tones they may be inverted or exchanged. The first case gives a clue to the prep ara­ tion of oth er cycles ( p ositive and negative as well). The method of preparation implies merely the most gradual transformation ( .::: .., � -;) _, or 4: ) ) for the three upper functions. To prepare S ( ll) after an 8 ( 5) in C 0 move all u p per functions down scalewise and leave the bass stationary (which is the converse of the first proposition). (please see next page) • 5. Preparations of S(ll) '- - - ---- --- - \. ,. ---72. r·�I -'1 i� ' - �, III , rI \. S (s ) Sf..11) I•- rI IS; ... • "" - -- - . • ,, - -.- S �i) r1 I rI � ,,1 $, - ' • . I 2 - - I • r-I - - ,j I ' . -, ,., - :$ . � i le, I �- 5 {1f) - s(�l., l..1 � ., s 1 s 11 � $ -g • I ,,. -I • Fr � · � ! .I·� a i - <--- ' , , • z ; .. " • ,�, ------ i -, S (1) S (1 1J ., !i' • " • • - - • -- s(sj - , ,1 "." $ G - $(?) 1) ---- s - - -� :« - - s ...J. - - SL $ ( 11) 5) - e. 7 , ., -- • 5(1) � ( 11) ,I i � . G � ( S'} � [11 ) s - ti) --- t ":jj.� , 5[1,, s(,) s(11) - s .. 4 1 .I • $ (t i s1 - ... Ill 4'' ,� j I • $ :1f) ' . , , - ,- - rr ,� � S(s) - s{J,) ESij -i 4' -- :i - - t - •� - - S{1) ----- � $ 1 •�' I -- s c,,) - � -() -(; r� � s -- s ( t\ 4) 3 .5 11 - ) ,. - - s. When all tones are in common in the three upper parts it is advisable t o use th e suspension (over th e bar) me tmd. When some of the upper par ts move and some remain stationary ei ther the within th e bar or • on may be used • the over the bar preparati . .• • Charac teristic progressions and cadences . where all forms of tension [from 8(5) to S(ll) ] are applied: • (please see next page) • • 0 7. q 7 • L! - L I ' • � • I 1i q 11 , /S •. , ! ,., - � tl.. 7 r ...' .• ,,,, - I Ll- -- _, - ,� G 7 - � ·- • 11 , - --71" 1 ,, () ·�• I •• '" ..""" � . ., �-•--•"� U�� r-:. t � "I.. � "" -s 1 �I!' - -+ s 'I -- ", � r7 r 1 11 - /P I ,o ' '-1 °' I .J •• ,� 11 .. -s "1 11 11 /) ,, .. - ,ff ?, -7 No. 230 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style - Standard Punch • - � ., • a. • Lesson XClII, • · S(11) Eleventh-Chords, Symm�t�ic System . The above described technique of diatonic progressions containing S(ll) is applicable to the symmetric system as well. • The cyclic correspondence previously used remains the same. Thus preparations of S(ll ) are possible in all systems of the symmetric roots, while resolutions can be performed only when the acting cycle is Cl ( 8../2 and '!/2 ) '-and C.r (./2) . There is no difficulty wit h any preparation of S(ll) after a resolution, as the latter aiways consists of L 1, 3, 5 and therefore may be connected with the following chord through the usual transformations . Contrary to 8(9), 8(11) produces a highly satisfactory C0 , due to the presence of all functions without gaps in the three upper parts. As in the nint h-chords, there are two distinctly different families of S(ll) not to be mixed except when in C0 • The distinction becomes even greater than before and the danger of mixing more dangerous. The structural constitution of S(ll) permits the classification of such structures as S(5 ) with regard to their ·three upper functions. 9. Forms of S(11),• The Major Seventh Family Minor Seve nt h Family The , fJ • • "'· J - t,,· . '. •- ..J ,r;;� These are the only possible forms as the • diminished in the first group equals ( enh.a.rmonically) a diminished 8 (9) and the augmented in the second group equals (enharmonically) the second augmented 8(9) with a fifth and without a third. • The selection of better progressions in C0 for the continu ity of S ( ll ) must be analagous to the selection of forms ibr S(5). shall not be used� Consecutive seventh 10. Po ., , � �, 7 • ' . . Example of C0 Conti nuity . p c;, - .r; j ,, � • - • :#;", � y !i •• - '. rr ..,� -e ,-� (;I .,i,; • . r-1 . � '. - ·; •I --� •"7 •• .r, •• '� Full indications for S(ll) when us�d in combinations with other structures : 7b _ ___ ___ ___ 0 II: , ,, Q 1 s2(11); • 1J s., {11) The technique corresponds to C s . Clockwise or counterclockwise transformations for continuous S(ll). Resolution - • __ ____ _ ___ 9 7�s, (11); __;. _ Two Tonics (J2) . .L./J 7�S2 (11) ; S, (ll); 7P s, (11) Preparation �• , , � p� .-, •• •• - T7 ',, irtll • .J Continuous S(ll) Progression s ' • ' :ti " - ., ij ., i=� I -- � ... G � ,1---------..-------- . - LJ______ -•==-... u�1c1•a BRAND _ __ No, 230 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch • I 11 . You may consider the upper three parts either as 7, 9, 11 in _ and � transformations or as l, 3, 5 with a displaced Example of Continuity. ,,. ' •• I 'I •• •',J ,,, • ( •• I '• . - -- -•-- T- , •• ,.. .:, rI ' .. ,. - kr ·� I - ',4�,. , I , . r '-1 , � "' - ii! I • \ • ,. ,, If- I• 1. • ·� � • . -- , ,. ,. ,. • , --.. L • • J,• ,� - --.. � � • -• • I llSICl•fl 1- I h ...., • •-===ll•..: RAN - r1 I � -,- L.I, - - 2::: I - pc,1v -- , , � � i 'f"J ,,, ;;$ ,J , ,, rJ - I ·- � • -7 C ,J . :. m ' � -� "" r:, ,1 .� rI . . , � / . - � g_ - J I -,'7 , -- 'LI ·:S r ' I • , I • No, 230 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch I') � I it i "' 1 ,� "' - .,, L ·• II YV � �g"I,¾ d;,. -, - - Progression Prepara.tion 7rI I� r � II � The teclmique corresponds to C 3 or to the r► ,. - and :=.;, t ra11sforroations. .,-� r , r- LJ I -- - !! -d\1..: ;..:.., : \ C0ntinu 0us S(ll) •I I I 1 •-- Progression -A • - � r , � -s�r7I � Resolution '� - • ·- •r7 .,,, Three Tonics ( 3J2) . , - . ,I ;,$ 12. Exam le of Continuit • • Four Tonics ( �) . Preparation Resolution . I ' I �. 1,J: -,I - rI ' z, r• Progression �1 i.... I ,,, ' - r � - r r• R- • r• Progression - j ,_ tr- r-• l,J --,, $ ' r, ' --w---- --r, . �• . ·v TI � -·- "' ', -r� ""' ;,, r, f :eti_ c..- • rJ - ,, L- 511 -- ,,I ,r,I ta= -, - ,w ,, • ,.. r,1 r, �� , J • Lft,_ , I J, v,• �� q,� , - r '7 : 'r , Continuous S(ll) ,� r � , , ·� Example. of Contil1ui ty . ,., '• • r• " . ' 1.. The technique cor responds to C 3 or to the �� an d .. ..., ' ,. transal�orma t1' ons • .. r J .. r� - .J!5: - : -... r, ,. r 1 • - .,,,,-- ,_ ;..s .,.. � ,n - r• 'I ., ... r, - - ,r, I•� • -·==�•... USICt•ff No. 230 Loose Leef 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch BRAND "" JI • •� .r,I •�� '7, ' I'- I ' ,, With the complexity of the harmony above, the consecutive ninths (if they both are ma jor and move on a whole tone) are perfectl y admissi ble. Si x Tonics ( �. and � ; transformati·ons only. Continuous S(ll) • • $ .,,, �XWDP.le of.Continuity� Twelve To and _,, transforma:ti ;_� Continuous S(ll) 0 .,.. EX,!i-IDple of Cont.inuitY;., r-••=c-=_1/[_•.o. ::::!..a:..i� • NQ, �30 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch only. 13. 14 . Homework in the field of S(ll) must correspond to that of S(9 ) , ut ilizing various structur'es, forms and progressions . The transformation technique is applicable to diatonic and diatonic-symmetric prog ressions as well. • • 0 I • 15. Lesson XCIV, a Hybrid Four-Part Harmony • The general technique of transformations for - the groups with three fu nctions may be adopted for the generalization of the forms of voice-leading . • in a hybrid four-part harmony. perform the The three u pper parts tran sformations corresponding to the grou ps with three functions, and the bass remains constant. The following technique is applicable to any type of harmonic progression (diatonic, diatonic­ C symmetric, symmetric). The s pecifications for the follow ing forms of S are cl1osen with respect to their sonority. The ones marked with an asterisk in unmarked ones .. The charts of transformations for the the following tables are less commonly used than the latter are worked out and you can easily supplement them for the ones marked wit h the asterisk. (please see ne�t page) • u 16. Forms of Hybrid Four-Part (3 + 1) Har100ny The Three , upper parts. The bass. . Forms of • tension. 5 5 7 7 9 3 3 .9 3 7 7 9 1 13 5. 3 1 3 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * S ( 5 ) S ( 5) S (7) 11 13 13 9 11 7 7 1 1 * * * 8( 7) S (9 ) 8 (9) 8 (11) 8 ( 13) 8 (13) ' When the numerals ex pressing the functions in a group are ident.ical with the nunierals of the following group, certain forms of transformation, such as constant abc, have to be eliminated on account of complete parallel­ ism. When the numerals in the two allied groups are partly ident i cal so me of the forms (constant a , constant b, const ant c) give either favorable or unfavorable partial parallelisms. Th e partial parallelisms are favorable when the parallel motioo of functions forms desirable intervals with th e bass. They are unfavorable when it causes con secutive motion of the seventh or ninth with the bass (consecutive seventh, consecut ive nil.1th) . As the actual quality of voice-leading depends on the struct ures o f the two allied chords, upon completion of all these ch arts in musical notation you will be able to make your preferential select ion. • • - • • 17. When the numerals in the two allied groups are either partly or totally different, often the constant abc transformation becomes the most favorable form of voice-leading. There is a natural compensati on in this case: homogeneous structures are compensated by heterogeneous transformations and ' .. heterogeneous structures are compensated by homogeneous transformations. For ex ample, if the allied groups both are S(5) the constant abc transformation would be impossible: 1 � 1, 3 ) 3, 5 consecutive octaves and fifths. ) 5,· which gives ''- On the contrary, when the functions have different numeral s you acquire the smoothest voice-1.eading through this particular transformation . When two allied groups have different or partly different numerals for their functions, the first group becomes the original group and the following group becomes the Erime group. When a transformation between such two gro ups is performed the prime group in turn becomes the original group for the next transformation. The Original Gro up a C b The Prime Group 18. For example, by co nnecting 8 (5) + 8 (9) + + 8 (13) we obtain the following numerals in their corresponding order: 8(5) 8(9) l 3 5 . 13 7 7 9 When you co nnect the functions of S (5) • • 9 3 S (13) with the fu nctions of S (9) the first group is the group. original group, and the second -- the prime '' When you connect the functions of 8 (9) with 8 (13) the functions of 8 ( 9) form the original group, and the fu nctions of 8 (13) -- the prime gro�p. Here is a complete table of transforma­ tions. Fomms of Transformations in the �omogeneous Groups • ,- ;! " J a ,.,. \, b c � a..-+ b . b4c c➔ a k ... Const. a � ' a" ® Const. b . a t;J @ Const. C © @ t) © b c t== ., b a )' C a�a a ) C C )' b b b ) b b C ➔a C� C C ... :, b➔a , "j C ) C ➔b Const. abc a >b )a a b C @ ➔a )b ➔c 19 . Forms of Transformations in the Heter9geneous Groups The Original The Prime Group. Group. a .. � ;I, ,:_.,, le;. .... '-,// Const. a Const. b Const. Const. abc . a )' b ' 'a.➔a' a ) b• a-4- b➔c• c -"7 b f b ➔ C ' b ➔b ' c -+ a ' b ➔ a ' c --+- b ' c➔a ' • u b• b C ci a� a ' • a➔ c ' C b -t a • c➔c' b )'b' c· �c • 20 • • Lesson XCV. Here are all the comb:wations for the two allied gro ups talcen, applied to all forms of tension. Binomi_?l Combir12.tions pf_ the Origi�l • and the Prime Groups. 0 . • S (5) ( S (5) � S (5)( S(5) � ➔ 8 (7) ) S (9) ) S (ll) f 8 (13) S (7) ( ) S (9) 8 (7) ( 8 (7) ( ), S (ll) ) 8 ( 13 ) S (9) ( ) S (11) S (ll)� 78 ( 13 ) S (9) � 1 8 ( 13) ' 10 Combi nations, 2 permutations each. Total number of cases: 10 x 2 = 20 • • Table of transformations for the twenty binomials consisting of one original and one prime group. Each S tension is represented in this table by one . structure only. The sequence of the forms of transforma- tions in this table remains the same for all cases: (1) f� ; (2) :' � ; (5) Const. c ; • • u (3) Const. a ; (6) Const. abc • (4) Const. b; • 21. • 3 5 S(5) ) S(7) )5 1 , 1 ➔3 1 ➔1 1� 5 1 )7 3 )r 3 )7 3 )5 3 ➔3 3 3 ➔• 5 5 �5 5 �3 5 �7 ➔5 5 >3 5 �7 ➔7 )3 .. 8 (7) • >- 5 3 ➔3 3 )1 5� 5 5� 3 5 )1 5 )- 3 7 7 1 7 ➔5 7 ➔5 1 >9 1� 7 1 )3 3� 3 3 )7 B -4 3 34 5 3 5 -4 5• 5� l ➔1 7 7' 3 ➔ 8 (5) ') 1 .), 3 3 ➔ I 8(5) 1- ➔ 8 (9) )7 1� 9 1 :3� 9 3� 3 3 -4, 9 3 5 ➔7 5 5� 7 5 ➔3 ➔3 ➔7 ►3 -8 ( 9) )1 3 >l 7 )5 9 ---4 3 9 7 ➔3 9 ·3 7� 5 7 9 ➔1 )5 5 ➔9 3 ➔3 5 ••➔ 9 ➔ 8 ( 5) 3 )3 • ➔5 >3 �l 1--..:, 1 9 ➔5 3 =• )- 1 . 7--r 3 9 ➔5 • 22. 8 ( 5) 1 - 1➔11 1 3➔11 3 ➔9 1� 9 3� 7 3 7> 9 54 9 5 ➔7 5 ➔11 5 ➔ 11 7➔ 3 7➔1 )9 1�11 1 5➔11 3� 7 ➔9 ➔7 5 5 ➔ S (ll) )- 7 )7 . • 8 (11) 7 ➔3 9➔ 5 ,, )1 7� 5 7➔ 1 9 9 ➔5 )l 11➔3 ll-t3 8(5) 1 - ), 9 1➔13 l ', 7 ➔ 8(5) 7➔ 5 9➔3 9➔1 ➔ 8 (13) 1➔13 1 )9 1 ), 7 )7 3 )9 3 ') 7 3 ➔13 3 }9 3 5 -) 7 5 �9 5 5 -:, 1 5 ➔13 8 (13) • 7 ➔5 7---jl 7 )5 )5 9�1 9-45 9�3 13 -4 3 13➔3 13➔ 1 13 ➔ 1 5___:;.13 . ► 8(5) 7 ➔3 9 11 )• 5 11➔1 11➔5 �13 �9 9➔3 7 )3 9➔ .. 1 13-t5 7 )1 9 )3 13-+ 5 23. . S (7 ) ➔ 8 (9) 5 )7 3 >9 3 )3 3 --4 9 3� 7 3 )3 5 )3 5 )3 5 ➔9 5 -, 1 5 -.+ 3 5 >7 7 �3 7_._.::, 7 7 • �7 7 13 7 �9 7--r 9 3� 7 3�5 3�3 7, ) 3 7� 5 - � S (7) 6(9) � -4 5 3 )7 5 )7 7 )3 t7� 7 7 )5 �3 9 ➔5 9�5 9 ➔3 9 u )3 9- ➔ 7 9➔ 7 • ➔ S ( ll ) S (7) 3 )'!) 5 �ll ...' ➔7 >11 )7 5� 7 5➔11 5----t 9 5 ---j- 7 5➔ 9 7 7 7 7 ➔*l 7➔11 3 ➔ 9 :, 9 , (11 ) 7�5 7 9,7 9� 3 -t 3 l l )7 11�5 3 )11 ➔7 3 ►9 3 )7 ➔ 8 (7) 7➔3 7� 7 7➔ 5 7➔ 3 ',7 9� 5 9 9 )5 11--+ 5 11 ➔ 3 9 ➔3 ll-r7 11➔7 24. S (7 ) • )9 3 )13 '7 5 ➔13 5 -4 7 5 ➔13 7 --..::, 7 . 7 _., )9 7 >7 )9 ➔ S(13 ) 3➔13 3� 9 3 )7 5➔ 9 5 >7 5➔ 9 7 7 ➔13 7�13 )7 • • • S (13) • 7➔ 5 7 )7 9 -4 7 9 )3 L3 ➔ 3 13➔ 5 . � S(7) 7� 3 7 }7 7 )5 7 )3 >7 9 )5 9 �3 9 ;> 5 9 tl.3 ➔ 5 S (9) 13➔3 13 ➔7 13 ➔7 � S(ll) ➔7 ·➔ 9 3 ➔ 11 3➔ 7 3� 11 3�9 3 '➔11 7 )7 r7➔11 7� 9 7 )7 9 �7 9 -4 9 9 ----r 9 9 ) 7 9➔ 11 7 , ;>- 9 9 ➔ 11 7 )9 7� 7 7�3 9 ---f 7 9 9 S (ll) 7➔ 7. 9 ➔9 Ll4 3 1➔ 9 9 -,\ 3 11 ➔7 7 -4- 3 9➔9 Ll➔7 ➔ S(9) 1 1 :,)-3 ➔3 11➔ 9 >7 11➔ 9 • • 25. ➔ S ( 13) 5 (9) l3 ), 9 3 )13 � )7 3�13 3� 9 3--"t 7 7� 9 7 )7 7--r 9 7 �13 7� 7 7 ➔13 -.:, 7 9 ---) 9 9 --+ 9 9 e➔ 7 9--tl3 9➔13 7� ' 7 7--,. 3 13➔ 9 13 ➔ 9 .• S (13) � S (9) • 7 )7 7 )9 7 )'3 7 9 }9 9 ). 3 9-4 9 9 134 7 1 347 13-4 3 l3---t 3 S (ll) 7 9 ►9 7➔13 7 )13 94 7 9 ➔13 11� 7 .,' u )9 9➔11 13 ➔ 7 11➔ 9 7411 9 )7 13➔ 9 )9 ➔7 9➔ 3 9 -4 7 ➔ 8 (13) 7➔13 7 )- 7 1 1➔9 9➔ 9 7___,::,. 9 9� 7 9 )9 11 ,1 11➔13 11➔13 S ( l3) ) S (11) 7 )11 7 )9 7 )7 )9 9 )7 9 )7 . 7-4 7 9 ➔11 13 ➔9 9 1347 13➔11 ➔9 13➔11 S ( 5) � > S ( 7) . •• � , ! s � -'' -,·= ,_ ,1 I I ,. ,, ,, Cs- -�• ., ..... .... . •• ' " ' .I J -'- � V "" ' ' • • II ' J' ' � � ...... � V -, � , r - i rI r• "' ., r:...- ' • , ;• .. ....,. . • � . . I ·- . Cs - � ..... ,,. i. � � .... � - 71' - ,., -e-· - I � -- - ·� ·- ., - ..r r�• • -==111..... U�JCJl•a BRA.ND ,�· -- + - - -- r, ,z -(1; :g ... , -6- r, -- - ,, ,7 ... ·1,7 � "" (7 ,., - -, � •• ... � '::J. .Jl.. � - . � � T .a,_ � - + • .,I I• , - - � I,. • -" j: - , . - :,. , • ,, ... � - J , �- ·� -0 No, �30 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style -Standard Punch � ,_ � � ,-� -a . I (iii - ... � ,, ••• . Q � ,, II V - •, . •• r � 2 � I• , .I - - - -G .II � • '7 �· -- ,, I - • ,_ ., .. ,,,., � � 8 (5) 8 (7) � .,,, -: - � j ,. � , ,I 'r C-; :Q ,. - , !! .... r I, 26. .. ,!, -- t � � V � - ' 27. S(5) �) 8(9) 0 i-- • � . s - r� ,� � • ?J' - , ' 7 .... 7J, II -ti; •• j $ V , rr ,� '� 0 � - , i ... • � - t --'i .z, -e- ., � - r1 - II � .,. GI r ,, ,..,, ':6, ,'· s s , ., - J -a r,:� fi,,;f . �· r� , "" ... rI � . r rJ f) r• .... t;;;7 - � .. - � Please complete all tables. Make addi tional tables for; 8(5) � � s(5); S(7) - > S(7) ; S(9) ➔ S(9 ) ; S(ll)· ➔ S(ll); S(13) ) S(13). == == ==== ---======= = ================= ==================================== •· �•·=:::-IIP,o. USIC1.•o1 BRAND No. 230 Loose Leaf 12 Stave Style-Standard Punch • 28. It is easy to work out all cases in musical notation applying tonal eye les. each case to all three As in the p�evious cases, continuity may be composed in all three types of harmony (diatonic, diatonic-symmetric and symmetric ) . Struc tures of different tension may be selected for the composition of continuity. Different individual styles depend upon the coefficients of recurrence applied to the structures of different tension. ' . The first of the follo,ving two examples o f continuity is produced through the stru c tures of constant form and tension [ S (l3) ]., and the • second -- illustrates continuity of variable forms , and tensions distributed through r3+2• (please see next page) u 29. Continuity of Groups_ with I�entical Fun��ions Type TT. z- ,,,-.,J � • Continuity of Groups with Different Functions 28(9) + 8(7)�+ 8(13) + 2S(ll); Typ& III. 'J'J 4 --- - - • I • I �� 2ti - r;; � �0 o � ,-.,i t=:---' aa S ••'7 • • U S - ,, -, ,,, ,� � n -- � ,'tP� l 4 ii' ;. s J O S E P H S C H I L L I N G E R C O R R E S P O N D E N C E With : Dr. Jerome Gross Lesson XCVI. C O U R S E Subject: Mup ic Generalization of Symmet�ic Progressions illL• • The forms of symmetric progressions here­ tofore used in this course of Harmony were based on monomial symmetry of the u.niform intervals of an octave. In order t.o obtain various mixtures {binomials, trinomials and polynomials) of the original forms of symmetry within an octave, it is necessary to establish a gen,eral nomenclature for all intervals of an octave. As all intervals are special cases of the twelve-rold symmetry, any diatonic form may be cons�dered a special case of symmetry as well. The system of enumeration of intervals may follow the upward or dovmward direction from an y established axis point. As both directio ns include all intervals (which means both positive and negative tonal cycles), the matter or preference must be deter­ mined by the quan titative predominance of the type of intervals gen er·ally used. It seems that the descending system is more practical, as smaller numbers express 2. the positive steps �n three and four tonics, and the negative -- on six and twelve tonics. In the following exposition . the descending system will be used exclusively. • This does not prevent you from using the ascending system. Scales of Intervals within one Octave Range : • . • • Descending System: C� C = 0 C � C = c -... ) b = l c ---J / bV = 2 C ---j' a = c� g = 5 c ---,> ff= 6 c -� > e = = Two Tonics: 6 + 6 C ) C ) e- = 4 C > = f 5 f = 6 7 7 c -� > g = 8 C -+ /""a� = 8 10 c-... ) a = c� b = 9 c) b'v = 10 c -� ) d�= 11 ) C1 ;::: C... ) d� = l c --) f c -➔) e� = 9 c -� ) d 0 c 3 c ---,> a� = 4 c� f = Ascending System: 12 C ---j' I C 11 :: 12 Monomials Three Tonic s : 4 + 4 + 4 or 8 + 8 + 8 Four Tonics: 3 + 3 + 5 + 3 or 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 Six Tonics: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 o r 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 Twelve Tonics: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 or ll+ll+ll+ll+ll+ll+ll+ll+ll+ll+ll+ll 3. Thus, each constant systempf tonics • • becomes a form of monomial period icity of a cert ain pitch-interval, expressible in the form of a constant number-value, which in turn expresses the quantity of semitones from the preceding pitch-unit . : In the light of t h is system the problem of mixing the various tonics (or any interval-steps in general) becomes reduced to the process of composing binomials, trinomials or any more extended groups (such 89 rhythmic resultants, their modificat ions through permutations and powers, series of growth), i.e. , to the rhythmic distribution of steps. u The vitality of such groups, i.e. , the quantity of their recurrence until the completion of their cycle, depends upon the divisibility-properties of the sums of their interval-quantities. The total sum of all number-values expressing the intervals becomes a divisor to 12, or any multiple thereof. signifies the motion of a certain group through an This octave (or octaves). For example, a binomial 3 + 2 has 12 recurrences until it completes its cycle, as 3 + 2 = 5, and the smallest mult iple of 12, divisible by 5 is 60. This is true of all prime numbers being used as divisors. • I C - A - I y- �·- E -� - B - r - c*- B I B - Gf- F..- D"'- C t- A:f"- ,E ►- C - �� - G - • E- D - - E C' The above property makes the mixtures of three m:id fo ur tonics very desirable when a long harmonic span is necessary without a need ' of the .'- variety of steps. The process of division serves as a testing tool of the vitality of compound symmetric groups. Two tonics close after two cycles, as 6 + 6 = 12, or 12 6 = 2; r�+ closes after one cycle, as 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 = 12, and = l; i� - r5 + closes after three cycles, as 4 + 1 + 4 = 3. + 3 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 4 = 20, and �g A greater variety without deviating from a given style may be achieved by means of permutations of the members of a group. For example, a group witµ a short span may be revital ized through permutations: • 5. ( 3+1+2) + ( 3+2+1) + (2+3+1) + ( 1+3+2) + (1+2+3) + (2+1+3) �-- ·- E � - D ► - C - B ,- G - F:ft- F� - D - C o r .. C - A - G•- ..... f The selection of number values is left to the composer' s dis cretion. • If he wants to obtain a tonic-dominant character of classical music, the onl y • ' thing he needs is the excess o f the val ue 5. Anyone equipped with this method can dodge the extremities by a cautious selection o f the • coefficients of recurrence.,. For instance, in order to produce the style o f progressions which lies so mewhere between Wagner and Ravel it is necessary to have the 5, the 3, and the 10 in a certain proportion, l ike C - A - F - '.ltt C*- D�- C - A � - E - F etc. Naturally, the selection of the ten sions and the forms of structures in definite proportions is as important as the selection o f the forms o f progressions whe n a certain definite style must be­ produced. y 6. On the other hand, this method of fers a woriderful pastime, as one can produce chord pro­ gressions from any number combinations. Thus, a telephone directory becomes a source of il1spiration. Example Columbus 5 - 7573 • 5 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 3 is equivalent to • C - G - C - G - C - A. '' This progression closes after 4 cycles: • C - G - C - G - C - A - E - A - E - A - rW- #- C ...- F ,.- Cf:- Ftt- qf'- A�- D�- A•- D1t"- C F , When zeros occur in a number-combination they represent zero-steps, i.e*, zero cycles (C0) . ' Then the form of tension, the structure or the position of a chord has to be ch anged. (please see next page) 7. Example of Contiµuity: Progression : e, - - � � f/" .:1- ft� - - - - ---- ---- - - - """� * I - r5 +3 1 (,, - 8. • • Lesson XCVII. Applicat ion of,,the G_eneralized Symmetric Progressions to Modulation • • • The rhythm of chord progressior1s expressed in number-values may serve the purpose of transition from one key to anoth. er. This procedure can be approached in two ways: (1) the connect ion concerns the tonic chords of the preceding and the following • key; and (2) any chord of the preceding key, in its relatior1 to any cl'1 ord of the following, key. The last case requires movement thro ugh diatonic cycles in both the preceding and the following key. The technique of performing modulat ions, based on the rhythm of symmetric progressions, consists of two steps: (1) th e detection of the number-value expressing the interval between the two chords, where • su ch connection must be established; (2) compos ition of a rhythmic group from the numeral expressing the interval between the abovementioned ch ords� For example, if one wants to perform a modulation by means of symmetric progressions from the chord C (which may or may not be in the key of C) to the • chord E�(wh ich may or may not be in the key of -/), the first procedure t o perform is to compose rh ythm from the interval 9. The knowledge of the Theory of • Rhythm offers many ways of composing such groups : composition of binomials, trinomials or larger groups from the original number, or any permutations thereof. The quantity of the terms in a grou.p will define the number of chords for the modulatory trans i­ tion. Breaking up number 9 into binom ials, we obtain : 8 + 1, 7 + 2, 6 + 3, 5 + 4, and their rec iprocals. When a binomial is used in th is sense, the two chords are connected through one intermed iate chord. 'example, taking 5 + 4 we acquire: C - G - E.� For If more chords are desired any other rhythmic group may For exa.mple, 4 + 1 + 4, be devised from number 9. which will give C - A�- G - E' , i.e. , two intermed iate chords. When a number-value expressing the interval between the two chords to be connected through modula­ tion is a small number, it is necessary to add the invariant 12. This places the same p itch-unit (or the root of the chord) into a different octave, with­ • out changing its intonation. For example, if a modulation from a chord of C to the chord of B� is • required, such addition becomes very desirable . C ) B \, = 2 B�- ) Br= 12 u 12 + 2 = 14 • • 10. Some possible rhythms derived from the value 14: 7 + 7 5 + 2 + 2 + 5 = = C - F - BP C - G - F - E \, - B t:, In cases like this rhythmic resu lta11ts may be used as well, providing the necessary cr1anges are made. r4 +3 = 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 • • Readjustment: 3 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 = C - A - A\, - F·4'- F � - E V- C - BP Or: r + = 3 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 3 5 3 Readjustment: 3 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + � + 3 = C - A - G - F�- E - E�- D�- B� Thus, all these procedures guarantee the appearance of the desirable B V point. When a modulation of still greater extension is required, the invariant of addition becomes 24, 36, or even a higher multiple of 12, from which rhythmic groups may be composed. Many persons engaged in the work of arranging find this type of transition more effective than the modulations proper. Naturally, the selection of the structures of different tension and form may be made according to the requirements of the general style of harmony used in a particular arrangement. 11. The best modulations will result from the symmetry that may be detected in a given piece of music. Even when tonic-dominant progression is characteristic of harmonic continuity, this method may be used with success, as it simply requires the composition of a rhythmic group, where the original value is 5 . In this seemingly limited case there is still a choice of steps: 4 + l; 3 + 2; 2 + 3; 1 + 4 • • Examples of �odulations Through Symmetric Gr!)'ups (1) Key of C to Key;bf E V; 1 = 9 9 Symmetric Group: 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1 (r 3 of 9 series) • u • 12. (2) Key of C to Key of E � Chords to be Connected: D -- BV ; 4 + 12 = 16 Symmetric Group: r • u 3 + l = 4+3 + 1= 4; + 2 + 1 + l + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 3 13 .. Lesson• XCVIII. • • Chro matic Sys tem of Harmony The basis of th is system is transformation of diatonic chordal functions into chroma tic ch ordal functions and back in to diatonic. Chromat ic cor1tinu ity evolved fro m th is basis emphasizes various phenomena of harmony wh ich do not confine t o diatonic or symmetric sys tems. The usually known modula tions are but a special case of the chromatic sys tem . Chord progress ions usually known as "alien � ,chord pro­ gressions find their exhaus tive explanation in this system. • Wagner was the first composer to manipulate in tu itively with this type of harmonic con ti nuity. Not having an y theoretical basic principle of handling su ch progressions, Wagner of ten wro te th em in an enharmoni­ cally confusing way. (J. S. Bach made an unsuccessful a ttemp t to move in chromatic sys tems. See 111Nell Tempered Clavich ord� - Vol. I, Fugue 6 - bar 16) . It is necessary, for analy tical purposes, to rewri te su ch music in proper notation, i.e. , chroma tically and not enharmonically. A more consis tent notation of chromatic continui ty may be fou nd among th e followers of Wagnerian harmony, su ch as Borodin and Rimsky­ Korsakov. The chrom atic system of harmonic con tinu ity l4 . is based on progressions of chromati . c groups. Every chromatic group consists of three chords, which express - the following mechanical process: balance tension - release. These three moments correspond to the diatonic - chromatic - diatonic transformation. A chromatic group may consist of one or more simul­ taneous operations. Such operations are alterations of diatonic to11es into chromatic tones, by raising or lowering them. The initial diator1ic tone of a chromatic group retains its name, while being altered, ' and changes it during the moment of release. The two forms of chromatic operations are : (1) (2) • In application to musical names it may become, for ins tance, g - / . _ a or g - g P - f. steps are always semitones. Suc·h At such moment of release, in a chromatic group, a new chordal function (and in some cases the same) becomes the starting point of the next chromatic group, thus evolving into an infinite chromatic continuity. u appearance : • Such c ontinuity acquires ·the following • I , 15. d - ch - d d - ch - d d - ch - d etc. Chromatic continuity in such form off ers a very practical bar distribution by placing two chords in a bar. • Such distribution places the release on the dovwnbeat and sounds satisfactory to our ear, probably due to the habit of hearing them in such distribution • • As in the diaton ic progressions, the . r the resolutio� of chordal commonness of to11es, o functions, or as in the symmetric progressions the become the stimuli of motion, likewise symmetric roots • in the chromatic progressions such stimuli are the chromatic alterations of the diatonic tones. Besides the form of continuity of chroma tic groups offered in the preceding diagram, two other for ms are possible. Thus, the latter do not necessarily require the technique of the chromatic system. The first of these forms of continuity produces an overlapping, over one term: (1) d - ch - d d - ch - d d - ch - d i.e., the second part produces the first term of a chromatic group, while the first one produces the second term. 16. (2) d - ch - d d - ch - d i.e., two or more parts of harmony coincide in their transformation in time, though the form of transformation may be different in eahh part. Any chord acquiring . a chromatic alteration becomes more intense than the corresponding form of tension, without it. If the middle term of a chromatic group has to be intensj,fied, the follovving forms of tension may constitute a chromatic group: S ( 5) S ( 7) 8 ( 5) S (7) S ( 5) 8 ( 7) S ( 5) 8(7) 8 ( 7) S (7) 8 ( 7) S ( 7) The only combination which is u ndesirable, as it produces an effect of weakness, is when the middle term is S(5) . Operations in a given chroma tic group correspond to a group of chordal functions wh ich may be assigned to any form of al terations. As for technical reasons the 4-part harmony is limited to 8(5) and S (7) forms, with th eir inversions, all transformations of func tions. in the chromatic group u .,., • deal with the four lower functions (9, 11 and 13 are excluded) • • • • ' 17. Numerical Table of Transformations for the Cpromatic Groups.• • • • 1-1-1 3-3-3 5-5-5 7-7-7 1-1-3 3-3-1 5-5-1 7-7-1 1-3-1 3-1-3 5-1-5 7-1-7 3-1-1 1-3-3 1-5-5 1-7-7 1-1-5 3-3-5 5-5-3 7-7-3 1-5-1 3-5-3 5-3-5 7-3-7 5-1-1 5-3-3 3-5-5 1-1-7 3-3-7 5-5-7 7-7-5 1-7-1 3-7-3 5-7-5 7-5-7 7-1-1 7-3-3 7-5-5 5-7-7 l-�-5 1-3-7 1-5-7 3-5-7 1-5-3 1-7-3 1-7-5 3-7-5 5-1-3 7-1-3 7-1-5 7-3-5 3-1-5 3-1-7 5-1-7 5-3-7 3-5-1 3-7-1 5-7-1 5-7-3 5-3-1 7-3-1 7-5-1 7-5-3 .. '' 3-7-7 Some of these combinations must be excl uded because of the adherence of the Seventh to the classical system of voice-leading (descending • •• resolution) • •• • 18. The preceding table offers 16 different versions for each starting func tion (1, 3, 5, 7) . In addition t o th.is, any middle chord of a chromatic group may assume one of the seven forms of S(7), and any of the last ch ords of a chromatic group -- either four f orms of S(5) or seven forms of S(7) . Thus, each starting_ point offers either 28 or 49 forms. The to tal number of starting points for one equals 16 . function These quant i t ies mus t be mult iplied by 16 in order to show the total number of �ases. ' 28 X 16 - 448 49 X 16 - 784 This applies to one initial function only, and as any group may start with either of the fo ur functions, the total quan t it y is 4 (784 + 448) = 4, 928. A number of these cases eventually excludes themselves on accoun t of the abovementioned limitation s caused b y the traditional voice-leading . The actual realization of chromatic • groups must b e performed from the two fundamental bases: the major and the minor . The concept of . a harmonic basis expresses any three ad jacen t �hordal functions, such as: • 5 7 9 11 13 3 5 7 9 11 1 3 5 7 9 • 19. Due t o practical lim itations this course 5 of Harmony will deal with the first (3) basis only . The terms major and minor correspond to the structural co nstitut ion in the usual sense: major 4 + 3, and All fundamental chromatic operations minor = 3 + 4. are derived from these two bases. • = Major Basis Minor Basis • These six forms of chromatic operations (3 from each basis) are used independently. Chromatic operations available from the maj or basis are: raising of the root-tone, lowering of the th ird, raising of the fifth. They are the oppos ite from the minor basis. (please see following pages) --• , - - -----•I .., • I'} • II ·- -· , ' -I ' II•l '_JI • • :if. ' - i., 'ro/ l • - • - L, .. - J rI L� r.J .1 . -eI - - � I.J I ,_ .... rI - -i I j,, -� • - -0 r;; ,., - ,� -Q -ij , ,J , - :i .... - -' � - -- � I,J 'J --" ..• - ,., ,, ,7 " + p � Ir I .... ,, -. .. (;} --. '• - ,., ,� - '1 " ,J - -- .- 9 - ::ill Q . ,J ,I (fJ -(;1 - -- - ,J r• r.J - , ,,, __, , • ,I ., , ·se -�· ;> ' ,, - --- - ".a - .·i1 :i!!l • - y i/ �� h -� - ,.,, J -� , 7.... . I I 5 ,_ "7 L, ' ,, I ,:2 " ,� � --- .., rI rI c.� - "- �- : f S n ;� .... � -- a f - '2 --- - - - � r,, - -a--- a -G . -1 --i ,' ,, •• \. ,. - � ,. - � --- ,' - � -_!, a • ,-, ,-·j u� .. -a . , ,, ' ,� -9 - ·s P, � I-, .,., , • 1 , � $:f $ � � r' jP v· � - � e 1"'Y - $ - - - -0 - , -� '1,1 -- - r, , - -- --------- i - 'b •I -. ,7 -s ' - - - -- ---�----�- ---- - - •• I, � 7 r� - - ,.. . ' •• ,, ,• , • , • - � . d . - -.,- - I" � .,.. - .--,,, - 20 .. ' -e2 0 -� I f_J r _J 21• - ,. •• � j • -, •� • � •I ,'1 � r I ,- - r -� . � ·- • • rI r• -di .... L.I -;; - - ;- .. • �� r- � . . - ' -- . - ��� � ...:· - ' -0 3-3-3 u .. Try to find the remaining cases through the table of transformations of the chordal functions. • Please remember that the classical system of voice­ leading must be carried out through chromatic continuity. A Seventh either descends or remains (as in traditional cadences) ; it may even go up one semitone, due to the chord structure, yet it positively must retain its 0 original name, like d - d*. 22. Through the selection of different chromatic groups (which may be used with coefficients of recurrence) a ch romatic continuity may be composed. With the amount of explanation offered so far, every last chord of the preceding group (and therefore the first chord of the following group) must be major or minor, • as the operations from other bases will be explained in the following lesson • Example of Chroma tic_Conj:;�nui ty: -- u -•• --- --- -=---=---�--- � -- -...---·-- ---- -�- ..------- -++- 23., Lesson XCIX. Operations from S 3 (5) and S�(5) bases As 3 of S3 (5) is identical with 3 ·of S 1 (5) , the fun�amental operations correspond to S , (5) • They are : (1) raising of l (2) lowering of 3 Function 5 does not participate in the ' fundamental operat-io11S , as it is already altered. As the form of the middle coord is pre-selected, the fifth requires rectification in many cases though it retains its name. acceptable. All forms of doublings are As 3 of Sq(5) is identical with 3 of S2 (5) , the fundamental operations correspond to S2 ( 5) . They are: (1) lowering of l (2) raising of 3 • Fifth does not participate in the fund.a- mental operations, but may be rectified., Figure I. 0 Operat,ions from an augmented basis • (please see next page) • • u 24. 1 ----- '\ fl-· � • '. 4 - I •� �, - i 3 • - -- J ',I ' � .... IJ , _J r (.] D , � - V '-" r1 rI • • n .. t I • ,, ,- -� ,. . . , - . J S/� 1) • - - - �\: 1 , 3, fi, 7 . '1 . 5' ) - -. G 4F z, __ -s: 1 <..J I ,. --.-- Q__ J , I J r-a,J p� ,..... -e, .S) i � ,...-==, � • - • -- - �s C-CII . . -- � � .. f --1 l- - - -- r� ' - � • CJ - ;6 ·- - - -- . - rI ,• --- e ��= 0 , • � -- I , rI �1 r7 - ' - � � r- , - • .. 'f= -- - r,r 0I � • fr7 ,I I◄ I - � r, . I ,, I ;·,;} -• .� • - 11. • -A � _, -lr-9r '""" - -- -. -- - - - '� .. - I 1 J• J • I• ,,. I � ' • I' ··- ' 0 I 12. (Figure XII, cont . ) ' I I') � I , � � • . -� -t,= -. � • ::,i V,� - ,- �- r_. :1 .. -, . --, .,. •• } ., ;=i .;;.- I' � •• • ' �· ., ' n, . - -, • • . I I • • • 13 . In cases of double and triple chromatics, all or some of the altered functions can be en har­ monized. Figur e XIII. Enharmonic treatment of double and tr iEle cb,,r,oma tics, ' • . • -n --· , �: (" \..._.,, I .I •• -Q . ' . • ·� IIr,, 1 • � 7/j • ,-91_ J ""' -s ·-� . ,_ j � ,, I M� .- r _.. � - • Ft� :xlll ·., " "" : • � ....-v ,I ;r� i ' I t, . � ' . - • L.1- • '-', ' ' , -,4 ' -�, -C I 1· 1 14. u Lesson CJ:I. Overlapp ing Chromatic Groups, Overlapping groups produ ce a highly saturated form of chromatic continuity. The altera­ tions in the two overlapping groups may be e ither both ascend ing, or both descending, or one of the • groups can be ascending, wh ile the other descending • The choice of ascending and descending groups depends • on the possibilities presente� by the ,precedin,g groups during the moment of alteration. G groups •is: The general form of overlapping chromatic d - ch - d d - ch - d This scheme, being applied to ascending and descending alterations, offers 4 variants. , (2) x� � X �y �Ay X� X CJ , 15 . u x,.A (3) ·� y x x� xV "--.»y (4) • • Thus, parallel as well as �ontrary forms are possible. Each of the mutually overlapping groups has a single chromatic operation. Figure • XIV1 Examples of overlapping chromatic grpups • - ,., - (_) - • r• r-. .., a -l -- - -,� (;} -r• -s • -- - - -6 - I• - • .- rI •• - ., •• ,..-:,, ",-:,, - � . - •• . � ,--y . - r• -- - •r . ,� I � • • , ' - -- 16. The sequence in which such groups can be constructed is as follows: In the first e�ple of Figure XIV (and similar procedure refers to all cases) we write the f irst ch ord first: ,. �· � • • ' I • • one voice. bass: The next step is to make operations in In this example it was chosen in the . ':t,...• c,.'• I <• .. :i The next step is to construct the middle chord of this group: (1� was assumed to remain 1, which gave the C� seventh-chord) : • I • . , - a 17. The next step is to estimate the possibilities of other voices with re•gard to chromatic alterat ions. The b --) • b � step permits to cons truct a chord which necessitates the inclusion of d and bP . g Another possibility might have been to produce ; g�, which would also permit the use of d in the bass .. See the sec·ond example of Figure XIV. =tt=' The third possibility might have been the step e-� ) e, • in the alto voice, which also permits �he use of d . ➔ e�or g-_. > g�would be possible, Even steps like e --• though the latter require an augmen ted S (7) , i.e. 0 (reading upward) d - g � - e ' - b�. -Continuity Figure xv. of Overlapping Chromatic Groups, Fl � ll • 0 , Lesson CIII, a 18. Coinciding Chromatic Groups . 0 The ,technique of evolving �oinciding chromatic groups is quite different from all the • chromatic techniques previously described. It 1s more similar to the technique of passi!lg chromatic • • tones, at which we shall arrive later • Coinciding chroma.tic groups are evolved as a form of contrary motion in two voices being a doubling of the chord, with which the group begmns. The general form of a coinciding chromatic group is: d - ch - d d - ch - d Contrary directi ons of the chromatic operations can be either outward or inward: (1) (2) u X x� y � �- 19. u The assignment of the two remaining functions in the middle chord of a coinciding group can be performed by sonority, i.e. enharmonically. For instance, in a group • -. the b c* c'f interval can be read enharmoni�ally, i.e. as in which case it becomes 7 l or 9 3 etc. It is easy t hen to find the two remaining func tions, like 3 and 5. Thus, we can construct a chord c� - e - g - b. As coinciding chromatics result from d.oublings, it is very important t o have full control of the variable doublings t echnique. Thus the doubling of 1, 3, 5 and also 7 (major or minor) must be used intetionally in all forms and inversions of S(5) and S(7 ) . the doubled 7. The la tter, naturally, for obtaining Figure XVI. Examples of Coinciding Chromatic Groups. (Notation of ct1romatic operations as in all other u forms of ctiromatic groups) . (please see next page ) 20. (_) - - -------- - -;-----�-----. - © Fl4 M .______.,u___----111----------=-==- ==::::it:=======z:2::=jj: - - -'----------------- 21. , It is important to take into consideration, while executing the co inciding chromatic gro ups, that the first procedure is to establish the chromatic operations - " ,l ,, •• .. • • . ,� -. • I• . • - � ·� • • and the second procedure is '' to add the two missing functio·ns. l � ., . � ,� After performing this, the final step is to assign the functions in the last chord of the group. • •• ""I• •• ... . .. .. • •• All coincidip.g groups _are reversible, Whe11 moving from an octave inward by semitones, the • I 22. u last term of the group produces -- a minor sixth. When moving outward from unison or octave, the last term of the group produces a nyijor third, It is important to take these considera­ tions into account while evolving a continuity of co i nciding chromatic groups., . • my such grou p can start from any two vo ices produ cing (vertically) a unison, an octave, a major third or a minor sixth. The following are all movements and directions with respect to c. - 23. 0 (4) Fifillre XVII. Contiµuity of Co,inciding Chromatic Gro:ups. • • • - • u All techniques of chroma tic harmony can be utilized in the mixed forms of chromatic continuity • • '· 0 , • •