• J O S E P H S C H I L L I N G E R • C O R R E S P O N D E N C E C O U R S E Subject: Mus,ic With: Dr. Jerome Gross Lesson CXXX. MELODIZATION OF HARMONY. • Composition of melody W?-th harmonic ?�coru­ pan���pt can be accomplished either by correlating the • melody with a chord progression or by composing the melody to such a progression. While the tirst �rocedure is more commonly known, and attempts have been made even to develop a theory to thls effect, the second procedure has brought forth music of unsurpassed harmonic expressiveness ,. Many composers, particularly the operatic ones (and among them Wagner) indulged in composing the melodic parts to harmonic progressions. So far as this theory is concerned, .the technique of harmonization of melody can only be developed if the opposite is known. If melody can be expressed in t�rms of harmony, i.e. as a sequence of chordal functions and their tension, then a scientific and universal metl1od for the harmonizaticn of melody can be formulated by reversal of the system of operations. The process of composing melody to chord progressio11s thus becomes tl'1e melodiza_tion of 11.§1.rmony. " 0 0 2. Though such a word cannot be found in the English \ dictionaries of today, we can be certain it will be there very soon , as the discovery of a new technique necessitates the introduction of a new operational concept. This �heog of Melodization will be applied $ • to harmonic progressions satisfy ing the definition of • • the Sp�cial Tl1eon: of J-Iarmony:. • According to this definition all chord-structures are based on E, of the names seven-unit scales contai ning seven musiGal . without '- identical intonations. Thus any pitch unit of melody can only be one of the seven functions: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13. C These seven functions produce the man ifold which we call the scale of tension. By arrangi ng the scale of tension in a circular fashion, we obtain two harmonic directions: the clockwise and the counterclockwise. • Clockwise functioning of the consecutive pitch-units of a melo�y neces§�tat�s the p9si�ive • .. 0 0 3. form of =tonal cycles. = • r Counterclockwise functioning of the pitch-units of a mel99¥ necessitates consecutive - the negativ.e form of ,tonal 9ycles .. Assuming that all pitch-units of a melody are _stationag and_ identi.cal, and therefore .• - could be any pitch-unit that is stationary, we shall By assigning the clockwise choose c as such a unit. functioning to such a unit, we obtain the positive form of harmonic progressions. Melody: Chords: 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 c + c + c + c + c + c+ c + c C + A+ F + D + B + G + E + C By reading the above progression backwards, we obtain the negative form. Omission of certain chordal functions for the consecutive pitch-units of the melody will result in the change of cycles but not of the direction. Melody: Chords: Likewise: Melody: C Chords: 1 C + 5· 9 C + C + 13 3 7 C + C + C 11 1 + C+ C C + F + B + E + A +D + G + C ➔ l 7 13 C + C + C 5 +C 11 3 9 1 + C + C + C +C C + D + E + F + G + A + B + C Cs- c, 0 0 It follows from the above reasoning that every �hord has seven for�s of melodiz?tion, as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 or 13 can be, added to it. The reduction of the scale of tension decreases this quantity respectively. We shall consider all the reduced forms . • of the scale of tension to be the ranges of tension . When each chord is melodized by one attack (or one pitch-unit) the range of tension can be entirely under control. The minimum range of tension possible can be acquired by assigning only one chordal function to appear in the melody. Let us assume that such a function is the root-tone of the chord. Then if harmony consists of three parts, melody will sound like the bass of progressions of 8(5) const. For example: Melody: Chords: 2c1 + c, 2c 7 c + f + b + g + c + d + e + • • • C + F + B + G + C + D + E + • • • Figure I. • C + Cr + 0 0 • 5. C It is easy to see that the pattern of • melody in such a case is conditioned by the cycles through which the chords move. The predominance of c7 produces scalewise steps or leaps of the seventh. Other cycles influence the melodic pattern accordingly. Now, if we assign any other chordal . • • function (still one for the entire progression) , the resulting melodic pattern does not change, but the form of tension does.• This time we shall take the seven th to melodize the same chord progression. Figure ):I._ ,., • -• 1 • 1 • -------• The different ranges of tension produce different types (styles) of melodization. Music progresses cloc kwise through the scale of tension. A narrow range, confined to lower functions produces more archaic or more conservative C styles. The resulting melodization may suggest Haydn 0 0 6. or other early forms (in wost cases sueh styles later become trivial) . Whereas a narrow range confined to higher furictions results in melodization suggesting stylistically Debussy or Ravel. The intermediate form may produce Wagner, Frank, Delius. Wrien the entire scale is used as a range of tension, the resulting melodization becomes highly flexible in its expression. • • • ' • • • C 0 0 • 7. C Lesson CXXXI. • I. Diatonic Melodization As it follows from the preceding exposi­ tion, any chordal function can partici�ate in melo­ dization. The only necessary step which follows is the assignment of chordal functions for melodization • • • with regard to actual chord-structures. -- as H. We shall express melody as Mand harmony In terms of attacks, one pitch-unit M assigned for melodization of one chord_' becomes H = 1 . Under such conditions it is possible theoretically to u evolve seven forms of melodization. For example, a C- chord can be melodized by c (l) , e (3) , g (5), b (7) , d (9) , f (ll) and a (13). Figure III. • • • • • .. . I 0 - 0 0 • a. It is easy to see that the majority of pitch-units of M are satisfactory. Two of them (d and f), however, do not result in a satisfactory melodization. The reason for the latter is that - high functions, without the support by the immediately preceding function in harmony, are not acceptable . . • Likewise, the presence of lower functions in the melodization of high-tension cl:1ords • • satisfactory The 13 is fully ' is equally inacceptable. as melodization of 8(5) because by sonority it converts an 8(5) into 8(7) . Now we can construct tbe table of L melodization for the fifth voice above four-part· harmony, where both melody and harmony are diatonic. • Figure IV. Table I: M 7, 13 5 1 s S(5) 9, 13X) . I'= 1. 5, 11, 13 5, 13 5, 11 5, 9 13 7 9 11 13 5 7 9 9 11 3 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 8(7) 8(9) S(ll) 3 1 S(l3) . • • 0 0 9. It follows from the above table that: (1) classical and hybrid four-part harmony can be used for the diatonic melodization; (2) all chordal tones actually participating in the chord as well a s the functions designated as M can be used for the diatonic ruelodization; • • • (3) by diatonic melodization we shall mean the participation of pitch units of one diatonic scale and fnom which the chord-progression is evolved; (4) the use of 13 in 8(7) is acceptable when the root of the chord is in th e-bass (i.e. do not use inversions); (5) the alternative in selection of functions for the melodization of 8(13) is due to t\vo forms of structures covered by the branch of hybrid four­ part harmony. Assuming that there are on the average • about five practical pitch-units (functions) for the melodization of each chord through the form M=1 , H the number of possible melodizations of one harmonic cor1tinuit·y (under such conditions) equals 5 to the power, the exponent of which represents the number of chords. Thus a progression consisting of 8 chords produces 5 L) B = 390,625 melodizations. • • 0 0 10. The two fundamental factors in deter­ mining the quality and the character of melodization are: (a) the range of tension; (b) the melodic pattern (i.e. the axial combination of melodic structure) The int -erest may be concentrated on either one or on both. Attack-interference patterns add interest to melodization. • In the following examples�' R represents the range of tension, A -- the axial combination. All the following examples can be played in any • system of accidentals • Figure V.. Examples of Diatonic Melodization M iI - 1 (please see following pages) , L ' 0 0 (Fig. V) • ., . , :, , ,, .. - .,. I ...� . �.r -e • , LI I I • t . - , - • � l: • -.,,. • • - ..• I • LI • c:: - I , - I • 1.. - "d' • � � - I . .., • • . .• � � ·7 I • ·- . .... . � II - . I � -et .. ♦ 0 J· - � I • • r � • I -- -. � .. • 7 � , • � >I • '• '• 1 .�. ·o -� . .. . •• ..,, � • • (J • . .. •• • R.� ➔ ..:. !'; A : a., • • - • • • .. , • • - 0 0 0 12. (Fig. V, cont.) R� ' i -,�- A: • QJ-t-� . • . 1:, t -11·J .,. ":. 1 I' A : Jr-tw, · • • • .. • • • ;,,,..-.. •. • .t��:-, - .": Jl.lt(�Ry �-�'-'.. ..- .. . 9,� -11. . "' • ' • u • • • • , • I' • ' I • • ,,,. • • • • - '. • 0 0 13. u Les.son CXXXII. The increase of the number of attacks necessitates a slight remodeling of Table I (Fig. IV). Any higher funct_ion can be supported. by the ,immediately 12receding function of immediately: preq_edi:ng rank. For instance, 9 can be used for melodi- •• zation of 8(5) providing it is immediately preceded by 7, and the root of 8(5) is in the bass (the • necessary condition for the support o� 9). same reason 11 can be used for For the melodization of 8(7) if preceded by 9 and when 8(7) has a root in the bass. Figure VI. • Table II: M H - 2, 3, 4, • • • Additions to Table I: 7 ➔9 9� 11 5 7 5 3 3 1 1 8(5) 8(7) . 0 0 14. • Fig�e VII. Examples of Diatonic Melodization. M 2 If i I 'J , 3 ll"'"r-41..,__-,---+--- ....-.--..__...__ ,l • r �� 5 'I t?i 'I ' 'i '1 I ,_ .......---.�-- -' ... • . '• • • r As a., 7 'l . ..,.. � • • e s· 7 .- •� • ... l "' , I 5 t l Il ,r . 7 .....+ .. � .. • • ,,. ... �- l :it··.. .,,, (cont, on next page) L 1 J --+--+--,...---,j�-- r--,-.�-t--t--r-,--..r--n- . ) • 1-� • I ,. .. ' 1 J ,I • I • A: -t 3 , 7 4 • • ,. .J.- .., ·- T 0 0 15. u (Fig. VII, cont.) - - • .... p '. .. l I . .,. .. . � I e, I • • I • -_, I,, - .� t II I -·... - ... ... ' ' • I •► • ! j I • • • •• - ! • .., ' • . '� II +· � __ • • ' • . II -·· '- 1 I,, � I • -,::. ' ( • • I r- ! • • z: • • .. J -• ' .,. ... � � , •• .,. -l I I I II . • '► • I 'I,, ,.. t +-� .¥ ....r.. I • ! .,. ! , .. ..'► ... • .... .,,. ' I I • I. I - .. • • -· • ;� ·c: '� ;: !: . .,.: �; . - .. . I � - I I • I \ f \ • With the further growth of the quantity of attacks of I, greater allov,ances (particularly in the fast tempi) can be made .. This particularly concerns the use of unsuitable functions for melodi­ 0 = ..4- : . I "" zation, when such functions are used as auxiliary tones i: 0 0 16. mov_ing int9 chordal tones, actually present in the harmonic accompaniment. Such styles of melodization (particularly in the harmonic minor) can be easily associated with Mozart, Chopin, Schumann, Chaikovsky and Scriabine, i.e. with the sentimental, romantic lyrical type. • Figur e VIII • Examples of Diatonic Melodization. M ii • C I ] J '·' " 8. • • • • I d ,:;;;, ' . - :@, •• t, *· . • • • ( .•.,,.. . 3 • . j ' ,, I· . • -6t. -=IF. ' • • •• • • r ,. • • t7' -p: r• -tr' I (oont. on following pages) c. • • • • -Ir. .. ' "". I I =f �- 0 0 • r Q • .. j � . 'I.. " . • :g 1,1 ' �· ' ti --- - � • 1z • l'• - ' • :J = " t " ....r r. C :I ?• ' c, •• � • � •- - _.II . ..J , .. • ] • r � • -- _. • --. R � a; '.t:SlC ' . .. � ■I .,_ - =- -=. � . c::. � ' '. .:_ � C �� ·�- ' .I. J ,_ -!'""9 �__¥:, {I' - ' ,r . • "'"' � +- . '- � .. . .,,.. A • . A - ,.__ � J � � ,- .,.. � � ';;I_ ,,. ... '1.• a;+t � � • � �� � ! + � .. • •� r� r . =--=-· • • . .Q .. ,.... • -�-r- I ' 0 0 B 1/l{RR - 'f..E.S PAR�LLEL t . - - I .,,. �-- +- • - • • !: t - f'l ., ] !� ,_ • • t • • 18. • J • - ] - -� - •-- - • I� .0 ■..I., I • - • • • I �R: ..: ..L . . • • J ,. • •.... • J •.. • ""' - --- •- I j ... ... � t • ' - ..... � I .,,. --- • ,--- � -• • ' • ••"'" ' ,. i,. ·- • ' . -- .... .- .. I ... •t ... t � �- I - � �- '--c • , 1wo- �,.."f"�U. ?R.,--'f"ER.� - • � t J �I c· - : ,. - ' • - • t 1 I I i I •,.. I l • I .L I I I -• � . I I • • I -.. .il ... •• � • I • +- •"" • • • I - • • + I I . 0 0 ••• I?I kitI C • • 19 • • ... • -.. ... ... - •' - - ... : ••� -·..., • I I ' .. • • I I • I � ,; .· :t=-· . • I • Examples h'f n1awn1c Me1oa:1zat1on • I � - • I� I - ,..I . ■I .. .. .- -1► ,. - '• .,. 'I J ,.. - I/�- . /? - '· ..., • " - ' ,-y -- .+ t. .I ,I •• • "' a.., "' '--�- :... = • •• -:e:- - jg - --- ..- ,. + j L c;.1 .,_,.. . - • - ,-y -e- ' -8- 0 $ .... -- - - .,,. � ,., - I • • 0 - r-Y ... • - J ,� r 'I t 11 V .. - •... • • +· •- ·► . r,I •• ... • • . - � . .,,. t: - - ,.,.. ....,. H = 4 - Y- ·o () , .. ' ' ! I• • - ·-�-. • ...: ... ' f -..g. .... I:, . • • () � ... - ·.. .- ... . ... • ... .... ' " .,. - • .. - • -- • � • ,,..... •► - �-e- -� 0 0 " ::: Jr • _:t: L '._ • I I I I I .... . . L. ' I ( • I • ,�, J ' : f � - .. .· ·-• • •• . . I • • - • . .. -- .,. •.. • •• J - • �. • T I c- � 20 • ,., 0 • . ·:, - I � . ij '" ,� • - . • L .. • i.. • I •'. .. .... "' .- ..::. +-� • ,► I ., . -" I I . • • .. ! .. .� . .g,. ,.,,. ¾, -8- I I 0 0 21. L (Fig. IX, cont. ) - .. ..... '-, .. ..... : .A • • .. - E$ ... L ,. •► � ,1- l It I AR. ► ' '- ■- - I •J ........ •� • I ... ...-+ ' • • I • ' • � .... ,, t ... 111. � •. I � ' ► I!. .... ,,- - , • - • • _ • • . .. A1'"""'R - ... I I I . '� -, I I _j � •. I ..L ' • iiH-RE:E - ' � • • ,_ . ... ... .., .. + •.. -::J;:1-I . . r • . • ••· I ...... ..... ...► ·-..•.. • ' I I .. -.. • '• • -• . ' 1:.. ..:·...... + .t I .. l - ' , .. I I ,_ -· •e.. L I . • t ;• • · ' lf • ..... ..... ..... • • I ,_� J ' � ,i I , ..• I4 • ' • I • .. • J • - 1 - • f • � I . I - - --·•... ! • • • 7'�� • I . • 4- ,... • • .. . • L.! ,. ... ... • -- 0 0 22. Lesson CXXXIII. Fig:ur e X. Examples of Diatonic Melodization. -MH . • llfAit I • " ..... ( I • I •••·6 r. "' . I • 5. • r I ' • - f ·- - ,' • I , ,. • . � • ct � ] • - � • [ ri .. ' '" .. • • • • t ,_ 1• . . . (.:,• � . ....�t' . -t � . ,i • .. . • � I . • • • ..,. l'I', ''I,'";t;-' . ..-� , C .J l ...• .,. .l �-· ' • • �• • • ... t-.....�. · . ··...� ---� = ..... . - ....I,.. - • •• • � � • •• .. .,.. . , '.I l' � I -: -6- .e, (cont. on following pages) L / 0 0 I ., '.. .,5 . i, , �c:.:: ��,P•', --.ll'.l•� IV " r .. ,_ • .,,,, '"" I'i -e ., ��.:-� "-'• I..._1!1' - ' ,_, • ' 'J .. - � ' t • ] ,� II t� II I ' I ♦Jf! - �-- - ..t._'.: .,.. I I - - ..- - � I •.. I • .. �- • ' -- -. ~- -+ ' ... ... .. -,,. - - .-· ' -�. • •... I ! --- r:, � � -� ;.l"'r& I� I •_ .,. 0 -:!: .. ' -· · --� � - -·'..-� • - -� • - j . . '� - •..- ' •�..!.-► - j •• : ...:.:1:. � ' ..... I I -- "3' � - t .,. •........ .. !. ' ..... :'� :5' ·-- j ' J J • . • :: i: ..... ,, • I - - -" ... .. ""!>r.,::;r- I! • • t...... • " -- � I.J' � .,. !. � ,. - � I ,1 -s + r ..., s -� -' • 23. • I I • .. ' •• ·-· ! 'I - . •,. . • • • - - ', • I � �j ::-no •• •r" ::..1-Jt ·- • 'LJI' I • Y. I .. ...- ..- - '� ' I I - ] - •►- .. ;.,, • I I .. �- - 0 0 '• I'] • I ' , ,, . !:: ' !�• • E - I • • • • I '._ It -- • I I I I J \ • I I Fi g,urEt XI, • I I II I I t ! . :i • .. I I [ • j � 24 • 1 I I - 6 I Compare the following illustrati ons with Chopin, when playing in C - minor . - I .. • �A -� I I -· - -r - ·� I ' ,. I ' I "' • . ...--.- r_., ,_ -5 . !!!!: - ' r • • • ' . -e• . r . ... ' ' -- � - Sii ... 1• • I : . -•-·• .. . . �- . 1· I � � • • �!.•119 ' • • • • I - • -e, • ... • - z - [ . V I - - -- • .. .... .. ::;;. • --- T '-- j:::J -.- . +· • • ] � --. • --. ' . -r • "' • '- rl ' • � r ,• • � • -- . . of;- . I • . ... ' .:. .,- •:= t [ - - -el .,_ • I 'I -- - I . • [ ' iiiii -- � +I C• �"7 • I ' • e:xamples or n1aton10 Mel adizatlco. 'A L . ( ' I (Fig. X, cont.) .•.. -- ... ◄ • [ � I • . � - , � • - I r ' �• I • $i • •• �---- ! , ..,, -· ' ., (J :t- ,,-,•. . - ;j·, • �� • .. • . 0 0 - r i • . -t. - ; • � • -'► . - I - --- ,f;iili .,,. • � .:t: � � -► � - .. '-:•"" '. .• � .. ....... • • • • ' • ' ! � . • .... • .. � ..: ' ..... ....• a • ' ' • • :Si 25 • ... - .. • •• ' ~ ,... - .. z � 'T . • 4- �, • . . •• . ◄ - •• ,___ .,. I: • e ,.. ' '{ ' !iii1 • ... ' .,. .L .. • •'� I'. �± �• - ..e. ..,._ p '�- - • • • it�,iRf l.OtJtJ�R.�\lt; - !)IVi:.R.�lt-1� .... '... .L. ' '' , •• I •• .. L Il'C \• ' , I• . '' - � /r - �·I .. i• .l • :s. I I J - " l - I • I ! -I.. - • ! , ,. , • I � I I . .. .--. ... ,· -, T I • )'-- I I .-- ... ..... - i 1 • • . ' .. • [iii" Ill -� · - 1 •J ' • '- 1 1 - .t.. ... . .. I - .:. • ..•-· • -.. .·..._ __ ,... � -� --- I JH I '"" - ' i--. - ' ...."" '.. �1'�$ , • • .. ' 0 0 - Fi@!'e XII. Examples of Diatonic .Melodiza'tion . I � • � • ... � • . . e - V • ....... '"' ... ,. • .,. • ; •... ' • • ..1 r,. . • ·-• - . -- � - • . , +· •· ..,. • ., . 'J � - " ;: ,. • • • I', • • ', . ,, II -, ,. • ! . II • . . � ·i • . I • . ... •... j • . . .. • � . ....!.. .. f • ' • • • �� I I •a,. � , - • 0 . ,., .. .,. • I • • r- !. . ) • =F I -:::s . � .. L'... 7 ;. ...- + I . - . • - • jI ' . . ';.� • � ' - • • . ' � . -fl- • . - . .'- .'"" . + • . • -· r ! • •� .. -� .. ... JJ ..,_" . :• •••..:.. --- ' " . ... . , . - . . ' . •• • I - .... • . , ... I ---� • ' () . '.. • . '== - I.J -- ! - . ., � • . . ' - ... .. . .... • . \ • '- . . "7 LJ . • � � ' '\ I• � � ', I ' . rI . ,.� -' • . ' r> 0I - ' • r' - l '!l 1 (f . . - • j -- �; L •., .. 26. • - • F� ,. .. ... • • . . - I/ • 7 H . • 1'1. M • • ! + • .. 77 II . .. • •► .• •I • - ! . � • • 0 0 -· , • • - • •& II ....• .!--. -:-----� • (Fig. XII, .,. , ' .. -- - - • 'n- , •" co11t .) , "' • 27. • • L. - I� -A . • "· . ... ...I .... • •.. � w J - ,. ' • " . . - ", . It,-' ..• • ! J I r i ,a. • - ... .-- .. I' •ioo • loo '"" . .e.. • .,"" - •: • • ► I - I I � ' • • • '� ' � ' � , e • -• , .... •• J ' . . 5l - ,, -M -- 4 ''"". \i r:, 'la ..... • G "' l • • . ,I ,. ' , - • . • . • j . � • • - . • . . V . .. • � - - , - . • ...,, � .., " .. -� ! - 1 1. ' ;, - ' I Q • ?, • , .,, • l J - C M • J. •\ 0 - J. i _J- C. • FigPr� XVIII. =·t1 , -. • "\. ..f'I -JI -· , � �- ,. r 8 " . • - • . .,. - :..,,_z - � � - • II "" . ... I 3; r - - - a � � - I• • $=_ � [ 0 I . - C ... .. - - �' ' Likewise, synchronization of the distributive square with the distributive cube can be used for melodizat ion of harm ony. I. 0 The group of the square furnishes durations for the chords and the gr oup , • / 0 0 18. of tjle cube furnishes durations for the melody. T T M 2+1+1 3 H . = 4 2+1+1 2 = 8t+4t+4t 4t+2t+2t + + 16t 8t 2t+t+t + 4t+2t+2t + 4t+2t+2t + 8t l8t 4t 2t+t+t + 4t + •• melody: M 4t+2t+2t 8t + 2t+t+t + 4t This produces harmony: H -...... M d 2t+t+t • 4t = 9H, and = 27a, with constant 3 attacks per chord . M 8 8 + - � L J J fl l fJ d l J 9 4 0 H • Figure XIX·, (please see next page) • • • q 4 0 0 1 0 • • ,� • .. � - •• , ., ��- i. ,_ ·� I� ' ,I • •I - -6- �' " .,. I � • ...,_ ... ..... --- --o= . - i - It -e- -e- .. C: I .� ' • , - � r - - (;/ � � , I _,, r ,I - . ' ,, 4I � � ""' 15'" .,, =IF- £j • - •� . ' • 7 • �= • .. --- .�. -- � .. . I 0 ?r � � • (;.I :s i -:s: r - -• I ,., -8- �, ' ' ?j • , - ""' ... lI ( . ,, - � � , , - � ' ... ,.. ·- . .... , c:;; IJ ' - - � • I - -- ? - t;.iiill • I' - (.7 +- It ,_ 1 - .- t A , I I .- • _I - " ' ' I, � -- -- - 19 . - ,". ..... - -8- ,., ♦ L _,,,9 ' J l • 0 0 For greater contrast in the quantity · o r at tacks between M and H ) , use the synchronized first power group for H' ) and the distributive cube for • M• In addition to distributive powers, coefficients of durat ion can be used. . • For instance: - (3+1+2+J.+l+�_:t-;l.j-2+1+3) + (3+1+2+1;+-1+l+.1+2+1+3) 6+2+4+2+2+2+2+4+2+6 .C ) 0 0 21. Lesson CXXXVII, Chromatic Variation of the Diatonic Melodization, It is mor e expedient to obtain a chromatic melody to diatonic chor d progr essions by using two successive operations: . • (1) Diatonic Melodization of Harm9ny (2) Chromatization of Diatonic Melody The first is fully cove�ed by the preceding techniques. The second (chromatization) can b e accomplished by means of passing or auxiliary chromatic tones. The most pr actical way to per form • this r hythmically is by means of split-�nit_groups (see "Theory of Rhythm": Var iations ) . This does not c hange the character of dur ations (wit h respect to their style) but merely incr eases the degree of animation of melody. Figur e XX • Example of the phromatization of Diatonic M.elody, (please see next page) 0 0 22. (Etg. XX) r 1> 1 ?.10N \t ME.lOJ>\ l.A"llON - o. I ·�I-I � - • I!. , � -·'• J-,_ � i 'u I• � � -= � l llf1 II ., . / I,,. II tJ ,_ •• � ' • . ., ... I LI • • • a:'""• ' .. I , • I �C -• ., - u , • I • 11. •• I •• -t:1- • �• � �: - I. • ,.:.:,t ' • ,- • I • ' ,_ ., It , {. � . �:. -- • I• - ,- � ' -. r. , • � ..l � �. .1 ,. • • .�I- �· - ' • • ., )-'9-, L • . • " ' • - _t • , .I �- •I L l7i' -- � -- • , j'. I,' lJ • -? � ; r • 4· - . • • - - . �· a• • 1S - • I � •,.• , I I , • �: • I e· - 0 0 23. u The r: (13) FapJ1lies, (Intr oduc tion to Symmetric Melodization) Each style of symmetric harmonic continuity (Type II, III and the generalized) is governed by the 2 (13) families. Pure styles are controlled by any one � (13) , while hybrid styles are based usually on two, and seldom as many as three, � (13) . The c omplete manifold of � (13) fa milies corresponds to the 36 seven unit pitch scales which c ontain the seven names of non-identi�al pitches. The � (13) are the first expansion (E,) of such scales. We shall classify all forms by associating 1, 3, 5 and 7 as the lower structure [as S(7) ] with 9 , 11 and 13 as the upper structure [as S ( 5) ] , eliminating all enharmonic coincidences, as well as all adjacent thirds which do r:i not satisfy i = 3 and i = 4. These limitatior1s are necessitated by the scope of the Special Theory of Harmony. Figu;re XXI. . Complete Table of � (13) (please see next page) 0 0 24. • (Fig. XXI) r R\111[ -- • • ·E•. -e.=- �8'.!i p+ ', ■I . ._ I . II "� , � ' , • " l --- I --'J' I\I ft -- � � �.,_ ... ... � .. .-v -- J, • PL· .. � V\ ll XX2t2: * - • •'VI - ;i: . �·8X2ll1 -�· -� ---a .. - • .. ·- r � � " ..1 � 2.:5,.. '..:ft - ' !� ' - - \I � :s �l[L ff - � . ...,, �::1 - ,., I Ac :f=.. :t=.. 1 -- g--- ,l°'ll 'ill II - 0 0 .. J O S E P H S C H I L L I N G E R C O R R E S P O N D E N C E C O U R S E With : Dr. Jerome Gross Subject: Music Lesson CXXXVIII, pymmetric. }.\elod,ization of Harmony: . • Symmetric melodization provides the composer with resources particularly suitable for equal temperament ( '1:/2 ) . Whereas in .the diatonic system s ome chord-structures , particular·ly o f a high tension, produce harsh sounding harmonies, in the r symmetric system both the chord-struc tures and the intonations of melody are entirely under control and are subject to choice. The teclmique of symmetric melodizati�n makes it pos sible to surpass the refine­ ments of Debussy and Ravel. And, whereas it took any important c omposer many years to crystallize his original style, thi s technique of melodization offers 36 styles to choose from when one a time. Y (13) is used at The amount of p ossible styles grows enormously with the introduction of blends based on two L (13) . Then the number of styles becomes 36 2 Likewise by blend.ing three Y (13) , limit of mixing, we acquire 36 3 = = 1296. which is a reasonable 46,656 style s . It is cor rect to admit that only about 4- 0 0 2. of the 36 master-structures have been explored to any extent, the rest being virgin territory packed with most expressive resources of melody and harmony . In offering the following technique, I shall use symmetric progressions of type II, III and the generalized form in four and in five part harmony. • The main difference between the four and the five parts is density . For massive accompaniments use five and for lighter ones use four-part harmony . When all substructures [S(5) , 8 (7) , S (9) , ' S ( ll) ] derive from one master-structure [ L (13) ] , they adopt all intona tions of that master-structure. The easiest way to acquire - a quick orientation in any r (13) is to prepare a chromatic table of such a matter-struc ture. Ta.king <£. (13) XIII from Figure XXI, we obtain the following table of trans­ pos itions . Figure_ X,XII... • • • ) 0 0 I u Such a table is very helpful, as all intonations for both melody and harmony can be found for any symmetric progression. Each L (13) being E, of a seven-unit scale corresponds to E0 of the same scale. The rest of the procedure of melodizat ion . • is based on the same principle of tension as in the. diatonic melodization. The functions added to respective tens ions of chords are the most desir,able • ones as axes of the melody. Thus the axis of the melody above 8(5) in four-part harmony is either 7 or u 13. Actually such a choice creates polymodality, as 0 S(5) d0 serves as an accompaniment to �elody which is db or d� respectively. It is pGlymodality that makes such music more expressive. The following is the table of melodic axes for the respective structures in four and five­ part harmony. more than one. In some cases there is a choice o f Some of the forms are admitted because there has been practical use of them already. For example, 8(5) in five-parts with melodic axis on d , (= 9) . It is interesting to note that L (13) XIII is used most of all, and that it is the most ob vious master-structure, as it consis ts of a large G 8(7) and a major 8(5) . ) 0 0 • u Figure XXIII . Table of Melodic .Axes in Relation to the Tension of H. Master-Structure : � (13) XII I. -• . . c�... -- :£ - � I 1l '� ,� , ,I s (s) . � ,. .. 1� 5(s-) ·� . - . , !> (5) ·; • .5 .. • - ,.. ,- -f ,� '... .� -: .I S (7 i u - :i: - . . AM, tL. , :, -Aaj S 7 i ,W./ tL. ·� I � i UL • � . . .£ - - � • f • ' .,.. ' •'1 � - •• . 7 5' h .. • I• • :a:: ri "- h rn1 ' " •,., .. _,, 1 - p ': - ', ,, , .I - . •• - -·., rL s • r, 5 .. , • . 0 0 5. • (Fig. XXIII, cont. ) K , cl. 1 • • ) 0 0 ., 6 ., Lesson CXXXIX, • • Using this "f: (13) we shall melodize a generalized symmetric progres sion in four parts . M in ff = a . Figure XXIV. -- Theme: 2 + 2 + 2 + l; tension: 8 (5) + 28(7) + • + 8 ( 9 ) + 2S ( 13) "2:" (13)-f XIII o_ a I I Il )1 Figure XXV• Theme: Type I I : � (13) : XIII C ::: 2C.s- I3 S \I + C-7 + 2C3 + C-s- Il tensi on: 8(5) + 8 ( 7) + 2S(9) + S (ll) M = a ff (please see next page) 0 0 7. (Fig. XXV) • q /3 II /3 7 I3 13 I1 I3 : I I I • I • s� � ..._ _ ?r 7 � if-, '�...--==:'s_..!....? __ , _ s __;_ ? __ q -------1.. 'f _ __; , L.._. ' _ --------- ?r _ 1 _f._______;..s =- _ !...,__ With more than one attack of M per H', the quality of transit ion in melody, during the chord changes, becomes more and more noticeable . In melodizing each H with. more than one attack of M, it becomes neces sarr �o perform modu�a ­ tions in melogy. Such mod1.1Ja tions are equivalent to polytonal-unimodal and poly:tonal-po_lymodal transi­ tions. The technique for this based on common tones, chromatic alterat ions or identical motifs is provided in the Theory_ of Pitch Scales (The First Group). ExB.!Dples or SY!Pmetr�c Melodization. -r v- 0 0 • 8. �� "' - M - �+ '+ + � j l.I. � ] 'l .. ' 4 $e.R.tE.� OF ''!> - 4 ■ °' � • s \\ � - -. . I I :3 I) /I T. - . • /I r -• � c; II . '... .. .. '■ ., . .... • • IY�:=:::;========t::;=-=========t=;::=========t===========1�==========::t�!I·:Z:"2·=======t:=:1:�-�======:t= rT ,-1 1111111- I •• - 1 i.1 -q 1 I3 V1 I : �.."" :k.loo e. ■... . � •t- .P.■=-�.,., A• , ..,. 1' .:... �h ••... ....s.. �� , ...." + P.. ..- .., , __.- . ► .-... -8:- ��� f-+-1---+--l--+-4----+--+---+--+--1--1---+-l--+--+--+--+----+--+---+--+------H-I I • I l 0 _, - . I • - - " 7 • ..... I�./ 7 .. • !!: '· -·tr -- a-. . II �� • ■ 4- '.I • 0 t --· • • I ,':. I - - --..• I • , - - t I c::;;;, • • . • J • s+: -. � M I ,. , • -i - • 2 i� · � t I , • • �-rt . ·v ��- ..• • - 0 0 • u (Fig . XXVI, c ont. ) _.,,. C:! • • - I • .... --, -, -·� ' P...J " - ;ii!! �= • .... .. 0 ..., ..' • • l kii .I • .. I - • . " -1;-•. ?P I • • - .• !- -f. I •= .. · :a":'V '?J. � I T ,T; . - ;t,. � . � . ' • • . . - '. �- I • I ,I. '• • • I �- � • I r �. • • - ��� ' -E l � • . • . • • If: I• • • • .. - • - ..._ .._ • . With this type of saturated harmonic c ontinuity melody often gains in expressiveness by . being more stationary than it would be desirable in the diatonic melodization . Greater stability of . tension is another desirable characteristic • • • .I . I ·-... . ; ti:: -• • ::i! � u - • • I -- . Gi I • . ��·: • z::� ......... , .... • : � !• • • 0 0 10. While mixing the different master­ structures for one harmonic continuity, it is desirable to alter either• the lower part of the• _(_1_ 3 ), i . e . 1, 3, 5, 7 or the uppe� part of it, L i .e. 9, 11, 13, wit hout altering the lower. Let us produce a mixed style of master- • structures, confining the latter to After su c h a sele ction (13) XVII. L L (13) XIV and • J.S made, the master structures become simply: �, and Y- • Now in devising the style we inusb r esort to the '' coefficients of re cur rence, as the predominance of • 2, one � over another is the chief stylistic character­ istic. scheme : M n Let us assume the following recurrence- 2 L, +Y2. . = a + 4a .·; ¼ serie� of T. = 2S(9) + 8(13) . Figure x;xvrr. (please see next page) i - ) 0 0 • 11 .. (Fig . XXVII) .. -�ll � ' • ,, 6 • • �- I • - - 1 ...- \ \ ') ·"- :tfl: I •v - �; ·e � ., � - ·- � f V • • C f:@ :. I ,... •!!f,. ""· \ fl) . .0 A • I :, f� ' .... a L C ILi -e � \"'> . II ' ,.., ... .I • r ,. I; 1' ; ' � - -·� • • 0 0 12. Lesson CXL. Chro��tic Variation of the Sy�metr�c Melod :Lzation . Any melody evolved by means of symmetric melodization can be co11verted into chromatic type by means of passing and auxiliary chromatic tones. Such chromatic tones do not belong to the master-structure . Rhythmic treatment of dur ations must be performed by • means of split-unit groups. Fig ure XXVIII. Example of ChJ'omati� Vapiation of =· the SY!D�etr�c Melodizatipn. ,, 1...� � . ··- t - ,, ,,,. - ' I r --- , •1 t b ,"7 •,r1 (;I -' • ".I 7 ' - I ' •:JI . � , • .. � .. - .. .. . =- ... -. . �!. u -:5!!l lij- If■ Theme: Fig. XXVII. , • �j ,t � •,. - . .. "" . 1 • .. •,... "" ..., j ·•� ' -•. - ... t ... ' 'I • .. � - . ' � . ·- I -...• . ... • •K7 r LillI,, �'.� - ., .. � . ---� , r,• (;} - :!s.' ' . � • 0 0 13. All rhythmic devices such as composition of attack and duration-groups are applicable to all forms of symmetric melodization. Chromatic Mel odiza�ion of Harmony Chromatic Mel odizat ion of Harmony serves the purpose of melodizing all forms of chromatic . • continuity. This includes: chromatic syst.em, !Do.dulation, enharmonics, altered chords and also • hybrid p.armonic con.tinu,ity, As a consequence, it is applicable to all forms of symmetric progressions, but by th is we have nothing to gain as symmetric melodizat ion is a more general technique . There are two fundamental forms of • chromatic melodization. One of them produces melodies of either chromatic. type, or of extensivefy �hr oma,t ized type . Another produces melodies o f purely diatopic t ype . The first technique consists of as auxiliary anticipatipg cho.rdal tones and usipg them • tones . In a sequence R, + H2 + Ha + • • • the chordal tones of H2 are the auxiliaries and the chordal tones of H ' are chordal tones while this chord sounds . In the next chord (H 2 ) the chordal tones of H 3 are the auxiliaries and the chordal tones of H 2 are chordal to nes wh ile this chord sounds. This 0 0 14. procedure can be extended ad infinitum. As all the disturbing p itch-units are • harmonically justified as soon as the next chord appears, the listener is not aware that nearly all chromatic units of the octave are used against each chromatic group, especially when there is a sufficient number of attacks of .M against H • Auxiliary tones must be written in a proper manner, i.e. by raising the lower (ascending) • auxiliary and by lowering the upper (�escending) auxiliary, even if they have a different appearance in notation of the following chord. L Figure XXIX. • elodization by_ M eans Example of Cpromatic M of .Anticipated Chord�l Topes.• (c•-!. .. • • . • l b. -t.� � •�F• �[ :ti! .• I . •• .�.• .,,. I. I : - - -.c 7 . � I• I I . �- �.P'7 . - . �: -- - - ! I• crJ: :i . • • � ] • • :a. E,1' 1 . I I �· I 0 0 15 . (Fig . XXIX, cont . ) .,. -�- • ' � ..) . .. . :.I '► :J: 1••· '; - • •I 'lfl . u ' llt1 t - , ,,.. I ' I #". � • tit� • t • 1,,- I • I • • II I • I I• �- • -• - .$, i<... .� �� � lj:8=·. • * � :ii! .. f . ---: I • " . • • -I p'· r: • __._ -Q: �- -,..: -(;I • � . . - �� ,' • L t.,: � ' �I: • -fl} I I '� : J: tJ� . g_ I .. ,_ II . • • u 0 0 16. Lesson CXLI, u The second technique is based on the method of construc ting a guan61tative scale . Such a scale can be evolved by a p11rely ,statistical method, Whereas it is not obvious even to the most 0 discriminating ear, it is easy to find by plain addition the quantity in which each chromatic pitch- . • unit appears during the course of harmonic co11tinuity • In order to find a quantitative scale it is necessary to write out a full chromatic scale from ap.;y note (I do it usu.ally from . .£) . ·, The next procedure is to add all the c- pitches in a given harmonic progr ession (doubled - tones to be c ounted as on e and enharmonics to be included). Then all the c� - pitches , d - pitches, etc . , until we sum up the enti re cliromati c scale. This produces a quantitative analysis of a full chromatic scale . Now by eliminating some of the units which have lower marks, we obtain a guantitat�ye (diatonic) scale. If .there is one unit having highest mark, it should become the root-tone of the scale and, possibly, the axis of the future melody. If there are more than one U:Qits having highest mark, it is up to the composer to assign or1e of th;,em as an axis. In the chromati c progression of 0 0 0 17. Fig._ XXIX, the quantitative analysis of the chromatic scale appears as follows. Figure XXX. - ,_ 4 • • • By excluding all values below 4, we obtain the following nine-unit scale 'v,ith the· root-tone on � (maximum value) . • Figure �I._ If such a scale still appears to be too chromatic, further exclusion of · the lov,er marks may reduce it to fewer units. By exc�uding all the marks below 5 (in this case) it will reduce the scale to five units . and give it a purely diatonic appearance. 0 0 18. figJJ!' e WII, • The next procedure is the actual • melodizabion, which is to be performed according to the diatonic tecrmique. • By this method, the tones which quantitatively predonl'inat� during the course of chromatic continuity (an d which, affec·t 0 us as such physiologically, i.e. as excitations) become the �its some of wh,igh sat�sfy every chord and attribute a great stylistic unity to the entire J • • product of melodization. The quantity of attacks of M against H largely depends on the possibilities of melodization. Fig ure XXXIII. 4 C Example of C hromatic Melo�izatio� by means of 24ant� tative piatonic S�ale (please see next page) I 0 0 19. (Fig . XXXIII) - . - � .I 2 � - I • � - - -� - • • • - • • ' �- ':s5: ,.- .- . .... - • . Ji'Q .1 p 1"" -· .-� I • • I , ' ' ,. P- ;,e,- � ..r I • - ,, ·1 II •• • .I . . Cl ,- •• -0 e . -- -, 9.:eI ] � . -.. - --,, � I ,::, � • ., - � • � .. I I•.I • � - • ,I r • * ;# � . .. e I I. ' .I • •• •• • � I:,i _ ., I' • :f%� . a - J,� .- ,.f-8.. . r • CJ ':/F - 0 0 20. u The two techniques of chromatic melodization can be combined in sequence. This results in contrasting groups of diatonic and of The quantity of H covered by c hromatic nature. one method can be specified by means of the coefficients of recurrence. For example: 2H di + H ch. • • Figure XJQCIV. • �- = ' � ' \.J �* ,. ". , I• • • .� • • ·� � , • • • ''- ff I-e .� "") I -tJA HI • • • • 0 0 J O S E P H S C H I L L I N G E R C O R R E S P O N D EN C E With: Dr. Jerome Gross Lesson CXLII. C O U R S E Subject: Music_ HARMONIZATION OF MELODY The usual approach to harmonization of melody is entirely superficial when the very fact of finding a "suitable" harmonization seems to solve the problem in its entirety. Looking baqk at the ' music which has already been written, we find quite a diversity of styles of harmonization. In some cases melody has a predominantly diatonic character w hile chords seem to form a chromatic progression, and others when meiody has a predominantly chromatic ' character while the accompanying harmony is entirely diatonic. Operatic works by Rimsky-Korsakov and Borodin may serve as an illustration of the first typ�, and music by C hopin, Schumann and Liszt, of the second type. This brings up the question of systematic classification of the styles of harmonization By a pure method of combinations we arrive at the following forms of harmonization : (1) Diatonic harmonization of a diatonic melody. (2) Chromatic harmonization of a diatonic melody. (3) Symmetric harmonization of a diato nic melody • • • 0 0 2. (4) Symmetric harmonizati on of a symmetric melody. (5) Chromatic harmonization of a symmetric melody. (6) Diatonic harmonizati on of a symmetric melody . (7) Chromatic harm onization of a chromatic melody. • . • (8) Diatonic harmonization of a chromatic melody • (9) Symmetric harmonization of a chromatic melody. In addi tion to this, various hybrids may be formed intentionally, · and they do exist in the music written on an intuitive basi s . The necessity of handling the hybrid forms of harmonic continuity, which is inevitable not only in p opular dance music , but frequently in music of composers who are considered "great" and "classical", for the purpose of arranging o r transcribing such music, requ ires a thor o�gh know­ ledge of all pure, as well as hybrid, forms of harm onizati on. 1. Diatonic harmonization of a diatonic melody: There are two fundamental procedures required for t� above method of harmonization: (a) The distribution of the quantity of attacks in melody and harmony, i . e . the quantity of attacks of melody harmonized by one' chord, or the qu�nt ity of chords harmonizing one attack in melody. (b) Selec�i on of the range of tension • . CJ • 0 0 3. attacks. Let us take a melody consisting of 12 Such a melody may be harmonized by 12 different chords, each attack in the melody acquiring its individual chord. It may offer as well two attacks of a melody harmonized with one chord� In this case 6 different chords will constitute the harmonic progression. Further, eacl1 3 attacks of a melody may acquire a chord, thus requiring 4 chords thr oogh the entire melody. • Proceeding in a similar fashion one may ultimately arrive at one chord harmonizing the entire melody. '' This is pos sible because no pitch-unit in a diatonic scale may exceed the function of 13th, and will merely require an 11th chord for harmonization, u in order to support the 13th as an extreme function in a melody where all the remaining units of the scale may be present as melody. well. Let us take, for example, the following Figµre I._ • • 0 0 4. In order to harmonize this melody with 12 different c hords it is necessary to assign each pitc h-unit of the melody to a cl1ord. Such an assignment is based o n a selection of the range of tension. Let us suppose that we limit our range o f tension from the 5th to the 13th. Having a consider able choice in the assignment of pitch-units as chordal functions we will give preference to t hose • forming a positive cycle. Examples of assignment of the above melody: M H T R ange of tension : 5 -- 13 1 Figure II. A. ? 7 q 7 7 • • • • • • . . • • u • ••• I 0 0 -------.._.--- 5. B. 1 , , 1 s S' 5 . • • u In assigning 2 attacks in the melody against 1 chord, it is necessary to conceive the 2 ad jacent pitches in a scheme · of chordal functions (thi�ds in this case) . Thus, the f irst 2 units, a + b, have to be translated into : , which may assume the following assignments: 13 a 9 11 b 3 5 7 C 9 lI 13 3 5 Likewise, C + d transforms itself into: • d 7 The next two units produce: 5 3 7 9 5 - 7 11 9 13 11 0 0 • The next two units produce : d 5 7 9 11 b 3 5 7 9 9 11 3 5 7 g 9 11 13 a 3 5. 7 The next two units produce : The next two units produce: 6. 13 11 13 This group of ass.ignments offers quite a variety of harmonizati ons, even 1vvith the preservation of the pos itive system of progressions. Figur e III.. Range of tension: 3 -- 13 .� -. e 1 2' - .' ', ,1 ,.�-,_• ... I• u •• 3 r� 5'- 1 - F' ' I� r• .---,, * J) '- -i! .r- 3- S 'i - 7 g Gt r,I s . I, r:;;, -6 T • . .. . .... ,, -s 1.3 rI - - -, '!_.,-. ► - 9 r J 0 0 • 7. Lesson CXLIII. Assigning every 3 pitch-units of the melody to one chord, and distributing them thr ough the scheme of chordal functions, we acquire the follov,ing table .. • M H - • • Range of tension : 1 - 13 3 Figure IV. • A• -·� n -, ' '• () -A - � • ,, •• -• II f � - s ,_ •• 1 1 5" 7 -I ..- • .I .,_ ,, 1 ..• I - ":!: •' ' ' I 'I • ' •. I " - I 11 13 -•.- ' - • _. ,_ fi I fS • • • • • I'\' .... • I • � � 1 B. . 1 � - 1 - ·1 e • • • .I - ri . • • - - � r.I . . - rI � -e ' • • -- - V . � • r• - - � 1' � = --r:r � Q , .I / 0 0 8. c. M - 4 ii - Range of tensi on: 1 -- 13 • • ' II 1 I'- • · � 11 •. r• • - • - , • I ' , � ..� • • a: ,r� -� - - -1 r. • J II " •'J i ' -, ' q 0 - �-s C ' • X I, I�. - • r ., I . • ·, C7 ?J'" � - � -. . � • .. ,;. .-. . . � ,I ' 1 �- I':.,_ . ,... . � ,. • - . = • • · . •. � - . " •- .• .- · - • 5" - f '; "7 - - . . 1 '' -1- 'f - ·� . ,_ • -• - • • • - I..J • -. � -• .. .- . • . - ....,- ,-, Range of tension: 1 -- 13 � II 1 11 • • "'; " • c..'.i r• . M = 6 H t) - . ,. C7 ........ J r• -- •• . • . • 0 0 - ••- 1T ••...._ � ,, - � * • .. A , +• -:: ' -- - \ +1 , - '• • ff ...• 11�. I, ' I . -■ r • • , " ,- - �T : Ir -- ., I " -,'- , • ' ' •- -fJ- I ,, '- • I ., - ..... ,I ' • � - - , • ' I � • '° A ,. I • \ • IIr- I- , .. ...... r ,r I ,_, • r ,, • � ' I - - 1 - - - • • """ .- �i,a. V .. I - ..� � • 9 • ' * , . 3 � - l �J , � ,1 _J - -... r I • - ] "" I - • - -,, .... - • ..- - • � - . ,,. - I' - i;. ' - • ,. -;-- • I c:: .. ' - -.:_- I - I i;; -., , -- - - . - , . - •:,c;; • ., - , j - ' -,- -- J I ] - I � ] � ""' -- ,t- I - .. • ♦ - t • '.I -a I - • • ..y- l •• - - c::: • • .. , ' - -- - -•-- - � 16. I � - • j I • I11.• ,, • I I c.. • A II � . . � • •I - I Figure x._ ,1 #,( ..,J Q '( nM - ' - r I • . -- r a ; -� , h1., , -J • V L -., , - ,, ' ' ' 0 0 - -7 -; .r Ii I - , ' :f'- ,., . �J .I I -3 • . , I\! � .. •I ... .,. Ii ,,, • • - • - � ' • ' - • . (> r ., !� ...J - '!1. -I � � G " • I � • -I.. - � ¾ :� � -6 - .,, • ., ' ; ' ..., I• . • , ' I• ,. -• • . -! J ,, I ,� 3 • , • ' , • ,J , r - - ' .. J - _, Q - l• I , I - p� - ,.. • � � -- � I .• --- ." -I I' • - ' . . I � � -- • • , .,' - . -• • ';,r.. , - I, "" ' - . ,..._ - £J , .:::Jr - ' � -- - rI -- -... -• ,. - • p - Ir - . � � 9' -7 - -- � I '-" .. - - .a: -- • ] • I -' - , • c;; • - .....- . � - . Iol, � . ,r_ -' , 'p� � • - . � - -• � '� l - .. • % - -f �I• • ' . . • -1 ] A ...,. ,. e • � I • , • LSIl ...,, - I' , ') I I .� . C !I - f 1 • 17. , � ,' " � � I, ,., - r , '-- �; I eJ. � =o 0 0 18. 4. Symmetric harm on�zatiop of � symmetri� melody: There is a very small probab·ility that melodies composed from symmetric scales outside of this method have been in existence , as the conception of symmetric scal es it self is unknovm to the musical world. . • The problem of harmonization of melodies composed from symmetric scales requir es , therefore , • As it ha s been the existence of such melodie s .. of symmetric explained in the third and fourth grou P. 'pitch scales, melodie s can be composed through permutation of pitch-units in the s ectional scales u (each starting with a new tonic) . After the complete melodic form is achieved the fir1al step corisists of superimposition of the rhythm of durations on such a continuity of melodic forms .. Let us take a scale based on 12 tonics where each sectional scale has a structure 3 + 4 and limit the entire scale t o the • first 3 tonics. As scales of the 12 tonic system have a wide range expanse it is desirable, in many cases , to re duce the range by means of octave­ contraction. Figµre XI.. • L, • • • • • • • • ► • , • • • • • • • • - 0 0 The next step is to select a melodic form based on circular permutations of pitcr1-units in the above scale and the rhythmic form based on synchro nization of 2 + 1 and (2 + 1) 2 • I u Figure XI.I • 201#: fJ.J • t e. • • By superimposing the rh ythm of durations on melodic form we obtain an interference as the number of attacks i n th e melodic form is 9, and t he number of attacks in the rhythmic form is 6. Thus, melodic form will ap_pear twice and rhythmic form three times. Figure XIII . Composit i on of Melodic Continuity Melodic form consists of 9 attacks -69 -_ -23 Rh ythmic form consists of 6 attacks Melodic Continuity • (please see next page) 0 0 • 20 . (Fig . XIII) .. • s • • • ..:..:.....,.--,-----i,,,---'-·--,ta;.....;... · • -----· 1� • r IL----::�--- a T n ..,,. C 18 s $■•"""•••-------=--------- • • • In the above melody the sequence of chords will be assigned to each tonic . ' \......I Thus, the first sectional scale emphasizes 13t, the second -5t, the third -- 13t, the second recurrence o f the first -- 5t, the second recurrence of the S • second -- 13t, the second recurrence of the third -St, and an axis ( = 18t) is added for completion. 0 0 ' 21 .. Lesson CXLV, • Here are tv,o methods of symmetric harmonization of melodies constructed on symmetric pitch scales. The fir st provides an extraordinary variety of devices while the second is limited to a ; considerably smaller number of harmonizations . A. The first method assigns the importa.tlt tones (all pitch-units in this case) of a sectional scale to be the three upper functions of a L (13} adding the remaining functions dovmward- through any The first sectional scale in desirable selection� the als)ve melody has three pitch-units (c, e P, g) which we shall originally conceive as 13 - 11 - 9, downwards. The continuation of this chord downwards will require pitch-units of the following nam es: a, f, d, b. In the following L°(13) a certain structure is offered as a special case of many other possible L. Figur e XIV. � 13 .. I ... 10 0 0 " p 0 0 0 • 22 . The upper three functions of the chord (red ink) may produce their own chord in harmony. Thus, the functions 9 - 11 - 13 of the L may actually become 1 - 3 - 5 . All pitch-units of melody and harmony are iden tical in this case. (See Figur e XV - A) . By assigning the same three pitch-units as 3 - 5 - 7 we have to add one function down. (See Figure XV - B) • A.11 further assignments of thl3 three • • pitch-units, namely 5 - 7 - 9, 7 - 9 � 11, 9 - 11 - 13, 11 - 13 - 1, 13 - 1 - 3 are the c , �, e, f, g, respectively, on Figure XV. This Figure offers a complete transposition of all the assignments through the three tonics employed in • the melody • Figure XV. (please see next page) • I 0 0 Figure x:y_. 15"" -I , ,,. t 1 � ,., •, .I � , • .. . ,-• ,.. u C - l\R.ou? ( ,, • ' ' � ' ' l I, a.J .- - ... I .. .... 0 -� • � llt'eJ,½·I • V I• - I ,., s ' .. - .� 1. I',1 'I ' -'8- •- I -!I • t ,,..., ,,., •• -"" - -- •• ' �-Q V � -,,, (.,I "' •• ,., q � . •• . -- "" *� -- � . II . .. --- · ?, ,• . .. ·0,I"'I . ' { � "' ,1 ' b - ·- 1.. ,., '. �,, •.1 6J - l ,... �o .. { '1.>- •• ,,,, I • I - "" ,, • -8- :i-=- '7 ,"li I� ' I >� ,. ,., ,,, ' .- I 1- 1� �1 rr,,• u . .... B - �Rovf> � {! , , •• ,V � v_ ,,., , ,·� � ,.. d., .. - - • • ,I , . r,1 . r-½ 0 3 , I� IN' �" I- .. .. :,,,., ., • l �'"" vv b. ,., 'IJ J.1 h• ,., ), r• r,.I • .J Jf,/ . ,,,.,,, ,, tL II . 7" i,, ,, ,,,I,, ,, ,, ,,I '.I " , • • ,,. ' r:, Ir:, r:, (7 ,,, . ., .. .. ,., � -' '. ,.. r p-j- 0 0 24. As Figure XV exhausts all the possi­ bilities under the given group of chords it is possible to exhaus t all the forms of harmonization for the given melody through various forms of constant and variable assignment of functions � As the melody consists of 3 groups, the sequence of . • chords with regard to these 3 groups can be read directly from Figure XV, and the letters on Figure XVI represent the respective bars of Figure XV in such a fashion that the f�rst letter refers to the first group of the melody, the sec ond t o the second, and the third to the third. 0 Figure· XVI. • • aaa bbb CCC ddd ggg fff eee a ab aba baa cca cac ace eea eae aee gg11 gag agg aad ada daa ccd cElc dee eec ece cee ggc geg egg aac aca caa ccb cbc bee aae aea eaa cce cec ecc aag aga gaa eeg cge gee aaf afa faa eef cfc fee eeb ebe · bee eed ede o.ee eef efe fee eeg ege gee • G • ggb gbg bgg ggd gdg dgg gge geg egg ggf gfg fgg 0 0 25 • • G- bba bab abb bbc bcb ebb bbd bdb dbb bbe beb ebb bbf bfb fbb bbg bgb gbb ffd fdf dff ddf dfd fdd ddg dgd gdd abe bcf cdg cef acd bdf cfg acf bef' ace acg ade adf adg aef bde bdg def deg cdf beg abg u dde ded edd ddc dcd cdd cde abf � ffb fbf bff bcb bee ffa faf aff ddb dbd bdd abc abd • dda dad add ffc fcf cff ' ffe fef eff ffg fgf gff efg • dfg ceg beg bfg • / aeg afg • The total number of possible harmoniza­ tions to be derived from Figure XVI is as follows : 7 cases on constant te.nsion: aaa, bbb, etc . • 18 x 7 = 0 0 26. = 126 cases on a tension that is constant for 2 of the three groups. 35 x 6 = 210 cases with variable tension for all 3 groups. Thus, the total number of harmonizations for the meloey o ffered is 7 + 126 + 210 = 343. B. The second method is based on a random selectior1 of a ""i:""(13) based entirely on the preference with regard to sonority. • As any � (13) has definite substructures and often 'in limited quantities, the possibilities of harmonization are less varied than through the first method. If one selects L (13) w ith b� and f4{ on a c scale (see Figure XVII) the possibilities of accommodating a sectional scale 3 + 4 (minor triad) becomes limited • to only tv10 assignme11ts, namely, 5 - 7 - 9 and 13 - 1 - 3. Figur� XVII. l:" (13) • •• • • • • • • Retransposing these functions to the melody assigned for harmonization we obtain the following results. 0 0 I 27. Figure XVI�_I. C - �R.o.Jf> • • • • • (J../ As it follows from this figure, each sectional scale of the melody permits only two versions of chords. Thus, by a constant or variable assignment of the t,,o possible versions, a complete table of possible harmonizations is obtained ., • Figure •XIX • aaa bbb aab bl:>a aba baa • ' bab abb Thus, the total number of possible harmonizations amounts t o a. 0 0 - - - - - -- - -- - -- -- - . - - � . - - 28. In tbe cases where sectional scales are too complete, the assignment of only certain For tones as chordal functions is necessary. example, in the following scale based on 3 tonics and 5-unit sectional scales, it is sufficient to assign the wh ite notes as chordal functions, then in the m�lody derived from such a scale, black notes become the auxiliary • Figur� XX. • . • aid passing tones . , • • • , • ,. • • 4• ' • .a. (�) • • In some symmetrical scales the structm·� of individual sectional scales is such that the sonority of certain pitch-units does not conform to the structures of special harmony (i.e. harmony of thirds). Some of the units of such sectional scales may be disturbing, and though they may fit as passing tones in some other chord structures than the ones emphasized by special harmony, the y • • decidedly do not fit as passing ton es · in many r:,_ (i.�. In such a case each pitch-unit in such sectional scale of a compound symmetric scale must be assigned • • 0 0 • J.. either as a chordal function or an auxiliar y tone with a definite direction. These pair s, i.e. the chor dal tone and its auxiliary tcne, ar e dir ectional units r In composing melodic for ms from the scales containing dir ectional units it is necessary to permute·.. · the dir ecticnal units and not the individual pitch-unit s . After all the units ar e assigned the above described procedur e of harmoniza­ • tion (the second method ) may b e applied. Figure XXJ . • • • • -. .. . ,.. • The arr ows on the above figur e lead fr om an auxiliary tone to a chordal function. • 0 0 0 • J O S E P H S C H I L L I N G E R C O R R E S P O N D E N C E C O U R S E Subject: Music With:,.Dr, Jerome Gross Lesson CXLVI. 5 . Chromatic harmonization of a . • Chromatic harmonization of a symmetric • melody is based on the same principle a·s chromatic harmonization of a diatonic melody (see Form 2, page 1 of Lesson CXLII) . The proc�dure consists of inserting passing and auxiliary cllromatic tones into symmetric harmonic continuity . As a result of such insertion of passing or auxiliary chromatic tones altered chor ds may be formed as independent forms . This type of harmonization may sound as either chromatic continuity or symmetric continuity with passing chromatic tone s to the listeners. • (please see next page) ,, • 0 0 Fi�e XXII . C. FovR.� ?RRf H'(BR,p J:€.EP LN A D�E.AN\ r 3 --, _.W1T'H CiHROr'\1\11t.. r\l\ft..,-..o.,), ;i P:(io,.( -'-'-- - '----- J -, , ' ...., - L, .,. • ' , ' � - � � '- .. . '- ...•• . .. '- ' - .J '• o , " I• -i - • .. , I, - , ,, ... 7, . ' C. {JO .II - ..• J 'I ' '- ' ,, - ◄ • � • •J ' - ' -I/- c;;; :;.. - n5 • ' rJ .. ::gi - L �=- r /V '-'._ - q�� � ' � ' ,,, , � . - I "· , • ' 'I l ' � �; o �� ' l �-, ' -,,�- ' ,,. ..., w' '' - ' 1 ,r, • I � . - J ... I ._!., •lo • I ,. I' . :j: '- t,~o - - II • ' .. -, � ' $ I -, - ' r; ' .�I� � . � - � #'v . v X-fr flJ , )(0' • • • , r- � ·-� •,- ' .. �t I :, �-, · ... """ ., ' J , -v _, I CJJ \.o, $ -_,, I -- . • .... u. I , -� -� .. ,' . �� •• r . wpi"�� - , ' • • - '� �� .. ' ' -J . I I .,_ .,_, C'�• U:--"' P.ia 111.. ... ._- , . I • • r ... .. , ' • �b ' I - ' - I .4 • ... { I - I � I •I ;� ..... • . I:,c:- , "" ' - • ' Y- � I..._I l ... J . .. ..._, -, • I - r ,A)I � � ' 9 - ,PIii - ' •--, ' • '""- - . ' C. 'J j• --a- b'-1 - I � ·1 6,. J ' \. ' - • • •' • • "., - II- ..'J ... A I - I ...... I ..• -,- ' I .. • � � • - A • ,, -' . - -- I•''.J , • � v .. - � . ' r ,. - II • • I • .. .. • I , • . ] - ' 2. II • - C 0 0 -. � - ., • I "'\ ,- ( t ,-1- �·-' ... ... .. ; i* • •,. ,_, I I'� - ,� 'i � , - l� ., . ''-' • " - ! . • ' - ,-:g1 - ',. ' I .,. ·� ' ' •• • J T ,. i.. r-• (7 - ' � • � , : a. DV I ' , , . • . •. ' I r . :..i/Y � ,.,� � ,. ' '\! 7 I • 1. 11 - . - .... "I - ,. 'll' '- I -.. - ,_ � ' ,, .. ' � - ,. - .... . , r I ., • - -;,c � ' , � • • j ..- •• • ... • r- ,...-- ' ' 11 - -- I • - -, ' I . � - .. .. I - I '...," , . • � ED • I..- • • � I •r- .-- l ... - w I..L.- I, "'- r fr , - - • -- -- •JI r , . I•• • v • .. - • ,, ..fO,T ,:,3 I � 3• • � I • - \)( � • • I -- . � •- r. L • ..• 'I , . ... -, .,.··.. ± " ... I .- I - -- -- � - . , .� ... • Loo c; I- , " a ,. - .•• • I . ..., ·*' ' �� (;J ., C: .._qo_ •• - - - � '- - -s: ,, ,. � •• r &) 'lf= � - ,' ,. -- I" - 0 0 If you find that certain passing or auxiliary tones in the above example sound unsatis­ The greater the factory, you may eliminate them. allowance given for altered chords, the greater the number of possibilities for the chromatic character of symmebt'ic harmonic co11tinultty. 6. Diatonic harmonization of a . • Melodies constructed from sy mmetric • scales cannot be harmonized by a pure diatonic continuity . The style that has diatonic characteristics is in reality a hybrid of diatopic progression� stmmetr,ically conn�cted. 0 This type of harmonization is possible when melody evolved within the scope of an individual sectional scale can b€ harmonized by several chords belonging to one key. The relationship of symmetric sectional scales defines the form of symmetric connecti ons between the diatonic portions of harmonic continuity. The diatonic portions of harmonization are conformed to one key. Symmetrical tonics do not necessarily represent the root chords of a key . For example , a note c in a melody scale may be 1, 3, 5 , etc. of any ch ord. In most cases of the music of the past such harmonizations usual ly pertained u to identical motifs in symmetric arrangement, as in 0 0 the first announcement of a theme by the celli in Wagner 's Overture to "Tannheuser", where identical motifs are arranged· through '!/2, and the diatonic portions appear as follows: the first in B minor making a progression IV - I - V - III. The following sections are exact transpositions through the , '!/2, i.e. they appear in D minor and F minor, respectively. • Figur e XXIII . • • .. ■ .. � (j - -� j-, • • • � - �- ·I , .. "' :::[ �- �- � I• . ' rt f - ' 1-.. .,,I. � l ! ' • tI�• &. . In the following example of harmonization the melody is based on a symmetric scale with three pitch-units (2 + 1) connected through 3 ,/2. Figure •XXIV . • • I 0 0 • 6. Each bar comprises one sectional scale As there are many utilizing the melodic form abcb. ways of harmonizing such a motif, here is one of them producing C0 + c, + C t for each group, and all the following groups are identical rep roduc tions- of the original group connected through • Figure XXV. . • • , s;:: I., ., II C: 3 ./2• • . I . ... . I t: • • •119 •• 11' I ;"' � "I• • II - ...... •. #'� . - i '. t� f: il■o w 1 • .. f- XJ • • 2 • - ,. Music by Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin and Moussorgsky is abundant with such forms .of harmoni­ zation. In order to transform the above harmonization into a chroma tic on.e , all that is necessary is to insert passing an d auxiliary chromatic tones. Diatonic harmoniza t ion of symmetric melodies not composed on the sequence of identical motifs where different portions pertaining to • • • I 0 0 7. u individual sectional scales- are c onnected symmetrically is possible as well. The latter form is not as obvious and may seem somewhat incoherent to the ordinary listener. . • • '• G • _/ 0 0 8. Lesson CXLVII. 7. Chromatic harmonization of • a chromatic melo?y: A melody which can be harmonized chromatically must be a chromatic melody consisting of long durations .. be assigned to a chromatic operation in a chromatic . • group of harmony . • • Each group of three units must The usual sequence d - ch - d refers to every three not es, if the middle note is a chromatic alteration. ' Thus , in the 'following melody the chromatic groups of harmony will be � \.._J as signed as follows: Group 1 : C - cf- d • Group 2: d - d*- e Group 3 : a - a'- g Group 4 : g - g-f- a Group 5: a - a*- b F,igur e xxyr . �w ·t • ,I p� I • r • • Ir • I -_,*-- -- 0 0 The process of harmonization �f a chromati c melody chromati cally, consists of two pr o cedures after the pit ch-units have been assigned to some number combinations. As our technique of chr omati c harmony deals with 4-part harmony, the melody must become one of the four parts. Let us assign the chromatic groups to the above melody as . • follows: • Group 1 : 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1 - Group 2 : Group 3 : 5 - 5 - 3 Group 5: l - 1 - 1 Group 4: 3 • - l - l In group 3, a� is a lower ed fifth • .f" In group 5, a is a r aised r oot tone. The following example r epresents the abov e melody in a 4-part setting . ;I• •' • ....... • "' , - - la . "' , --·. -- :#· � • • e I , ' Figur e XXVII. • "'. :..,� ., c;; 4- ' • , ., ' Ir ...,. $l:;� I I - -- I� -- I 0 , � 0 1 , � • - ..., "" ' --s 0 0 10. ·v The final procedure of chromatic harmonization of a chro1na.tic melody consists of isolating the melody, placing it above harmony and melodizing the remaining 3-part harmony with an additional voice .. This additional voice is devised according to the fundamental forms of melodization, i.e. it may double any of the . • functions present i n tl1e chord, or add the function next in rank. • In the following example .'the notes in parenthesis represent such added voice. The functions of this voice are: g • b a - ll . J f· i.t, - ;• • .... � I I ;.: I � C d i::;. V - 9 13 5 b - 9 e - 5 b - 7 g - 7 7 a - 7 I • ' I • r -61--! � ,c I ,.., ' • I � -ti • -E6 , - e - 1.3 C - tF,, .., i::;. � • T• � ,_ - I • - ' .I ::;, I -• I i � ( • � . ' - • � I • , .- 'f ~lr;. : �� • l � • • , l''J ,_, -- � , 0 0 11. 8 . Diatonic harmonization of a chro�atic �elody: A chromati c melody may be diatoni cally harmonized when it has a considerable degree of animation ( short durations). In such case some of the to nes are chordal functions and some be come . • • aux iliary or passing chromatic tones. The principle of assigning the fun ctions which are supposed to be diatonic, must take place in this case. The following example is th� melody which was used as an illustration in the preceding paragraph and only used in its most animated form. lJ Figyre XXIX. By assigning C - 5 \ we a c quire F chord. d - 13 a - 5 In the next bar , by assigning we obtain D e - 9 g - 1 chord. By assigning we obt_ain G chord, and by a - 9 • assigning b 1 - 5 we obtain B and E chords . Thus, the entire melody can be placed into a certain · I 0 0 12. 0 desirable key (C major in this case). The units � � . a and c in the second bar are auxiliary tones to • the third and fif'th respectively of the G chord. The entire harmonization has a Phrygian character. Figure XXX. • • - I 1ft: • u � • I � '- - . � ,. � +- ,� • -s -� - - � • • .,.. I � � "' -g I same melody . - - I ""' Another example of harmonization of the By assigning the following functions we obtain another harmonization : C - e - 13 5 d - 13 • g - 5 Figur e XXXI. D . � p,;$' . fi . r . - -� .., � . - f rI $ - � • b - 3 a - 13 a - 9 • •I M . I - - • � ,:_• , -9 * -6 . 0 0 13 .. 9. Symme�tic harmonization of a (J a cpromatic �elody: Symmetric harm onization of a chr omatic melody is used for tne melodie� of long durations • In most cases each pitch-unit of a melody has to be harmonized by a different chord. -. The advantage o f the symmetric method of harmonization is tha. t if a melody is partly diatonic there is an opportunity of using one c�ord against more than one pitch-unit of a melody. Any symmetric harmonizati on� as in the ·cases above, must be based on a preselected u L ��. Let us assign the following � (13) and use it for the harmonization of melody utilized in the previ ous exampl.es .. The important considerations in the following procedure are variation of tension . and utilization of enharm onics as partic ipants o f r (13) (a ', SUjp.ements an equivalent of g -:f 13th of a B chord) • (please see next page) 0 for the 0 0 .. 14 . Figure XXXII. • • , 1 , - � - • � • � 1 - 1 • . 5" q >• • I • • . i ' • .: =a �� J; r ..t • p'7 #.: ' ,a, I• r a q ·5 . . , -- ,-, • I • ' ....._ � - .I • I . • . . ·1 ' • Wtt 4: ,, . 11 • I � q I� ' .: i� .. ¥Z e • . t,- , .I �� - ' • Ii� • ,, -p • • • � I �� � - • I riI*r• I � � j� - .,,. - - - ::; � . �-0 .. � .