Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Cue List Note: Names given to cues were created by myself and are not official 00:26-02:17 - Title Theme • “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” theme introduced in solo erhu • Tutti, with big drums at hit point on main title • MX-out solo, decrescendo at beginning of Li Mu Bai + Shu Lien’s conversation 02:38-05:04 - Failed Meditation • Solo over harp ostinato and string pad • Subtle dizi solo 05:05-06:33 - Scene Glue 01 • Connects multiple cuts under one small story arch: traveling to Bejing • Orchestra used to create large size, particularly upon revealing Bejing • MX-out during beginning of Shu Lien + Sir Te’s conversation 11:20-11:49 - Scene Glue 02 • Smooths cuts to transition to next scene 11:54-12:32 - Sword Sound Design • Sound effect for drawing the sword • Singing bowls mixed with electronic sounds and effects • Blends into the music 15:05-21:10 - Sword Thief Battle • Starts out as ‘scene glue’ • Evolves into sneaky thief music • Builds tension, then hard cut to solo hand drums • Jen vs. Shu Lien no. 01 • Abrupt ending with large reverb tail 22:47-23:08 - Source Music 01 • Various music at the market 23:40-23:55 - Sharpening Blades • Foreboding music: tension created by string section • Use of Chinese gongs 27:43-29:11 - Scene Glue 03 • Connects multiple cuts under one story arch, then transitions to new scene 33:27-39:04 - Jade Fox vs. Inspector Tsai • Tension builds from Jade Fox revealing herself, then into battle music • Orchestra used to indicate gravity of the danger from Jade Fox • Percussion still key element in supporting choreography • Moments of calm to make room for dialogue 42:22-43:10 - Scene Glue 04 • Smooths transition of one long scene through a short scene into another longer scene 43:31-47:05 - Thief Returns Sword • Jen vs. Li Mu Bai No. 1: music suitable for lots of dialogue in the scene • Supports the teacher-student element in the scene as Li Mu Bai attempts to convince Jen to become his disciple • Harp ostinato, dizi solo, very mild string accompaniment 48:54-52:17 - Li Mu Bai + Shu Lien’s Love Theme • Transitions into Li Mu Bai practicing his sword fighting • Solo erhu and cello: call and response 53:02-56:21 - Desert Raid • Strings: Introduction of Lo’s Song in the form of one of it’s variations • Orchestra used to create large size • Rawap timbre used as “desert sound” 57:36-59:46 - Jen vs. Lo • Solo rawap with hand drum accompaniment • Playful in nature 1:01:18-1:01:36 - Source: Lo’s Song No. 01 • Lo sings his song briefly to himself before getting knocked out by Jen • Song uses harmonies that sound unique to the desert 1:02:08-1:02:48 - Jen Escapes • Introduction of Jen and Lo’s love theme • Jen passes out of dehydration after traveling far from Lo’s cave 1:05:04-1:05:53 - Source: Lo’s Song No. 02 • Jen bathes • Acapella voice • Voice gets further as he walks away from cave 1:07:53-1:09:31 - Jen + Lo’s Love Theme • Jen and Lo make love • Reintroduction of love theme 1:09:48-1:12:42 - Mountain Legend • Jen + Lo’s love theme variation: more hopeful rather than before • Returns from flashback 1:13:22-1:16:42 - Source: Parade/Score: Lo’s Desperation • Source: Wedding parade music • Score: Lo attempts to send Jen a message to be with him • Battle drums mixed with Jen + Lo’s love theme 1:18:08-1:18:43 - Scene Glue 05 • Standard scene glue • Uses chord progression/harmonies of Li Mu Bai + Shu Lien’s love theme 1:20:17-1:22:09 - Source: Restaurant • Live restaurant music • Stops when a fight becomes immenent 1:23:25-1:25:09 - Bar Fight • Jen defeats a horde of men seeking a lesson • Hand drums to support choreography • Solos referencing previously introduced themes 1:25:56-1:27:52 - Source: Market/Score: Scene Glue 06 • Source: various market performers’ music • Score: scene glue with dialogue leading to Jen appearing at Shu Lien’s home 1:30:24-1:34:49 - Jen vs. Shu Lien • Again, solo hand drums no accompaniment • Sword sound design tuned to music 1:35:04-1:39:22 - Tree Top Confrontation • Jen vs. Li Mu Bai No. 2: music a variation of the music from their first fight in “Thief Returns Sword” • Master vs. Lost student 1:43:50-1:47:43 - Poison & Antidote • Tension builds to final confrontation • Variation on other battle with “Jade Fox vs. Inspector Tsai” • Gradual fade in + fade out 1:49:07-credits - Dying Breath • Very emotional scene using Li Mu Bai + Shu Lien’s love theme • Very emotive solo cello and erhu, with harp accompaniment